21 Tips On How To Deal With Vomiting During Pregnancy Effectively

Morning sickness in the first 3-4 months of pregnancy makes many women feel uncomfortable. They always feel tired and cannot eat well. Most women experience nausea and vomiting during this period. This causes their bodies to lack nutrients. While pregnant women acknowledge that getting adequate nutrients is essential to maintaining their health and their fetus’, they cannot eat because of constant vomiting. If you are one of them, our article will help you. Below, we introduce you tips on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy effectively. But first, you had better understand some basic information about this problem so that you can treat it the right way.

What Is Vomiting During Pregnancy?

Morning sickness, in essence, can be simply a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, or a feeling of flatulence several times a day. In this case, you need to rest. No one can feel the feeling of being sick unless they experience it themselves. Even, the experience of each person is very different. The feeling of morning sickness may recur. One of the common manifestations of morning sickness is nausea.

According to statistics, 70% of women experience nausea in the early months of pregnancy and about 50% of them have nausea. After the first three months of pregnancy, about 50% of pregnant women with morning sickness will feel better. However, many people will continue to get worse throughout the pregnancy.

Vomiting during pregnancy will make women feel uncomfortable and tired. Even in severe cases, excessive vomiting can cause dehydration. However, the good news is that vomiting during pregnancy indicates that the fetus is developing very well. Some studies also show that morning sickness, especially nausea, is a way for the body to remove the toxic substances from the body, so that the fetus has the best development environment.

Although nausea and vomiting are signs that the fetus is developing well, do not worry if you do not have these signs. You may be lucky to have a healthy pregnancy without getting morning sickness and vomitting.

What Are Common Causes Of Vomiting During Pregnancy?

Here are common causes of this condition:

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  • hCG Levels Increase Rapidly

When you are pregnant, your doctor may monitor the level of hCG, which is a very fast growth hormone in the early stages of pregnancy. It is produced by the placenta. The levels of hCG are associated with vomiting during pregnancy. If you are pregnant twin, hCG levels will be higher and vomiting is more common.

  • Increased Sense Of Smell

During pregnancy, the nose of women becomes more sensitive. This is not always good. The scent that did not make you uncomfortable in the past becomes very terrible and makes you nausea and vomiting.

  • The Sensitivity Of The Stomach

This may not happen with every woman, but usually, pregnancy makes the digestive system sensitive. Several studies have shown that the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a gastrointestinal bacterium in pregnancy, can increase the risk of vomiting.

  • Other Causes

In addition to the above mentioned causes, some other causes of this condition are high levels of hormones(especially estrogen), hypotension, metabolic changes of carbohydrates, physical and chemical stress, genetic factors, the use of contraceptives contains estrogen, obesity with body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, and the first pregnancy.

What Are Common Symptoms Of Vomiting During Pregnancy?

Here are common symptoms that you may experience:

  • Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning
  • Become sensitive to smells like the smell of some foods, the smell of cigarettes and the smell of cosmetics
  • Anorexia
  • Mental decline, you often feel anxious and stressed

If vomiting is not treated, you may experience complications such as electrolyte imbalance, anxiety, and excessive tension. These affect the liver, heart, kidneys and brain.

Vomiting is uncomfortable and it affects pregnant women at many levels. This condition affects the mind, making you unable to work, communicate and take care of your children.

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, please consult your doctor.

What Are Risk Factors?

You will never know whether or not you have morning sickness until you get pregnant. Here are some people who are at a high risk of this condition:

  • Pregnant twin.
  • Have had morning sickness in previous pregnancies.
  • History of migraine.
  • If your mother or sister has had morning sickness, you are more likely to have this problem.
  • If you already have a daughter, you are more likely to get morning sickness in the next pregnancy.

You can control this problem by minimizing the risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Doctor?

Some women think that vomiting is harmful to the fetus. This is not worrisome because the fetus is in the amniotic sac while vomiting and nausea only affect the digestive system. So, this condition will not harm the fetus even if you have discomfort and pain.

About 1-3% of pregnant women will experience severe vomiting. In many cases, your doctor may prescribe antiemetics. However, avoid using the drug, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Although these drugs have been tightly tested, potential side effects can occur for both the mother and the fetus.

