17 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Rash Under Breasts Fast

updated: 06/20/2019

Rash under breasts is a condition in which the skin under the breast is red and irritated. It may be due to inadequate bra or excessive sweating under the chest. Rash under breasts may present as scaly skin, blisters, itching, and red rash. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve itching and treat this disease.

I know that the reason you are reading this article of 17 natural tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast is to learn how to treat this disease at home, but before that, you had better understand some basic information about it. Therefore, you can deal with it in the right way.

What Is Rash Under Breasts?

Breasts are parts of the body in the chest. For women, these parts are responsible for producing milk for the baby. Creativity has given the female breast which is completely different from the male in shape and structure, to take on motherhood. However, common illnesses such as rash under breasts are common to women. Rash under breasts is a condition in which the skin under the breast is red and irritated. This condition can cause itching, redness, pain or blistering. It is also known as breast infections.

This is a common breast problem in women who are breastfeeding. Because it is filled with milk, breast is a favorable environment for bacteria to grow. Babies often bite and suck on the breast, causing cracks in the skin and opening the way for bacteria to enter. Poor hygiene can also cause this condition. In some cases, rash under breasts cause the breast to become blocked, resulting in poor circulation of the milk. However, sometimes women who do not breastfeed can also get it. In most breastfeeding cases, rash under breasts occur within the first 3 months after birth, but it may also occur later. Occasionally, this condition causes the mother to stop breastfeeding.

Since this is a very common condition in postpartum women, many women often overlook the signs of the disease. However, rash under breasts may also be a sign ofinflammatory breast cancer. That's why so many people just discovered that they had breast cancer when the disease was so severe. This is a rare type of breast cancer, but the disease is progressing rapidly. The breast of the patients are usually swollen and red, especially, the skin in these areas usually thickens.For that reason, you need to pay special attention to this condition as soon as you notice its initial signs.

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What Are Common Causes Of Rash Under Breasts?

Here are common causes of this disease:

  • Breast abscess
  • Inflammatory breast cancer
  • Mastitis
  • Dermatitis nipples
  • The breasts are irritated by other effects such as tattoos.
  • Breast Paget's disease
  • Radiation skin inflammation
  • Allergic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Candida fungal infection (especially the skin under the breast)
  • Skin infections
  • Skin inflammation
  • Inflammation of skin tissue
  • Urticaria
  • Psoriasis
  • Scabies
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Patients with diabetes or immunodeficiency
  • The tumor is removed and then treated with radiation

What Are Common Symptoms Of Rash Under Breasts?

Here are common symptoms of this disease:

  • Pain and swelling
  • Red rash
  • The breasts feel hot
  • Body ache
  • Tired
  • You may feel your breasts stretched
  • Breast abscess
  • Abnormal discharge from the nipple
  • Mastitis causes you difficulty in daily activities
  • Feeling of breast pain for a long time but unknown cause
  • Any symptoms associated with redness, swelling and pain in the breast, which interfere with breastfeeding
  • Large tumors in the breast do not disappear after the end of the breastfeeding period

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, please consult your doctor.

Who Is At High Risk Of Rash Under Breasts?

As we mentioned above, women who are breastfeeding often experience rash under breasts. However, women who not in this period but have diabetes can still get this disease. You can control this problem by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Doctor?

If you have any of these signs or symptoms or have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.Besides, if after a period of time apply home remedies butthe condition is getting worse, and you may even have to suffer from high fever and bad pain, you should also see your doctor.You may have a different disease related to the breast.

Above are some basic information about rash under breast. As you can see, this disease can cause a lot of pain and inconvenience to your life. It can make you unable to feed your baby with nutritious breast milk. For that reason, it should be done as soon as possible. Here are tips that can help you do that. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 17 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Rash Under Breasts Fast

1. Cold Compress

This is the first home remedy in this list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast. If you notice the signs of rash under breasts, you can apply cold compress. This helps reduce inflammation and improve the symptoms of the disease, making you feel better. You can wrap ice cubes in a soft towel or plastic bag. Or you can buy ice pack at the supermarket. Be sure not to place ice cubes directly on the skin. This can cause an ice burning sensation. Do this after you take a shower. This will help cool temperatures to work better. Please apply cold compress about 10 minutes each time. After each application, you should stop for about 5 minutes before continuing to repeat this remedy to get the best results. If you do not have ice cubes, you can use frozen vegetable bags.

