25 Tips On How To Improve Blood Circulation In The Body

The brain uses about three times as much oxygen as the muscles use, so oxygen plays a very important role in the healing and function of the brain. Good circulation in the legs and hands helps tissues absorb more nutrients and eliminate more waste. Therefore, good blood circulation is essential for long-term health.

We all must have experienced poor blood circulation at some stage in our lives. But you probably do not know that blood circulation problems can really affect the overall health of your body. Therefore, improving blood circulation is essential. The great thing is that this article will help you do that.

What Is Blood Circulation?

The circulatory system is an organ system which functions in circulating blood in the body of most animals. Circulatory system transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, blood cells to and from cells in the body to nourish it and help it fight disease, stabilize body temperature and pH, and to maintain homeostasis. Blood circulation has many important functions: transports oxygen and nutrients to the body's organs; bring the waste of metabolism to the excretory organs; supports the immune system against infection; and transports hormones.

Blood circulation is done through the blood vessels. The body has blood vessels as follows:

  • Artery

Artery, which is a blood vessel in the circulatory system, carries blood from the heart to organs. Blood in the arteries is high in oxygen, except for arteries in the lungs and in the navel.

  • Vein

Vein is a blood vessel in the body's circulatory system and returns blood to the heart (in contrast to the arteries that carry blood from the heart). Normally, blood in the vein has low oxygen content when it delivers blood from the tissues in the body to the heart. The exceptions are umbilical veins and pulmonary veins. In these two cases, blood in the vein has high oxygen content.

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  • Capillaries

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels and lymph vessels of a body. The capillaries are where the main function of the vascular system is functioning. This is where the exchange of water, 02, C02, nutrients and wastes between the blood and the tissues around them occurs. The lymphatic vessels connect to the larger lymphatic vessels to drain the lymph collected in the microcirculation.

Poor blood circulation is a condition in which, for some reason, these blood vessels are affected, causing the organs in the body to not receive the blood they need to function properly. Fortunately, identifying causes can help you treat this condition. So, let’s learn about the causes of poor blood circulation.

What Are Common Causes Of Poor Blood Circulation?

The process of blood flowing through the body is called blood circulation. And when this process is slow, the blood flow to the organs is not enough. Since they are deficient in oxygen, they become less active. Once the blood circulation in the body is reduced, almost all the organs are affected. Brain, heart, eyes, limbs, digestive organs, kidneys, and liver may be weakened and susceptible to disease if anemia and oxygen persist. In addition, people with poor blood circulation are susceptible to exhaustion, dizziness, anorexia, and poor immune system. Here are some of the main causes of this condition:

  • In Older People

In older people, poor blood circulation is due to aging that weakens blood circulation. In addition, many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia can also cause this condition.

  • In Young People

However, for young people, the main cause of poor blood circulation is due to lifestyle and some daily habits, such as lazy exercise, more sitting, prolonged stress, non-scientific eating, alcohol abuse, smoking, and lack of sleep. Besides, decreased health and reduced body resistance make the body vulnerable to wind, cold air and low humidity. These things cause the artery to stagnate and blood circulation to reduce. Not only that, the side effects of some drugs and the lack of vitamins B1, B12 and minerals can also be the culprit cause this condition.

What Are Common Symptoms Of This Condition?

Here are common symptoms of this condition:

  • Hands and feet numb every time you hold a position for too long.
  • Memory loss and poor concentration.
  • Susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases such as abdominal distention, indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • The immune system is poor so your body is easy to get sick.
  • Hair is easy to break.
  • The nails are not strong and very fragile.
  • Skin is dry and pale.
  • Frequent feeling tired, sluggish and sleepy.
  • Sometimes, you have to face headaches, shortness of breath, or heart rate beats too fast.

Some of the dangerous symptoms that poor blood circulation can cause are:

  • Stroke

Poor blood circulation can block the flow of blood in the cerebral artery, causing the brain tissue in that area to be at risk of dying. Then, you may have a stroke. If brain tissue is dead, the functions that a part of the brain controls will be affected.

  • Brain Oxygen Deficiency

Brain oxygen deficiency occurs when a part of the brain does not receive enough oxygen. This causes some serious side effects such as headache, memory loss, hearing loss and visual impairment.

  • Paralysis

If the numbness of the limbs is prolonged, frequent and progressive, it can cause muscle atrophy, leading to paralysis. It can also be a common symptom in diabetes.

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of this conditon, please consult your doctor.

Who Is At High Risk Of This Condition?

Poor blood circulation is a common condition. It can happen to anyone of any age. However, people with unhealthy lifestyles and people 50 years or older are at high risk for this condition.You can control this disease by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Doctor?

Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent this condition from progressing and avoiding emergency situations, so see your doctor as soon as possible to avoid this serious condition.Besides, if you have any of these signs or symptoms or have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

These are basic information about poor blood circulation. As you can see, this is a very common condition, but can cause very dangerous complications. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent or treat it promptly. The great thing is that you can easily do that.The tips below will help you improve your condition. It is time to find out 25best tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 25 Tips On How To Improve Blood Circulation In The Body

1. Do Not Sit Or Stand For Too Long

how to improve blood circulation - do not sit or stand for too long

This is the first tip on how to improve blood circulation in the body that we want to mention. You need to go around in the day so that the blood in the body, especially the blood in the legs, can circulate well. Sitting or standing too long will cause blood to accumulate instead of circulating, which eventually damages the health. If you find yourself sitting or standing for an hour or more, you should walk around for a few minutes.

If you work in the office and your work force requires you to sit for a long time, let’s stand up and take a break every hour. Even going to the toilet and then back to the desk also facilitates the movement of the feet and improves blood circulation. You can also choose a standing table to stand for work instead of sitting. This is the tip that busy people often apply. This helps them to take advantage of their working time to deal with poor circulation.

2. Choose The Right Posture To Boost Blood Circulation

Among tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body, this is one of the most effective. Do you tend to cross your legs? This is a common posture in many people. This position can interfere with the circulation in the legs and makes it difficult for the blood to flow to the tissues in the legs to help keep feet healthy. Making the right posture can improve blood circulation. What is the best sitting posture for blood circulation? The answer is to let your legs fold comfortably (two knees parallel) and place your feet on the floor. Remember to stand up regularly to avoid sitting too long. You can also slightly raise your legs to enhance blood circulation. To do this, set foot on the chair. It is best to leave the feet 15-30 cm from the ground.

3. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Build Exercise Habits

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. If you can schedule exercise, the blood circulation in your body will definitely improve. Any exercise using the legs and hands will increase blood circulation in the body. You can try walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, climbing and other exercises that help keep your legs and arms in motion. Daily exercise is extremely beneficial. Even walking half an hour also improves the health of the body. If you are looking for light exercises, you can try yoga. Many yoga postures focus on the feet and hands and stimulate the circulatory system.

The above are for blood circulation in hands and feet, so what about blood circulation in the brain? All activities that increase the heart rate are beneficial for blood circulation and health. These activities are any physical activity that causes you to breathe harder and make your heart beat faster. Swimming, cycling, dancing and even having sex are activities that increase your heart rate. You must find the best fit for your lifestyle and join in with enthusiasm! One study concluded that moderate exercise would increase blood flow to the brain in older women. The results of this study show that blood flow to the brain is up to 15% if you walk 20-30 minutes a day. Studies have also shown that the link between exercise and brain health in general, although no specific study has confirmed increased blood flow can prevent or reverse cognitive decline.

Exercise is not only good for blood circulation but also for the whole body. So do not hesitate, take about 30 minutes a day to exercise. Surely after about a week, you will be surprised at the effect that this simple tip brings you.

4. Wear Comfortable Shoes

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. Wearing high heels or tight shoes can interfere with blood flow from the legs to the heart. When concentrating on improving your foot blood circulation, please wear comfortable shoes which have low heels and plenty of padding. Wear sneakers or slippers to have plenty of space for foot to “breathe”. You should wear round nose shoes instead of pointed shoes. Choose wedge-shaped shoes instead of high heels if you want to increase the height.

5. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Wear Medical Socks

Wearing medical socks is the next treatment in this list of tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. Medical socks are similar to trousers. They are specially designed to stabilize foot tissue and help blood circulation. You can buy these kinds of socks at a pharmacy or ask your doctor to help you choose the right socks for your feet and suit your individual needs.

6. Stop Smoking

Smoking can actually lead to peripheral arterial disease – hardening of the arteries in the legs and loss of blood circulation. For a long time, smoking has been linked to stroke and cerebral aneurysms. If your circulation is poor, you should stop smoking and stop using other tobacco products to restore your leg health. Nicotine in tobacco causes arterial spasm, which prevents the blood from carrying oxygen to the brain. In addition, the amount of oxygen absorbed by the brain and the blood flow to the brain reduce to 17% soon after smoking cessation. At present, many people use electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes contain nicotine. It is a substance that causes blood vessel spasms and reduces blood flow to the brain. Therefore, you should also not use electronic cigarettes.

7. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Short Walks During The Day

how to improve blood circulation - short walks during the day

This sounds strange when it comes to tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body, but it works. To get the benefits of walking, you do not necessarily have to invest in long sessions. Walking short distances also helps increase blood flow to the brain. Even walking three to five minutes is also good for blood circulation. Use the stopwatch to remind yourself to take a break to walk. If you work in the office, you should schedule a short walk. In addition, you can take advantage of the chance to walk, for example climbing stairs instead of lifts, parking your car away from your destination, and getting off the bus before it go to the company and then walking the rest of the way.

8. Do Stretching

Stretching the muscles helps improve blood circulation in general, preventing joint and muscle stiffness. You should spend a few minutes each day stretching your body. Stretching increases blood flow to muscles. Even though you cannot really stretch “your brain”, but thanks to the increased blood flow through the body, blood circulation to the brain is improved and enhanced. Simple stretching exercises increase blood flow to the brain, including touching the knees or toes in the upright position. Instead, sit on a flat surface and stretch your legs, then touch your knees, legs or toes. When doing these exercises, you need to be careful. Do not do any pain or discomfort for your back. When you feel pain, stop the exercise immediately.

9. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Yoga

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. Yoga postures often encourage you to put your head lower than your heart. This is directly beneficial for the transport of blood to the brain. The reverse motion in yoga is as follows: lying on the floor perpendicular to the wall, moving the body forward so that the legs are lying on the wall, buttocks approach or touch the wall. The complicated reverse motion requires you to lift your body over your head. You should lean against the wall to balance your posture. Remember that yoga is never painful, and you should work with a yoga instructor upon doing complex reversal.

The reverse does not necessarily require the body to be completely upright. Plow posture and fish posture can increase blood flow to the brain. The plow stimulates thyroid activity, which increases the blood flow to the brain, while the fish posture stimulates the throat, neck and brain.

10. Meditation

The next one in this list of tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body is meditation. Pay attention to your heart rate and breathe slowly during meditation. Usually, meditation techniques require you to pay more attention to breathing, even breathing as instructed.

Deep breathing increases the saturation of oxygen in the blood. Meditation helps to relax the muscles of the shoulders, chest and neck. These are the parts that can block the flow of blood to the brain. Meditation has shown to have many positive effects in reducing stress and increasing concentration, as well as improving the immune system.

There are many different techniques of meditation, in which, the simplest way is to meditate with a comfortable sitting position, complete or slightly closed eyes and count the breath. When counting to the 10th breath, you start counting again. Continue focusing on counting the breath. When other thoughts arise, simply pay attention to them and let them float away naturally. Let’s start counting from number one.

11. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Eat More Chocolate

Studies have shown that flavonoids found in cocoa beans can increase blood flow to the brain. Flavonoids are also found in red wine, red grapes, apples and berries. Tea, especially green tea and white tea, is also a good source of flavonoids. Although the advice is to eat more chocolate, you still need to ensure that your body's total calorie intake is within healthy limits because increasing the amount of fat or sugar in your daily meals can cause negative consequences.

12. Drink Beetroot Juice

Among tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body, drinking beetroot juice is one of the most effective. Beetroot juice also boosts blood flow to the brain. Nuts contain nitrate. This is metabolized into nitrites by bacteria that are naturally present in the mouth. Nitrite has the effect of widening the blood vessels to make the blood flow to the brain more. It is also abundant in celery, cabbage and other leafy greens. We encourage you to eat fruits and vegetables rich in nitrates to optimize your brain function. But you should drink the juice because it is the fastest way to digest foods that have therapeutic benefits.

13. Supplements “Super Foods” On The Meal Every Day

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. Sometimes, people call nuts, blueberries and avocados as “super foods” because they have high nutritional value. Studies show that these foods have a positive effect on maintaining brain health in old age.

Walnuts, almonds, cashew nuts, and other nuts are a good source of vitamin E. Vitamin E deficiency is linked to cognitive impairment. You can eat raw or baked nuts. Peanut butter also has high nutritional content.

Avocados contain a lot of monounsaturated fats, which are linked to the ability to boost blood to the brain. Monounsaturated fats reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and lead to lower blood pressure. In addition, nutrients in avocados also help improve overall health.

Blueberries help to protect the brain from oxidation due to stress, which degrades brain functions. Each day you should eat a glass of blueberries in fresh, dried or frozen form to enhance the function of the brain.

14. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Consider Taking A Functional Food

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to improve blood circulation in the body. Ginkgo biloba has long been used to increase blood flow to the brain. Ginkgo biloba also protects the nerve cells against the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, you may want to consider using ginkgo biloba to improve your condition. Ginkgo biloba extract is made into tablets so it's very easy for you to use it. Children should not use ginkgo extract. Adults should take 120-240 mg ginkgo daily.

Aside from ginkgo biloba, you can add fish oil to your body. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids – essential for healthy lipid profiles. High “good” cholesterol levels help to improve circulation.

