26 Easy Tips How To Get Rid Of Loose Belly Skin After Weight Loss

updated: 06/23/2019

On hot summer days, you will want to wear a bathing suit to hit the beach with your friends. Nevertheless, does the loose belly skin make you feel unconfident? Do not get confused because so many people have the same worries with you. This condition usually occurs in postpartum women and those who have recently lost weight.

There are many dangerous and ineffective gimmicks on how to get rid of loose belly skin. There is no “magic wand” that can help you tighten belly fat for a day, but this article will explain why your waist is getting loose and how to get rid of this condition.

What Is Belly Skin Tightening?

Losing weight is an impressive achievement that significantly reduces the risk of illness. However, people who lose a large amount of weight in the short term are more likely to having skin problems, especially loose belly skin. This has a negative impact on the appearance and quality of life.

Loose belly skin due to severe weight loss can cause physical and mental challenges:

  • Physical discomfort: Excessive stretching may cause discomfort and interferes with daily activities. A study in 360 adults found that this problem occurred most frequently in people who lost 110 pounds or more.
  • Decreased physical activity: In a study of 26 women, 76% admitted that loose skin caused exercise activity to be limited. In addition, 45% said they stopped exercising completely because of their damaged skin that caught the attention of others.
  • Skin irritation and injury: One study found that 124 had requested cosmetic surgery to tighten the skin after weight loss surgery, while 44% said the skin was sore, ulcerative or inflamed due to sagging.
  • Mental stress: Skin loss due to weight loss may have a negative impact on the body appearance as well as the mood.

For the above reasons, the tighten belly skin is essential. This process helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, giving you a flat belly. Nonetheless, this process takes a lot of time and patience. Therefore, prepare yourself for solid psychology before starting to change your appearance.

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What Are Common Causes Of Loose Belly Skin?

Skin is the largest organ in the body and forms a protective barrier against the environment. The outermost skin is protein, including collagen and elastin. Collagen, which makes up 80% of the skin structure, provides the skin with firmness and strength. Elastin provides elasticity and keeps your skin smooth.

When you gain weight, your skin will expand to allow for growth in the belly and other parts of your body. Pregnancy is an example of this dilation. Skin dilation during pregnancy occurs in a few months, and the skin is usually contracted within a few months of birth. In contrast, the majority of overweight and obese people suffer from excessive weight for years, usually beginning as early as adolescence or adolescence.

As the skin has stretched considerably and remained for a long time, the collagen and elastin fibers were gradually damaged. As a result, they lose some of their ability to shrink. Thus, when a person loses a lot of weight, the loose skin will sag. In general, the more you lose weight, the more noticeable the loose skin becomes.

What Are Risk Factors Of Loose Belly Skin?

As we said above, anyone can get into this situation, including children. Here are some risk factors:

  • The length of time you are overweight: In general, the longer a person is overweight or obesity, the more sagging skin after losing weight due to loss of elastin and collagen.
  • Weight loss that you reduce: The reduction of 100 pounds (46 kg) or more usually results in a larger amount of loose skin.
  • Age: When your skin is aging, it contains less collagen than when it was young. So, loose skin condition also tends to affect you more after you lose weight.
  • Genetics: Genes can affect your skin's response to weight gain and loss.
  • Exposure to sunlight. Long exposure to sunlight can reduce the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which can contribute to sagging skin.
  • Smoking: Smoking leads to a reduction in collagen production and damage to existing collagen, leading to skin degeneration.

You can control this problem by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Dermatologist?

Loose skin does not affect your health; however, if you want to remove this skin condition for a short time, you may see a dermatologist for a direct consultation.Besides, if you have any questions, please consult your dermatologist. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

There, you have discovered some information about loose belly skin. It’s is time to find out tips on how to treat this condition. You can also apply them for other skin areas on your body. Please take a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 26 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Loose Belly Skin After Weight Loss

1. Do Not Apply Fad Diets

Not to apply fad diets is the first home remedy in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin.

Eating healthy and exercising is the best way to lose weight and own tightening belly skin. Applying a fad diet can have a temporary effect, but it can affect you after a period of time, or even severely damage your body. In the long run, fast food diets will only make you eat more or in unhealthy and unsustainable ways and will cause weight gain. Every day, try substituting bad foods into healthy foods until you no longer use junk food as your main food.