2. Take A Warm Bath
how to get rid of rash under breasts fast - take a warm bath

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast. Warm bath helps to reduce rash on the skin, including rash under the breast. You can also dip the towel in warm water and apply it to the skin under the breasts for a few minutes. Repeating this is really helpful to you. Although warmth cannot cure your condition completely, it can reduce the pain and discomfort you are suffering. Besides, it also helps to promote the effects of the treatments we refer to below.

3. Tea Tree Oil

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast. Tea tree oil is no stranger to those who are always looking for effective acne products that are safe. In some cases, tea tree oil can soothe skin rashes, including rash under breasts. Tea tree oil has excellent antimicrobial properties. This natural oil also increases the skin's resistance and protects the skin from the effects of the environment. Therefore, the use of tea tree oil to treat rash under the breasts is what you should do. Be careful not to apply the tea tree oil directly to the skin to prevent the rash from getting worse. Always dilute tea tree oil before applying it to the skin.

Like all natural ingredients, tea tree oil may not work for everyone. Some cases may be sensitive to tea tree oil. Discontinue use immediately if symptoms become severe after use of this natural oil.

To use tea tree oil to treat rash under breast, you can apply one of the following methods:

Method 1. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Water

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix tea tree oil with water in a ratio of 2: 1 or 3: 1
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of the oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

You should apply this method every day in the evening to get the best results. You should keep doing this for about a week after you notice the signs of the disease disappearing completely.

Method 2. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix tea tree oil with olive oil in a ratio of 3: 2
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of the oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Olive oil also has good antibacterial properties. In addition, this natural oil also helps to soften the skin, thereby creating favorable conditions for the nutrients of tea tree oil can easily penetrate into the skin and promote the best use. The combination of tea tree oil and olive oil is a good choice. Please apply this method every day in the evening to quickly treat your disease.

Method 3. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Coconut Oil

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix tea tree oil with coconut oil in a ratio of 3: 2
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of the oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Coconut has antibacterial and soothing properties. That is why after using the mixture of coconut oil and tea tree oil to massage the affected area, you will feel your condition rapidly improved significantly. Please apply this method every day in the evening.

Method 4. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Lavender Essential Oil

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix tea tree oil with lavender essential oil in a ratio of 3: 2
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of the oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

With its powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve skin health and elasticity, lavender essential oil along with tea tree oil is a great way to treat your condition. Please apply this method every day in the evening until rash under breasts is completely treated.

4. Thyme

The next treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast is using thyme. Thyme is a type of herb that helps to soothe the skin in some cases. With antibacterial, antibiotic, and anti-fungal properties, thyme will be a natural remedy for various skin infections, including rash under breasts. 50 basic compounds are resistant to certain types of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and S. dysenteriae. Besides, thyme leaves also help to fight the aging skin quite well. This helps keep your skin healthy against the invasion of bacteriaand some cancers. You can also avoid scars caused by rash under breasts because thymus can help prevent this.

To apply this tip, please follow these steps below:

  • Crush a handful of thyme leaves
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply crushed thyme to these skin areas
  • After about 30 minutes, clean these skin areas with warm water

Apply this tip once a day and see if it works for you. Remember that natural ingredients may not work for everyone. Discontinue use of thyme when the rash becomes severe. Also, do not use when you know yourself allergic to thyme.

5. Calamine Body Lotion

This sounds strange when it comes to tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast, but it works. Some body lotion and moisturizing products can help to reduce the rash. You can try Calamine body lotion. Calamine can soothe the skin, reducing the itch and irritation that rash under breasts cause. Let’s apply the Calamine body lotion to affected areas twice a day for best results. However, you should remember that body lotion cannot completely cure your condition. Cleaning the breast before and after breastfeeding is also essential. You need to combine these two steps in the course of treatment [1].