15. Blackberries

Blackberries are known to improve the formation of new blood cells and purify our blood. It is because they are rich in nutrients, including the phenolic compounds, vitamin C and E, and antioxidants. You can add blackberries to your breakfast cereals or combine them with yogurt for a tasty bite [1].

16. Walnuts And Raw Almonds

Both the walnuts and raw almonds are valuable in regarding to antioxidant content. Each has antioxidant elements which are unique to promote the blood more. Also, almonds have vitamin E, which has the ability of fighting inflammation while walnuts consist of omega-3 fats. The antioxidants in these nuts help to boost blood supply through dilating your own blood vessels [2].

17. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Garlic

how to improve blood circulation - garlic

Garlic is a spice with a lot of uses. Not only does it help to cleanse blood and prevent the buildup of plaque, but it also stimulates the blood flow. Garlic has allicin that possesses powerful antioxidant properties. As a result, it purifies your blood and boosts the blood circulation and supply. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of garlic can alleviate the inflammation in your body [3].

Other similar foods for blood circulation improvement are onions, radishes, and leeks.

Simply add the raw minced garlic to your daily diet and have it daily. If possible, you could also chew on garlic directly.

18. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is used as a spice, but it is also a good home remedy for a number of health issues. It is able to improve blood vessels and reinforce the arteries as well as metabolic rate thanks to medicinal properties [4]. You can add cayenne pepper in the raw form to salads to reap its benefits.

19. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Ginger

Most of us know that ginger is excellent in treating nausea and indigestion, but not many people know that it can improve blood circulation [5]. The reason is because ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help purify blood and protect your body from the damage of free radicals [6] .

To harness its benefits, consume add fresh ginger to your daily dishes and salads

20. Oats

Oats can help with blood circulation improvement because of anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties. It can dilate the blood vessels and protect the human body from the damage of free radicals [7] [8]. Simply consume a bowl of cooked oats every day. Or, you can blend oats with your smoothie and have it.

21. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has cocoa which contains flavonoids. This substance could be found in fruits and plants naturally. Flavonoids have high antioxidants and promote blood flow [9] [10].

Every day, have a bark of dark chocolate to improve your blood circulation.

22. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Avocados

This fruit is a rich source of L-carnitine, the amino acid with the ability of boosting metabolisms, increasing blood flow (especially in the brain), and promoting fat loss [11].

For the best results, you can take an avocado to cut into pieces, then add them to your salads. Or, blend avocado with milk to create a delicious and refreshing smoothie.

23. Salmon

The rich content of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon makes it a great food to enhance blood circulation. This substance has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which are beneficial for the cardiovascular health and improve blood flow [12] [13]. Add cooked and marinated salmon to your diet to reap its benefits.

24. Massage

Massage is not only a good way to relax but kneading, pushing and pulling all aid in increasing circulation. When the massage therapist presses down, he moves the blood in the congested area and when he releases pressure, the new blood flows in to help replenish this. Through squeezing and kneading the muscle, the therapist can help release acid lactic while improving lymph circulation.

25. How To Improve Blood Circulation – Acupuncture

Generally, acupuncture has many benefits which can get the energy and blood in the body moving in case it is stuck. This method originates from China and Chinese medicine calls this phenomenon of being stuck as “stagnation”. Stagnation happens when there is not enough energy to move our blood via blood vessels appropriately.  Some specific acupuncture points could help to boost the blood move against. This therapy involves massaging specific acupoints on the human foot. The study from the Journal Anesthesia and Analgesia pointed out how acupuncture could increase the levels of nitric oxide around needles, thereby boosting blood circulation. The method also helps to strengthen our immune system as well.

Acupuncture is a safe therapy, in general. But it also has secondary effects, including the discomfort with needle insertion, itching sensation around or at the site of insertion either during or after the process, tingling or numbness at the site of insertion, dizziness during as well as after the treatment, bruising or fainting at the pointed site [14]

Acupuncture has to be done by the trained professional. Do not try to do it by yourself.

How To Improve Blood Circulation – Extra Tips

In addition to applying these tips, to improve blood circulation, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Take effective stress relievers because stress causes blood vessels to contract, resulting in poor blood circulation.
  • Limit alcohol use.
  • Limit foods high in animal fats and sugar.
  • Do not overuse caffeine in coffee and soft drinks as they can inhibit blood circulation.
  • Limit late bedtime and try to sleep 7 to 8 hours every day.

Above are tips to help you improve blood circulation. Many people have succeeded in preventing or treating this condition just by applying some of these tips. Choose some of them and alternate them in your treating to see how effective they are. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 25 Tips On How To Improve Blood Circulation in the body” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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