In fact, you are less likely to have a miscarriage if you have mild morning sickness and are also safe without morning sickness. However, you should remember that prolonged vomiting can lead to electrolyte dehydration and malnutrition. This will affect the nutrition provided to the baby and increase the risk of low birth weight. Call your doctor right away if you have the following symptoms associated with vomiting:

  • Urine is very dark or you do not urinate after 8 hours.
  • Do not eat or drink for 24 hours.
  • You have dizziness and faint when standing up.
  • Fever of 38 degrees or more.
  • Blood vomiting.

If you have any of above signs or symptoms or have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

Above are some information about vomiting during pregnancy that you should know. To reduce your discomfort in this period, below, we introduce you to simple and useful tips. Have a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 21 Tips On How To Deal With Vomiting During Pregnancy Effectively And Safely

1. Drink Water

drink water

Drinking water is the first and foremost tip on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy.

Water is the simplest and most effective treatment for vomiting, especially vomiting in women with morning sickness. You only need to drink 1 cup of water every hour to minimize the feeling of nausea and discomfort. In addition, the body of pregnant women needs a lot of water because they need to provide water for the fetus. That is why drinking plenty of water is beneficial for both pregnant women and their babies.

Besides, to get the best results, you need to drink water in the right way. In particular, you should drink a glass of water every morning as you wake up. Do not try to drink plenty of water at the same time, take small sips. Wait for a moment to let water go down the stomach, then, get out of bed. Although pregnancy makes you feel very tired, try to get out of bed and do some gentle exercises. This causes your body and brain to wake up.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Be aware that trying to drink too much water at the same time can make you feel nauseous or aggravate your vomiting. Therefore, drink only small sips of water several times a day. Do not let the drinking water put pressure on you.

Learn more: Tiredness & Headaches In Pregnancy: 14 Tips On How To Treat

2. Chew Fresh Ginger Or Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger is considered one of the most effective morning sickness treatments for pregnant women. Ginger prevents vomiting by strengthening the gastrointestinal tract, reducing gastric acid secretion causing vomiting. In addition, the taste of ginger can overwhelm the other unpleasant odors.

Besides the treatment of vomiting, ginger can also increase blood circulation in the body, thus promoting adequate blood supply to the fetus. This natural spice improves the supply of vitamin C and iron to support the fetal immune system and reduces the risk of birth defects. Much more than that, according to recent studies, ginger has the effect of lowering levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Many traditional medicine doctors believe that ginger can improve cardiovascular health in pregnant women.

Studies show that ginger plays an important role in controlling blood sugar levels, helping the fetus to grow healthy. Besides, ginger also helps you maintain energy and reduce fatigue. According to medical experts, ginger is often used in cases of stomach disorders. It is one of the best remedies for indigestion, abdominal pain, convulsions, diarrhea, flatulence and other intestinal problems [1].

There are four methods to use ginger to overcome the symptoms of morning sickness, especially vomiting. They are:

Method 1. Chew Fresh Ginger

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Rinse off a fresh ginger
  • Slice it into thin slices
  • Chew them for 1 minute and then swallow
  • Drink water to avoid choking and let the ginger go down the stomach

You should do this 1-2 times a day, especially when you feel nauseated.

Method 2. Make Ginger Tea With Ginger Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Rinse off a fresh ginger
  • Put it in a blender and grind it
  • Filter for ginger juice
  • Add hot water and a little honey, stir well

You can take this tea every morning until your vomiting completely disappears.

Method 3. Make Ginger Tea By Boiling

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Rinse off a fresh ginger
  • Put it in a pot, add a bowl of water
  • Boil for 5 minutes
  • Filter for ginger tea, add a little honey, and stir well
  • Drink as soon as it is warm

You should also drink this tea every morning.

Method 4. Eat Ginger Candy

This method is often applied in emergencies. Whenever you feel nauseous, take a ginger candy. Its taste will overwhelm your discomfort. So if you need to go out, do not forget to bring some ginger candies.

3. Drink Lemon Juice

Drinking lemon juice is another must-try trick on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy safely.

Lemon juice can cure nausea for pregnant women by overwhelming the unpleasant smell that causes nausea. In addition, vitamin C is also good for pregnant women and fetuses. Pregnant women often experience vitamin C deficiency, so instead of taking artificial supplements, you can take advantage of natural and safe vitamin C sources like lemons.