You can also use moisturizing products without flavoring. These products are sold in supermarkets or pharmacies. Make sure the product you choose does not have a scent because the oils and scents in the body lotion can irritate the skin. Observe specific instructions on the bottle and apply to skin rash as needed.

6. Aloe Vera

tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts - aloe vera

The next one in this list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast is using Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is considered one of the most important plants to help fight cancer today. This plant is highly medicinal and it has excellent antiseptic and antiseptic properties. It is capable of treating rashes and skin sores, while promoting the healing of skin wounds [2].

All ingredients in Aloe Vera have great health benefits. They support the metabolism, promote the production and regeneration of cells, strengthen the immune system, prevent inflammation and antioxidants, and participate in all the development of the body. Biological active substances of Aloe Vera such as Aloeamodine, Aloetic acid, Anthracene, and Cinamic acid have strong antiseptic properties which help to remove bacteria that cause dermatitis and skin irritation. For that reason, Aloe Vera can completely treat rash under your breasts. Note that Aloe Vera can irritate your skin, so try applying Aloe Vera gel on a healthy skin area to check your body's response.

To use Aloe Vera to treat rash under breast, you can apply one of the following methods:

Method 1. Just Aloe Vera

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply Aloe Vera gel to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this gel can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

You can also remove Aloe Vera gel on these skin areas with warm water after about 20-30 minutes. Apply this method every day before going to bed to see the effected results.

Method 2. Aloe Vera And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix Aloe Vera gel and honey to make a thick mixture
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this gel can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Honey also has excellent antibacterial properties. The combination of Aloe Vera gel and honey to treat rash under breasts is something you should do. Surely this method will give you unexpected results. Please apply this method every day before going to bed.

Method 3. Aloe Vera And Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix Aloe Vera gel and olive oil to make a thick mixture
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this gel can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Implementing this method every day before going to bed is what you should do to quickly treat your condition.

Method 4. Aloe Vera And Coconut Oil

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix Aloe Vera gel and coconut oil to make a thick mixture
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this gel can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Let’s do this method every day before going to bed. Hopefully it will work for you.

Method 5. Aloe Vera And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix Aloe Vera gel and lemon juice to make a thick mixture
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this gel can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Please apply this method every day before going to bed until you completely treat your disease.

7. Olive Oil

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast. Although mentioned in the above methods, do you know that olive oil itself has the effect of treating rash under breasts? We all know that olive oil has good antibacterial properties. Some types of dermatitis include rash under breasts, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis can all be treated with this natural oil. Olive oil contains a compound called oleocanthal. It blocks the action of two specific enzymes (Cox-1 and Cox-2) which promote inflammation.

Adding about 50 grams of olive oil in your daily diet will help prevent the possibility of an infection. In particular, olive oil can prevent the formation of malignant tumors. Olive oil contains antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals. Moisturizing the skin is also a prominent use of this natural oil. For those reasons, the use of olive oil to treat rash under breasts is great good choice.

To use olive oil to treat rash under breast, you can apply one of the following methods:

Method 1. Just Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply olive oil to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Please apply this method every day before going to bed to get the results you want.

Method 2. Olive Oil And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix olive oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 2:1
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

You should implement this method every day before going to bed.

Method 3. Olive Oil And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Mix olive oil and honey in a ratio of 1:1
  • After warming the skin areas under the breast, apply this mixture to these skin areas
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the nutrients of this oil can penetrate the skin
  • Wash these areas the next morning

Please apply this method every day before going to bed to get the best results.

8. Cornstarch

Cornstarch has been commonly used for generations as a treatment for skin rashes and diaper rash. For the mild cases of skin irritations, cornstarch is a great alternative to baby (talcum) powder. It temporarily relieves anything, from chicken pox to poison ivy.

Basically, cornstarch is a carbohydrate processed from the corn by eliminating the protein and leaving only the starch behind. Cornstarch can wick away the moisture and decrease yeast, fungal or bacterial growth.

You can dust cornstarch directly over your affected skin or mix it with Maalox to create a paste. Then, spread this paste on your rash. Repeat this routine twice per day till you get rid of the issue completely.

