15 Natural Home Remedies For Fatigue, Weakness & Tiredness

updated: 08/17/2019

Have you ever gone through the state, in which you do not want to do anything due to tiredness or fatigue? Have you ever felt that your body doesn’t have enough energy for your work? Do you feel like regardless of the number of sleeping hours, you are still tired throughout the day? If yes, then this phenomenon is called fatigue. In fact, fatigue means exhaustion and tiredness in either mental state or physical state. This situation is very common all around the world, and it tends to be more common in women than in men. You can totally handle this condition by making some lifestyle tweaks that help you fight fatigue while reclaiming your energy levels. This article will reveal to you such amazing tips. Take a look below to know the best home remedies for fatigue, weakness and tiredness.

What Is Fatigue?

As mentioned above, fatigue – a common condition – is a feeling of tiredness. About 20% of Americans have this mental disorder in their normal life. This condition is generally defined as an increasing lack of energy and motivation that could be either physical or mental or even both.

What Are Causes Of Fatigue?

Certainly, there are a number of reasons for your fatigue. There are 2 main factors bringing you to face up with fatigue.

  • Your lifestyle: Some habits may cause you to suffer from fatigue, including drinking alcoholic drinks, smoking, and insufficient sleep.
  • Certain medical situations: If you have some diseases, such as liver problems, diabetes, and kidney disease, then you are more vulnerable to suffer from this problem.

What Are Signs And Symptoms Of Fatigue?

The common symptoms of fatigue include:

  • Being exhausted
  • Being dizzy
  • Having poor concentration
  • Being in loss of appetite
  • Feeling less motivated

If you feel so exhausted and you do not want to do anything, you can equip yourselves with healthy foods and some effective remedies for this issue. Why don’t you read through our article “15 Home Remedies For Fatigue, Weakness and Tiredness” now? We are sure that you can find solutions to relieve stress and boost energy levels in your body. Read through our article below from TrueRemedies.com. However, if you see no improvement, you need to go to see your doctor.

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Top 15 Effective Home Remedies For Fatigue, Weakness And Tiredness

1. Bananas

Bananas are the first and top fruits that you should provide for your body to be full of energy. Bananas are among the healthiest fruits in the world. It is full of potassium, contributing to making sugar become energy for your body absorption. Furthermore, other nutrients contained in bananas play a key role in refreshing your body, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, omega-3 fatty acid, etc. Another benefit of bananas is that this fruit has natural sugars, such as glucose and fructose, which help to recover your energy quickly. In addition, it works well to combat against a number of health issues, such as controlling blood sugar level, improving our digestive system, strengthening the heart health, etc.[1]

Method 1:

  • Take 2 ripe bananas.
  • Eat them every day.
  • Do this process once every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare 2 ripe bananas.
  • Peel them.
  • Cut them into small pieces.
  • Put the pieces in a bowl.
  • Then, mash them into a smooth paste.
  • Consume the paste 2 times every day.

Method 3:

  • Take a ripe banana.
  • Peel it.
  • Cut it into thin slices in a bowl.
  • Prepare a cup of milk.
  • Put it in a microwave for several seconds for warming it.
  • Pour the milk in the bowl.
  • Mix them well.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of organic sugar.
  • Also, pour a teaspoon of cow ghee.
  • Sprinkle with some cardamom powder.
  • Mix all ingredients well.
  • Consume the mixture once every day.
2. Green Tea

green tea

There are several herbal teas which are good for our health, namely peppermint tea, chamomile tea, green tea, etc. It has been proved that drinking a cup of green tea every morning is the best way to provide you with more energy for daily activities. This can reduce the stress that is one of the causes of your fatigue. Plus, green tea has polyphenols that play a key role in decreasing your stress, boosting energy, and helping you concentrate effectively. It also contains some components that are able to encourage metabolism[2]. According to research from Japan, it was suggested that the antioxidant compound in green tea – EGCG – may offset both physical and mental fatigue associated with modern life[3]. EGCG – a polyphenol compound – has a positive effect on cellular genetic switches, which is also called as nuclear transcription factors. Moreover, the amount of antioxidant catechins in green tea is four times higher than in black tea.

Method 1:

  • Take some fresh green tea leaves.
  • Put them in a basin of water to wash them.
  • Now, remove them out of the basin and put them in a bowl.
  • Pour in the bowl with a cup of boiling water.
  • Cover it and let the mixture steep for 10 minutes.
  • Next, strain the tea.
  • Pour in the tea with some raw honey.
  • Stir them well.
  • Consume the tea
  • Enjoy the tea thrice every day.