2. Use Raw Shea Butter

use raw shea butter

Shea butter is obtained from shea tree’s nuts, which derives from West Africa. It is usually used in natural skin care and cosmetic products.

Being a powerhouse of vitamin A, raw shea butter can help with a lot of skin issues like wrinkles, blemishes, stretch marks, dermatitis, muscle fatigue, and radiation treatments for a number of medical issues.

As shea butter is moisturizing and hydrating, it can offer instant smoothness and softness to the skin when used topically. In accordance with the National Center for Biotechnology Information, shea butter has anti-tumor promoting and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is also shown to have anti-aging effects, thereby boosting collagen production [1].

Having a rich content of oleic, stearic acids and vitamin A and E, raw shea butter is a great solution on how to get rid of loose belly skin. Take the following steps to get tight abdominal skin:

Method 1: Use Shea Butter Only

All you need to do is:

  • Warm 5 teaspoons of Shea butter
  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of Shea butter to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning

Method 2: Shea Butter and Essential Oils

  • Lightly heat 3 tablespoons of raw, unrefined shea butter
  • Turn off the heat and put the shea butter in the fridge for 10 minutes to make it solid
  • Take it off from the fridge
  • Add 3-5 drops each of lavender essential oil and tea tree oil into the bowl of shea butter
  • Pour 2-3 drops of frankincense essential oil and 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil
  • Blend them slowly
  • Place the mixture in a glass jar with a lid
  • Store the jar in a cool dark place or the fridge
  • Regularly massage this mixture over your belly skin for good results

Note: You can store this mixture for about 3 weeks.

3. Dry Brushing

If you regularly do dry brushing, it will tighten your belly skin, particularly after delivery and weight loss. The reason is that dry brushing boosts the nervous as well as lymphatic systems. It also stimulates hormonal glands and the oil within your body whilst easing stress on your kidneys. Because of increased blood flow and reduced toxins, your skin will become firm.

You had better dry your abdominal skin before showering. Brush with smooth, long strokes. This process will remove toxins as well as dead skin cells. To get the best results, brush your skin in the daily morning. Actually, toxins may accumulate during the night, so dry brushing will boost your energy levels along with overall well-being throughout the day.

Follow your dry brushing with both alternating hot and cold water to stimulate blood and skin circulation.

It is best to opt for a good quality dry brush so you can get the best results. After that, apply a natural oil or moisturizer in order to firm your belly skin. Go for almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil for best results [2] [3].

It is recommended to maintain dry brushing regularly for about 5 months.

4. Consume Foods With The Low Glycemic Index

The next tip on how to get rid of loose belly skin is consuming foods with the low glycemic index.

These foods will take more time to digest, so you will feel full longer. They help to reduce the amount of fat that builds up in your belly, supporting the tightening belly skin process. Your body will slowly absorb nutrients to help you avoid hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia until the next meal. Some foods that have good low blood glucose levels include cabbage, carrots, white broccoli, celery, cucumbers, dark lettuce leaves, onions, pears, tomatoes, watercress, broccoli, bananas, apples, and berries.

5. Do Plyometrics Exercises

Doing plyometrics exercises is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin.

Plyometrics are exercises that require you to have “endurance.” These exercises combine cardio exercises with strength training exercises. A few pretty good plyometric exercises that you can practice at home include:

  • Jumping jack. Start in standing position, jump up while holding your hands and feet in “X” shape, then land in standing position. Repeat several times depending on your ability.
  • Squat-thrust and push-ups exercises. Start in a push-up position, perform a one-push push, then push your legs and pull your knees up to your chest so that your feet are in the middle of your hands (still touching the ground in a pushing position), then jump up as high as possible, hold hands high above the head. Go back to squatting position with your hands touching the ground, then jump on the thrust. Repeat as many times as you can.
6. Eat The Right Foods

eat the right foods

Reducing your diet is among must-take tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin naturally.

Instead of consuming unsuitable foods, many people eat too much of the right foods. You should only eat until you feel full then stop eating. If you regularly snack on healthy foods, you will not feel hungry. A good tip that you can use is to use small plates to eat. In this way, your plate will look full of food, but in fact, you eat less than usual. Also, try to fit half the plate with vegetables.