Note: Avoid using cornstarch on wet or moist skin because it might increase your risk of fungal infection.

9. Basil Leaves

tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts - basil leaves

Basil has cooling effects, so it could be applied on breast rashes for relief. Thanks to its therapeutic properties and antimicrobial compounds, you can prevent any potential infections from developing affected areas [3].

  • Pound several basil leaves with water by using a mortar and pestle
  • After having a smooth paste, apply it over your rashes
  • Wait for 25-30 minutes prior to rinsing it off with warm water
  • Repeat this method twice per day for noticeable results
10. Turmeric

Turmeric is considered one of the safe herbs used in treating skin disorders. The active ingredient named curcumin found in turmeric has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory property. Thus, it reduces the amount of enzymes responsible for inflammation associated with breast rashes.

You can use turmeric both externally and internally to deal with breast rashes. Here are some methods to consider:

Method 1: Turmeric Milk

Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric in milk to create a mixture to lessen itching and redness

Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric with boiling water, allow it to simmer for 10 minutes. Take it directly or wash your affected areas with it.

Method 2: Turmeric and Neem leaves

  • Mix 1 tablespoon each of grounded neem leaves and turmeric powder together
  • Apply the paste over your rashes

Method 3: Turmeric oil

  • Take 250 gms of any bitter oil, 300 gms juice of durva grass, and 125 gms of turmeric ground
  • Mix them with some water
  • Cook them in the iron vessel and let it cool down
  • Use a cloth to strain the oil
  • Apply the oil on your affected areas
  • Repeat this routine for at least 5 days


  • Do not take high dosage of turmeric as it is harmful and may result in contraction of gallbladder, bleeding and diarrhea.
  • Consult your doctor prior to using turmeric if you have gallstones
  • People who are using medications for lowering blood sugar levels should be careful with turmeric as it may increase the effect of diabetic medications and decrease blood sugar levels quickly.
  • Do not take turmeric 2 weeks prior to surgery as its blood thinning effect may interfere with the process of blood clotting after surgery.
  • Lactating and pregnant women should not use turmeric supplements.
11. Garlic

The reputation of garlic as a medicinal herb is increasingly growing. It has been confirmed by a lot of researchers when it comes to prevention and treatment of many health conditions [4].

Garlic has a compound named allicin which contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. That is why garlic is listed as one of best tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts [5] [6].

Method 1: Just Garlic

  • Mince some garlic cloves
  • Apply it over your affected breasts
  • Wait for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with water
  • Repeat this once per day

Method 2: Garlic Oil, Olive Oil, Tea Tree Oil

You had better buy quality tea tree oil as it is the best essential oil for skin rash beside the garlic oil.

  • Mix a minced garlic clove with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 drop of tea tree oil
  • Apply this mixture over your rashes using a cotton ball
  • After 15 minutes, rinse it off with water
  • Repeat this routine once per day for best results
12. Ginger

Ginger has long been used as an herbal remedy in Indian, Chinese and Arabic medicine for centuries to deal with stomach issues, arthritis, muscle soreness, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, cough and menstrual pain. However, not many people also known that ginger is good for skin too.

The gingerol found in ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial compound. Thus, it may reduce inflammation that contributes to inflammatory skin disorders like dermatitis (eczema), psoriasis, and rosacea.

Ginger is good for the human skin as it improves digestion, which is highly crucial for those suffering from chronic skin issues. The gut and the skin have a close connection. Food which lingers in our digestive tract longer than usual will create toxic by-products. Fact is, toxin buildup in an unhealthy colon has been linked with skin disorders like psoriasis.

Additionally, ginger can stimulate blood flow, aiding your skin in eradicating toxins. It can relieve the inflammation and irritation caused by breast rashes [7] [8].

  • Put a piece of 2-inch ginger into a glass of steaming hot water
  • Allow it to steep for 10 minutes
  • After the solution cools down, dip a cotton pad into
  • Apply the pad over your affected areas
  • Rinse it off after 30 minutes
  • Reapply this method twice per day
13. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is powerful against breast rashes. Also called as winterblood, this herb has tannins – the astringent plant compounds – which have shrinking or drying effect. In accordance with Dr. Varro E. Tyler, the author of “Honest Herbal”, the tannins content in witch hazel’s bark is 31 times richer than other parts of the plant.