Method 2:

  • Take a bag of green tea.
  • Put it in a bowl.
  • Then, pour in the bowl with some hot water.
  • Let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea.
  • Add some drops of raw honey to it.
  • Shake the mixture well.
  • Consume the tea 3 times every day.
3. Pumpkin Seeds

Snacking pumpkin seeds is one of the effective home remedies for fatigue that you should apply. These seeds are useful for fighting the symptoms of fatigue. Pumpkin seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, essential vitamins and minerals, namely vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, iron, etc.[4]. These nutrients are effective in strengthening your immunity. Especially, omega-3 fatty acids are renowned as essential fats that may lower the glycemic index of foods and also gives a superior source of energy[5]. Omega-3s are found in nuts and seeds in the natural form, and they may help in maintaining healthy cells. Also, the tryptophan contained in pumpkin seeds assists you in having a sound sleep[6].


  • Take a ripe pumpkin.
  • Use a knife to cut it into half.
  • Put each half in a large basin of water to extract its seeds.
  • Then, put the seeds in a pan.
  • Turn on the heat to roast them for several minutes.
  • Then, peel the seeds and eat the seeds all day.

Remember that regular and moderate consumption is crucial to harness the benefits of nuts and seeds for health. You had better buy and eat raw seeds if possible for the most valuable nutrition.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is among great but tasty home remedies for fatigue. As we know, oatmeal is rich in quality carbohydrates that are glycogen in the body. This helps supply the energy to the brain. Not only is oatmeal a powerhouse of vitamin B1 and essential minerals, such as protein, phosphorus, and magnesium, but it also contains a large amount of fiber. These nutrients provide you with a lot of energy when you consume it regularly[7].

Moreover, eating oatmeal also helps you prevent and combat against many health issues. Its high content of antioxidants[8] and polyphenol are helpful in reducing blood pressure[9]. Secondly, containing a special fiber called beta-glucan, oatmeal gives a big hand in lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood sugar in the body, and inhibiting bacteria growth in the digestive tract. Eating oatmeal as the first thing in the morning will allow you to gain instant energy. Opt for old-fashioned organic oats and stay away from flavored and instant types.


  • Pour a cup of clean water in a pot.
  • Add some salt to it.
  • Boil the mixture.
  • Then, pour ½ cup of oatmeal in the pot.
  • Turn down the heat.
  • Let it simmer for several minutes.
  • Turn off the heat.
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Consume a cup of oatmeal every morning.
5. Yogurt

Being flavorful and creamy, yogurt is also regarded as one of the best natural remedies for fatigue. Yogurt is rich in protein, gut-healthy probiotics, and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is effective in combating against your symptoms due to fatigue[10].

Yogurt can be digested much more easily than other solid foods. Therefore, it will provide you with a great source of energy in a short time. Yet, the result is prolonged due to its good sources of protein and carbs. The protein stays in the stomach much longer than carbs, which then transfers into a source of energy. The presence of probiotics – beneficial bacteria help to protect against pathogens and eradicate harmful microbes and bacteria to maintain a healthy gut ecosystem[11]. Similar to fiber, probiotics are also useful in aiding the digestive system.

The research conducted by experts at the University of Toronto showed that probiotics could help in easing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome[12]. Supplementing your body with probiotics will boost the levels of amino acid tryptophan within your brain. This amino acid is known as the component in the turkey that makes you feel asleep. It is also a great precursor of serotonin – a neurotransmitter that helps to promote feelings of tranquility and calm while inducing sleep. All of these benefits contribute to combating fatigue, both physically and mentally.

You should eat a cup of yogurt once every day to reap a lot of benefits from it. Opt for the plain, low-fat yogurt for good results.

Method 1:

  • Take a cup of plain yogurt.
  • Consume it once every day.

Method 2:

  • Take a cup of plain yogurt.
  • Pour the yogurt in a glass.
  • Then, take a small number of frozen berries.
  • Put them in a blender.
  • Turn on the blender.
  • Pour the paste from the berries in the glass.
  • Mix them well.
  • Enjoy the mixture twice every day.
6. Watermelon


Watermelon is the next kind of fruit that helps you in combating against your fatigue. Watermelon contains a high amount of water content and electrolytes that are good for keeping your body dehydrated. Eating watermelon or drinking the juice may eliminate the symptoms of your fatigue promptly. Moreover, watermelon is full of nutrients, such as vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, etc. which are so useful in fighting fatigue[13] [14]. Therefore, you can take a number of advantages of eating watermelon. For example, as we know, watermelon accounts for 92% of water[15]. It is an excellent fruit that you can eat to keep your body hydrated.

In addition, watermelon contains some compounds that are anti-cancer agents, namely lycopene. Thanks to eating watermelon every day, you can prevent your body from certain cancers[16]. Plus, it is an effective way to improve your heart health[17], ease inflammation, and treat your skin problems.