Chew slowly and carefully when eating. Chewing food well can help you promote digestion in the stomach, making you feel less bloated and flatulence. You should chew food until it becomes as good as applesauce. Besides, take a short break after each spoonful of food. This will help your stomach get the chance to realize that it is full, so help you not to overeat.

7. Do Not Take Any Food For Two Or Three Hours Before Bedtime

Your body will function slowly when you sleep, and this will prevent the digestion of food in the stomach absolutely. In the evenings and nights, you will also be less active. This means that your body will reserve the calories you consume when eating late, instead of burning them to provide energy to the body. Try not to eat any food for two to three hours before bedtime, or follow the “daytime diet,” which means you are only allowed to eat during the day.

8. Consume Protein-Rich Foods To Snack Between 3 And 4 Pm

To know how to get rid of loose belly skin naturally, consider taking advantage of protein-rich foods at the right time.

According to experts, consuming protein foods to snack around the “golden hours” from 3 to 4 pm will help promote metabolism and balance blood sugar levels. This makes the belly is less affected. Having a balanced blood sugar level will reduce the amount of insulin in your body, which is good for the body because insulin can store fat in your abdomen, causing your belly skin to become loose. A protein bar or shake, a handful of almonds, or pumpkin seeds, or a few pieces of low-fat cheese are good options for you.

9. Eat Small Meals

Replace the habit of eating three regular meals a day by eating less and eating more. Many people make the mistake of not eating during the time between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, especially when they are trying to lose weight. Losing weight gradually will help belly skin adapt to fat accumulation in the abdomen. So it will not be loose and saggy.

However, such diets will affect blood glucose levels and will cause you to eat more due to hunger, so you will be less likely to lose weight. It is best to use a few healthy foods to take a snack every 3 to 4 hours and do not let your body go hungry.

10. Drink A Lot Of Water

The next one in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin is drinking a lot of water.

You should completely replace the regular drink with water, especially carbonated water or soft drinks because they contain excess calories and will make you feel uncomfortable. Drinking plenty of water will help eliminate toxins from the body and aid digestion. Both are important because they reduce the amount of fat deposited in the belly, leaving the skin in this area not loose.

If you feel bored when you only drink ordinary water, you may consider making nutritious drinks instead. Simple nutritional drinks are made from regular water help you feel refreshed and energized, speed metabolism and reduce fat in the belly.

The recipes for this type of drink are varied, but many include combinations of ingredients such as slices of orange, lemon, ginger, cucumber, fresh green leaf, and fresh basil leaves. Soak the ingredients in water overnight – water will contain “full of nutrients” in the morning!

Pay attention to the signs of the body. Your urine should be light yellow or clear. If it is dark and smelly, your body is dehydrated.

11. Get Aerobics Every Day

Practing aerobics is a great way to tighten your flabby abdominal skin and improve your overall health at the same time.

Of course, you can bend the belly 100 times a day, but what if you have a thick layer of belly fat that covers your abdominal muscles? You need to burn this belly fat gradually to be able to see the change in belly skin. Cardio workouts will heat up your body temperature and enhance circulation, contributing to the formation of tightening belly skin for you. You should practice at least 30 minutes a day, including 1-2 days of rest per week.

Other activities such as dancing, jogging, swimming, cycling, and walking at the right pace will be the great aerobic exercise to tighten sagging skin. In fact, any activity that can increase your heart rate will help you! Boxing is a pretty good exercise that helps increase your heart rate, while the muscles used when you punch will help bring the flat belly to you.

Set up interval cardio training sessions, such as alternating sprints with quick walking. When you feel that you have regained your breath, continue to sprint. Apply this measure for a total of 20 minutes each time.

12. Eat Healthier

Eating healthier is another must-try way on how to get rid of loose belly skin.

There is no secret when it comes to dieting for a belly skin toned. Therefore, you only need to eat a variety of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and limit snacks such as candy, chips, and fast food. Just by this simple change, you will notice the difference in your belly skin. However, this does not mean that you stop consuming these foods suddenly.