Vitamin C in lemon is a very strong antioxidant, which helps increase your resistance, preventing flu and other infections for fetus. In addition, lemon also has the ability to strengthen the immunity, helping the body fight fatigue, especially in pregnant women.

Constipation and indigestion are symptoms that pregnant women often experience during pregnancy. Lemon juice stimulates the activity of livers, helping control the movement of the intestines. In addition, lemon juice contains a lot of potassium which is very beneficial for the formation and development of fetal bones. This mineral also facilitates the growth of the baby's brain and nerve cells.

There are 3 ways to use lemon for pregnant women who have morning sickness and nausea:

Method 1. Drink Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Squeeze a lemon into a glass of water, removing seeds
  • Add a little honey and stir well (you can adjust the amount of honey to suit your taste)

Drink a glass of lemon juice every morning until your condition improves.

Method 2. Use Lemon Essential Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Prepare a bottle of lemon essential oil and a clean towel
  • Pour a little essential oil on the towel
  • Put the towel near the nose and take a deep breath

After applying this method, the feeling of nausea will quickly disappear. Do it every time you feel uncomfortable.

Method 3. Bring A Lemon

When going out, leave a lemon in the bag. The smell of lemon can dispel your nausea.

4. Use Mint

To know how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy, don’t skip the refreshing mint. Like ginger and lemon, mint works to treat nausea, vomiting and morning sickness in pregnant women very effectively by calming the stomach.

Mint is considered the oldest herb in the world. Archaeological evidence showed that it was used as a medicine about 10,000 years ago. So far, mint is still very popular thanks to its excellent effects. The extraction of peppermint oil has been made for a long time [2].

However, it is worth noting that you should only use peppermint oil in the early months of pregnancy. Because menthol can stimulate menstrual bleeding, so do not use this essential oil especially in the last months of pregnancy. This oil can also irritate the skin.

You can use peppermint oil to treat pregnancy vomiting by one of the following methods:

Method 1. Drinking Mint Tea

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint oil with a glass of warm water
  • Add a little honey and stir
  • Drink when it is warm

Drink this tea every morning to feel better.

Method 2. Smell Peppermint Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Prepare a bottle of peppermint oil and a clean towel
  • Pour a little oil on the towel
  • Put the towel near the nose and take a deep breath

You can do this method every time you feel uncomfortable.

Note: If you do not like the smell of mint, you should choose other herbs like lemon or ginger. Otherwise, the mint is the cause of nausea and vomiting.

5. Essential Oils

essential oils

Many pregnant women use essential oils and aromatherapy for their morning sickness. A great thing about essential oils is that they could work almost instantly to take the edge off that nauseating, queasy feeling. Even with simple inhalation, essential oils can also make you feel much better. The tiny bioactive molecules of oils will get into your body through the nose and ease morning sickness attacks.

Some of the most recommended essential oils for morning sickness relief are:

  • Chamomile Oil:

Having soothing effects, chamomile oil can calm down nausea and dispels built-up gas inside your stomach, thereby preventing any additional discomfort.

Just simply mix chamomile oil with ginger oil and inhale them to get relief from morning sickness. Alternatively, you can also ingest chamomile oil orally along with warm water.

  • Spearmint oil:

Spearmint oil has refreshing and strong aroma which is rather similar to peppermint. Nonetheless, pregnant women seem to prefer this oil over peppermint oil since it has less pulegone, which can be a liver toxin if used excessively by pregnant women.

Also, spearmint is somehow sweater and associated with less stinging sensation than peppermint oil. Using spearmint oil will lessen vomiting and nausea, and enhance positive feelings.

  • Sweet orange oil:

Not only does this essential oil help chase away the blues, but it also ease morning sickness in pregnant women. The citrusy, sweet scent of this oil offers many health benefits, such as lessening flatulence, relieving dyspepsia, and enhancing digestion.

It has mood-boosting and stomach-calming effects, thereby keeping negative feelings, pregnancy mood swings and morning sickness symptoms at bay.

  • Lemon Oil:

Lemon’s scent is helpful in reducing nausea and vomitting during pregnancy [3]. Thanks to antispasmodic properties, lemon oil can soothe your tummy almost instantly. Therefore, it can reduce both the frequency and severity of your nausea and keep vomiting at bay.