Method 1:

  • Take a watermelon.
  • Cut a slice of it.
  • Eat it directly.
  • Do the remedy twice every day.

Method 2:

  • Take a small watermelon and cut it into half.
  • Use a spoon to extract their pulp and remove their seeds.
  • Cut the pulp into small pieces and put them in a blender.
  • Turn on the blender.
  • Pour the paste in a bowl and then take a fresh lemon.
  • Squeeze it to get its juice and pour plain water in the bowl.
  • Also pour some drops of lemon juice in it.
  • Add some raw honey and mix all ingredients well.
  • Consume the drink twice every day.
7. Walnuts

Walnuts are one of the effective home remedies for fatigue, weakness, and tiredness relief. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are effective in eliminating the symptoms of fatigue[18]. It also works well to give depression away. In addition, the nuts are full of fiber and protein that your body requires to refresh itself after heavy work. Some other minerals in walnuts we need to make a list are copper, iron, magnesium, etc.

Method 1:

  • Eat about ¼ cup of shelled walnuts every day.

Method 2:

  • Snack some roasted walnuts all day.
8. Beans

When it comes to home remedies for fatigue relief, beans may bring you surprising results. They have many health benefits, including fatigue removal. Beans are full of fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates. They are also rich in essential minerals, such as potassium, copper, and iron. These nutrients provide you with great energy[19]. Furthermore, one of the most noticeable benefits of beans is that it has a low index of glycemic ingredients[20] [21] [22]. That is the reason why you can eat them freely without suffering from blood sugar problems. There are many types of beans available in the world, such as black beans, soybeans, red beans, kidney beans, etc. You can opt for any kind of beans you want.

Method 1:

  • Include beans in your daily life.

Method 2:

  • Take a sufficient amount of soybeans and put them in a pot.
  • Add some water to the pot.
  • Turn on the flame and boil the mixture.
  • Turn down the heat to let it simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Eat the cook soybeans twice every day.
9. Red Bell Peppers

The main fatigue fighter in red bell peppers is vitamin C[23], in addition to the high amount of other antioxidants[24], which may strengthen your immunity and relieve stress causing fatigue. Antioxidants play an important role in combating against a number of ailments, especially some certain cancers, including stomach cancer, breast cancer, and even lung cancer. According to a small study, people who get 6 grams of vitamin C daily for about 2 weeks experienced less fatigue[25]. Furthermore, red bell peppers contain many other important vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, vitamin A, and fiber.

Method 1:

  • Eat a cup of red bell pepper once every day to get your vitamin C fix.

Method 2:

  • Use red bell peppers in your meals.
10. Spinach

Spinach is also listed as one of the natural home remedies for fatigue that you should include in your daily meals[26]. Being chock-full of nutrients, which are necessary for helping the human body to perform at its peak, spinach is considered among the most iron-dense foods on the earth[27]. Those people with iron deficiency often cope with anemia and physical and mental fatigue. Iron gives a helping hand in enabling your blood to distribute oxygen to the cells of your body while encouraging energy production. As a result, your symptoms of fatigue, including exhaustion, are alleviated.

This kind of vegetable is rich in vitamin B, C, potassium, magnesium, etc. Among these vitamins and minerals, vitamin C may boost iron absorption while magnesium plays a vital role in producing energy[28]. Even a slight deficiency of magnesium could result in decreased energy levels, causing your body to work harder, and exhaustion as well. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include muscle weakness, depression, imbalanced levels of blood sugar, muscle cramps, muscle soreness, low energy, body tension, trouble sleeping, lack of appetite, and confusion.
It is estimated that each cup of spinach provides you with the amount of magnesium you need for a day. As a result, it may help you to recover your energy in a short time. Additionally, being equipped with other essential vitamins and minerals, we can enjoy a lot of health benefits from eating this vegetable. For instance, your eyesight can significantly be improved thanks to its effects, such as beta-carotene, xanthe, etc. It also helps you fight other health issues, such as controlling blood pressure, strengthening your muscles, preventing cancers, etc.

Method 1:

  • Take some spinach leaves and wash them carefully in a basin of water.
  • Remove excess water.
  • Put the leaves in a blender and turn on a blender.
  • Strain the juice.
  • Consume a glass of the juice twice every day.

Method 2:

  • Include spinach in your daily meal.
11. Chia Seeds

A member of the mint family, chia is originated in Mexico. The seeds are commonly used as a cooking ingredient. Chia seeds are useful for treating inflammation and fatigue[29]. These seeds are full of antioxidants and essential minerals, such as zinc, protein, manganese, calcium, and vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D[30]. These seeds are also a good source of fiber, omega 3-fatty acids, etc. That is the reason why chia seeds may bring us many health benefits. Firstly, if your skin is becoming aging, chia seeds are the top solution because chia seeds are rich in antioxidants that are good at slowing down your skin aging. Plus, these seeds are useful for improving your digestive system and keeping your heart in good condition.