Tannins cause proteins in the human skin to tighten, thereby producing a protective layer that supports the resistance to potential inflammation and enhance healing [9].

Also, witch hazel can repair the damaged blood vessels under skin surface, prevent infection and pain, and soothe tender skin.

However, do not use hazel decoctions, tinctures or teas internally when you get pregnant or have lower intestinal issues or stomach ulcers.

  • Use a cotton ball to dip in witch hazel extract
  • Apply it over your affected areas
  • Repeat this routine twice or thrice per day
14. Neem

how to get rid of rash under breasts fast - neem

Neem is one of prime ingredients in a lot of natural beauty products. Thus, it is not surprising that neem is listed in our list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts. The key chemical constituents in neem oil are triterpenois substancs like Nimbin and Azadirachtin, in addition to sterols, triglycerides. Neem oil has fatty acids such as omega-6, 9, palmitic and stearic acid. Such compounds bestow antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune stimulant, cicatrisan, astringent and circulatory properties. They are good for treating skin-related issues [10].

Quercetin present in this oil can promote the response of our body to inflammation through restricting the production as well as release of irritants within the body. What is more, fatty acids and vitamin E in neem oil restore the natural protective barriers of skin, prevent moisture loss, and heal dry skin.

Simply mix neem oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and apply the mixture over your skin. Alternatively, you could also use fresh neem leaves for the treatment:

  • Crush several neem leaves and grind them with turmeric powder
  • Then, add a small amount of coconut oil into to create a thick paste
  • Apply the paste over your skin and wait for 15 minutes to wash it off.
  • Repeat this routine daily for optimal results
15. Try Medicine

If the rash is due to an infection and it does not go away on its own, your doctor may prescribe medication for you. There are many prescription drugs used to treat skin rashes. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotic creams or anti-fungal creams to apply directly to the skin as directed. Sometimes, he may also recommend low-dose steroid creams or antibiotics if he thinks the rash is a bacterial infection.

16. Keep The Skin Under The Breasts Dry

No wonder, this is definitely one that should be mentioned in this list of tips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast. Moisture in the breasts can cause skin infections and rashes. You should try to keep the skin under the breasts dry to prevent the rash. Clean and dry the area under the breast after exercising. Dry the area under the breast in hot weather and when your body sweats a lot. You can also use a clean tower or a fan to do this.

17. Be Careful With Potential Triggers

Maybe the product you are using contributes to rash under breasts. If you are using a new product that is in contact with the skin (soap, shampoo, lotion, fabric softener, etc.) and you have rash under breasts, stop using it to see if symptoms are improving. If symptoms are relieved, you should avoid taking these products in the future.

18. Choose The Right Size Of Bra

Choosing the right size of bra is the next remedy in this list oftips on how to get rid of rash under breasts fast. Breasts that are too large or too tight can irritate the skin and cause a rash under the breast. You should buy cotton bras with high elasticity. Do not buy synthetic bra to avoid skin irritation. If you are not sure about the size of the bra, you should go to the store for advice. Cotton cloth can help reduce the moisture under the chest. This fabric allows the skin to breathe easier and they are able to absorb moisture faster than other fabrics. Therefore, you should also buy clothes made of 100% cotton fabric.

How To Get Rid Of Rash Under Breasts – Some Attention

In addition to applying these above tips, to get rid of rash under breasts, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Always clean your breasts before and after breastfeeding.
  • Always wash your hands with bactericidal soap before touching the affected area.
  • Massage your breasts gently before breastfeeding to limit baby's biting into the nipple.
  • Regular exercise for the breast. Some sports can help you do this like swimming, walking and yoga.
  • Sunbathe for 15 minutes every day (early morning sunshine).
  • Maintain a healthy diet and mental comfort.

Keep these tips in mind to prevent any formation of rash under breasts. They are all very simple and effective. Let’s choose some of them to see how effective they are. We hope that this list of home remedies could be used in your own case. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 17 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Rash Under Breasts Fast” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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