  • Lavender Oil:

Anxiety is one of triggers for nausea and may exacerbate morning sickness. Therefore, taking control of anxiety is essential for those who want to know how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy. Fortunately, lavender oil can lend a hand in slowing down the nervous system and reducing anxiety and stress. You can burn a scented candle containing lavender and vanilla essential oil in order to create a stress-free, calm environment. However, it is the best not to use lavender oil during the first trimester if you had miscarriage in the past or have certain complications. But, you can use it during the second as well as third trimesters.

6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is widely used as a spice in Indian households. This ingredient can also be used to lessen vomiting and morning sickness during pregnancy.

What you have to do is:

  • Add a 1-inch cinnamon stick to a cup of boiling water
  • Let it steep for about 10 minutes
  • Allow it to cool down and add some honey for taste
  • Have this cinnamon tea regularly to prevent vomiting and improve digestion
7. Drink Sugar Cane Juice

This sounds strange when drinking sugar cane juice comes to tips on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy, but it works.

According to Oriental Medicine, sugar cane juice has sweet taste, detoxifying ability and anti-vomiting. On nutritional value, sugar is the basic ingredient of sugar cane (it accounts for about 70%). Sugar cane also contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, many minerals, vitamins, and nearly 30 kinds of organic acids. Therefore, sugar cane juice provides the energy and nutrients necessary for pregnant women.

Many studies have shown that drinking a little sugar cane juice helps reduce nausea and morning sickness. To get the best results, add a little bit of ginger juice to sugarcane before drinking, uncomfortable feeling and nausea will quickly disappear. Because sugar cane juice is high in sugar, you should not drink it too much. If you want, drink about 200ml each day. Pregnant women with diabetes should avoid applying this tip.

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8. Clove

Clove possesses inherent effects, making it a great solution for diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting in expecting women.

Chew on clove buds whenever you feel an attack of morning sickness. Alternatively, you can also add 2 to 3 cloves to boiling tea or water and enjoy the tea for an instant relief from vomiting.

9. Wheat Germ

To decrease your vomiting sensation during pregnancy, take several teaspoons of wheat germ to dissolve in warm milk and enjoy it. Repeat this method every hour to get good results.

10. Fennel

Fennel seeds’ aroma can be beneficial in reducing nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy. Drink fennel tea or chew on fennel seeds whenever you feel nauseous and queasy to reap their benefits.

11. Raspberry Leaves

raspberry leaves

The leaves of raspberry have a large content of B-group vitamins, which will help reduce vomiting sensation in pregnant women.

You can make an herbal tea from raspberry leaves by adding dried red raspberry leaves into a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes before straining. Have it after waking up in the morning.

Note: Raspberry leaves may cause uterine contraction, so you should consult your doctor before using this herb.

12. Drink Apple Juice

Apple juice has long been known to be effective in treating nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. Pure apple juice is rich in pectin – a form of soluble fiber that removes cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals in the body through the liver and kidneys. In addition, apples also enhance appetite, reduce vomiting and supplements potassium and vitamins for body.

It is best to drink 1 cup of apple juice a day. If possible, add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice before drinking. Fresh lemon juice contains citric acid to excrete the residues, supporting the digestive system.

13. Have A Snack

Having something to snack is the next tip on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy. For example, you just need to snack a banana or a little bit of biscuits when you feel nauseous. After that, the feeling of nausea will soon disappear.

In addition, biscuits or breads are rich in carbohydrates, which are easy to eat and absorb, so eating them at meal time can help to absorb excess acid in the stomach. As a result, you will avoid excess acid which can lead to heartburn and nausea.

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14. Acupuncture

Despite this method is not popular when it comes to tips on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy, its effectiveness is surprising.

In fact, acupuncture is increasingly used in the treatment of a number of diseases, including vomiting in pregnant women. Acupuncture is safe and you do not need to worry about this treatment. However, you should not do acupuncture yourself at home. You need to see a specialist with a good reputation for effective and safe acupuncture.

15. Exercise Lightly

If you want to know how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy effectively, do not forget to exercise lightly.