  • Take 3 ripe bananas, peel them, and cut them into a large bowl.
  • Add some peanut butter, ½ cup of chia seeds, ½ cup of hemp seeds, and 2 cups of almond milk to the bowl.
  • Put a small amount of turmeric and cinnamon powder.
  • Now, put the ingredients in a blender and T]turn on the blender.
  • Pour the mixture in a bottle.
  • Put it in the refrigerator and leave it overnight.
  • Eat a small amount of the mixture once every day.
12. Ginseng

Ginseng is among the best known medicinal plants all over the world. More specifically, it is well-known for boosting our energy and relieving stress very effectively.

It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural energy booster for a long time. The activeness ingredients in ginseng like ginsenosides and polyacetylenes may help us decrease cytokines related to inflammation and regulate cortisol levels[31]. Besides mental problems like difficulties with concentration or learning, ginseng also exhibits benefits in cognitive performance and memory.


  • Take a tablespoon of dried ginseng roots and cut them into thin slices.
  • Put the slices in a bowl and pour in the bowl with some hot water.
  • Cover the bowl.
  • Allow the mixture to steep for 15 minutes and strain the tea.
  • Pour some drops of raw honey in the mixture and stir it well.
  • Consume the mixture once every day.
13. Iron

As we know, iron is one of the essential minerals that our body needs for producing red blood cells. Deficiency in iron will make you face the risk of suffering from fatigue[32] [33] [34]. Therefore, supplying your body with enough iron is also an excellent solution to your fatigue. You can take iron from many sources, such as foods, iron supplement, herbal tea, etc.


  • Prepare 2 teaspoons of dried nettle and put them in a pot.
  • Also, add the same amount of dried dandelion and pour in the pot with a cup of boiling water.
  • Cover the pot and allow it to steep for 15 minutes.
  • Then, strain the tea.
  • Pour some drops of raw honey in the tea and stir it well.
  • Consume the tea 2 times every day.
14. Indian Gooseberries

Indian gooseberry is one of the worth-trying home remedies for fatigue and weakness relief that you can use to stay energized all day long[35]. Also known as amla or amalaki, Indian gooseberry is one of the most powerful herbs of Ayurveda that benefits all functions and systems of the human body. It relaxes, rejuvenates, and supports digestion and immunity and enhance healthy skin tissues[36] [37]. Containing a number of medicinal properties, this kind of fruit is so useful for recovering your energy in a short time. Amla has the richest natural source of vitamin C in the world, which offers its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. The impressive and well-rounded range of benefits that this herb offers is really a no-brainer for people suffering from fatigue.

We will show a basic way to prepare Indian gooseberries for solving this problem:

  • Take several Indian gooseberries and use a knife to remove their seeds.
  • Then, put the gooseberries in a blender and turn on the blender to form a paste.
  • Pour the paste in a bowl and then add a sufficient amount of hot water.
  • Pour the mixture in a pot and turn on the heat to boil the mixture.
  • Let it simmer for half an hour and allow it to cool down naturally.
  • Then, strain the mixture.
  • Consume the mixture thrice every day.
15. Ashwagandha

This herb is also known as Indian ginseng, which is another great herb in Ayurveda. It has incredible rejuvenating properties[38]. Considered a nervine and adaptogen, ashwagandha may help the human body respond to stress[39] while stabilizing it under stressful situations. The anti-inflammatory property assists the immune function[40]. Fatigue and stress often go hand-in-hand, so normalizing the response of stress to the body may alleviate the adverse effects of fatigue.

Foods To Avoid

While eating the foods and fruits to recover your energy, you should also avoid some kinds of foods that may make your fatigue has become worse.

  • Firstly, honey is among foods you should not consume when suffering from fatigue. In spite of the great benefits of honey to our body, you should limit consuming honey since the intake of honey may cause blood sugar spikes.
  • Secondly, you should avoid consuming energy drinks. These kinds of drinks are not useful for you in this case because they are full of caffeine and sugar.
  • Thirdly, candies are also the things you should avoid when you are suffering from fatigue.
  • Lastly, you need to say no with junk food.

So, in the article above, we provide you some information about fatigue and some effective home remedies for fatigue that you are suffering from. Now, it is time for you to choose suitable home remedies for yourselves in our article about natural home remedies for fatigue. Since these remedies are very easy to apply, you can apply them at home. In case your condition becomes worse, you had better pay a visit to the doctor for a better solution. Your comments and ideas are always welcomed. We will try to give the feedback to you as soon as possible.

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