Gentle exercise is good for pregnant women in general. If you have morning sickness and feel uncomfortable and nauseated, just walk for a while. This will improve your mood as the amount of progesterone in your body decreases.

In addition, walking is also beneficial for the digestive system, so you will avoid the problem of nausea and discomfort. Ideally, you should walk in airy spaces where there is fresh air and many green trees like the park. After dinner, you should also walk for 15 – 20 minutes. If you cannot go out in the evening, simple go around the house and do some light work until your symptoms of vomiting are gone.

16. Sit In A Quiet Place

Movement can cause irritation or make the feeling of nausea worse. Try resting in a quiet space, or on the bed or carpet in the room. If you still have nausea, gently relax yourself by lying down and put your head on a high pillow (so you'll be sleepy and much more comfortable).If you can relax, having a nap will stop your nausea and make you feel better when you wake up.

17. Deep Breath

Deep breathing is another must-try tip on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy.

Breathing fresh air can clean the lungs, reduce suspense and help the stomach more comfortable. Breathe deeply with your nose and hold your breath. Then slowly exhale through the mouth. Repeat this several times.

If possible, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and try to think of something beyond the feeling of nausea (to get the mind out of that feeling).Turn off all electronic devices. Using too many electronic devices can cause headaches, and you probably do not want to have both nausea and headaches.

18. Deceive The Mind From The Feeling Of Nausea

Watch a movie, call a friend, or do any light activity that can stop you from thinking of nausea. Sometimes anxiety stimulates nausea or aggravates this sensation in pregnant women (during pregnancy, women become very sensitive). Removing anxiety from the mind can help the nausea disappear.

Avoid activities that require high concentration. Activities such as reading or writing that require eye-focusing for a long time can cause eye strain. This may not affect you in normal conditions, but when you are nauseating, any pressure or tension can make it worse. Remember that during pregnancy, try to relax as much as possible.

19. Yoga To Stretch Back And Neck

As you know, during pregnancy, women often feel very tired. They often have headaches and back pain due to the pressure that the fetus creates. Sometimes, nausea is caused by discomfort in the back and neck. Gentle stretching can relieve pain in these areas, while also reducing the feeling of nausea.

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20. Do Not Eat Hot And Cold Food Together

The next treatment in this list of tips on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy is not to eat hot and cold food together.

Different temperatures can disrupt the stomach, and you certainly do not want to experience this when you are struggling with nausea. In general, cold food is generally milder for the stomach and is more effective in relieving nausea than hot foods. Hot foods may smell bad and make you feel nauseous.

21. Take Vitamin B6

Taking vitamin B6 is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to deal with vomiting during pregnancy.

Why is vitamin B6 effective in treating vomiting in pregnant women naturally? According to the doctors, vitamin B6 is found in brown rice, bananas, avocados, fish, corn and nuts. This vitamin is effective in balancing the digestive system, so it is effective to treat morning sickness and vomiting in pregnant women. Moreover, this vitamin is not harmful to the fetus and is considered safe for pregnant women in the future.

The recommended dosage for you to take this vitamin is 25mg, take 3 times a day. However, you should not take any medicine without your doctor's prescription [4]. Ask your doctor before taking medicine, including taking vitamin B6.

How To Deal With Vomiting During Pregnancy – Some Attention

In addition to applying the tips above, to treat pregnancy vomiting, you need to pay attention to some of the following:

  • Do not eat large meals to avoid stomach upset and discomfort. Instead, eat small meals throughout the day and eat as many meals.
  • Although eating can make you vomit, do not fast.
  • Do not eat fatty and fried foods that are greasy. These foods are often difficult to digest and they can cause nausea.
  • Eat foods high in carbohydrates or protein because they are easy to digest.
  • Do not feel too stressed. Relax your body, listen to music, talk or eat something to overwhelm the feeling of nausea.
  • Go to bed early in the morning and wake up earlier in the morning.
  • Eating a little ice cream in the morning can help you with morning sickness and nausea.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating. Wait at least 30 minutes before lying down.

Above are tips to help you deal with vomiting during pregnancy. Although they are quite simple, the effect they bring to you will make you surprised. Therefore, apply them to help yourself. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 21 Tips On How To Deal With Vomiting During Pregnancy Effectively & Safely” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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