Take a healthy diet in a gradual but consistent way in replacing unhealthy foods with healthy foods. Here are some simple changes that you can make:

  • Eat a lot of lean protein. Beans, nuts, and lean meat are all good for you as long as you do not eat fat!
  • Eat whole grains. Look for foods that are labeled “100% whole grains” or “100% whole wheat bran” rather than simply labeled “wheat flour”.
  • Consume low-fat dairy foods. Change the use of high-fat dairy foods to low-fat types because they are rich in protein and vitamin B6.
  • Use healthy fats. Not all fats are bad for your health! The monounsaturated fats found in avocados, beans and fish oils are great for you because they can tone your belly skin. You should only remember to avoid the trans fatty acids found in many prepared foods and pastries.
  • Reduce sodium intake. Sodium keeps water in the body, making the belly skin loose. Whenever possible, substitute high sodium foods with other foods better for your health. Replace common salt with kosher salt or sea salt, which has lower sodium content. Besides, you should not use soy sauce as it contains a lot of sodium.
13. Do Bodybuilding

The next treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin is doing bodybuilding.

One of the best ways to get toned skin is to exercise. Weight lifting exercises such as dead-lift and bench press help to tighten the skin around the belly, arms, back, and thighs. Start practicing with a weight of about 0.5kg or 1kg and lift the weights regularly at the gym or at home. Try lifting weights in 5 sessions with 6 to 8 lifts per session. Do not forget to warm up your body before training by lifting weights and doing cardio workouts.

You will practice with increasing intensity. Start with light weight and gradually increase. If you feel tired, you can rest. It is best to talk to your doctor before taking anti-weightlifting.

14. Make Regular Skin Exfoliation For Belly Skin
make regular skin exfoliation for belly skin

Skin exfoliating is the process of using small particles to remove dead skin cells. This will help to firm skin sagging. Do this method 2-3 times a week for belly skin and you will gradually see the effect. You can use the exfoliation products sold at cosmetic shops or use natural ingredients as suggested below:

Method 1. Use Brown Sugar

All you need to do is:

  • Mix brown sugar and honey or lemon juice to form a thick mixture
  • After you shower, apply this mixture to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 2. Use Coffee Grounds

All you need to do is:

  • Mix coffee grounds and honey or olive oil to form a thick mixture
  • After you shower, apply this mixture to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 3. Use Sea Salt

All you need to do is:

  • Mix sea salt and lemon juice or olive oil to form a thick mixture
  • After you shower, apply this mixture to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 4. Use Oatmeal

All you need to do is:

  • Mix oatmeal and lemon juice or sugar – free milk to form a thick mixture
  • After you shower, apply this mixture to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 5. Use Red Bean Powder

All you need to do is:

  • Mix red bean powder and coconut oil or sugar – free milk to form a thick mixture
  • After you shower, apply this mixture to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 6. Use Strawberry

All you need to do is:

  • Crush 4-5 ripe strawberry, add 2 teaspoons of olive oil or honey and continue to crush
  • After you shower, apply this mixture to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 7. Use Lettuce Fish Juice

All you need to do is:

  • Mix 100ml lettuce fish juice with 3-4 teaspoons of honey or coconut oil, stir well
  • After you shower, apply this solution to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 8. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

All you need to do is:

  • Mix 100ml apple cider vinegar with 3-4 teaspoons of honey or coconut oil, stir well
  • After you shower, apply this solution to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin
15. Use Skin Firming Cream Containing Collagen And Elastin

In order to get rid of sagging belly skin, you should take advantage of skin firming creams containing collagen and elastin.

Collagen and elastin are the proteins of the skin that help increase the elasticity of the skin. If you are worried about sagging belly skin, you can buy skin firming cream at a shopping center, beauty salon or online. Choose a cream containing collagen and/or elastin to apply to the loose skin area according to the instructions on the package.

16. Always Moisturize The Belly Skin

Moisturizing the skin is one of the most important steps in improving the condition of your belly. By getting enough water, the skin becomes more toned. You should choose a moisturizer that is available in stores or online that contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C or soy protein. In addition, try using natural ingredients to combine massage and moisturizer to the skin as suggested below:

Method 1. Use Coconut Oil

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of coconut oil or the mixture of coconut oil and olive oil to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning

Method 2. Use Almond Oil

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of almond oil to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning

Method 3. Use Aloe Vera Gel

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of aloe Vera gel to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning

Method 4. Use Vitamin E Oil

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of vitamin E oil to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning

Method 5. Use Egg White

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of egg white to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water
  • Deeply moisturize the belly skin

Method 6. Use Argan Oil

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of argan oil to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning

Method 7. Use Rose Essential Oil

All you need to do is:

  • After you shower, apply a thin layer of rose essential oil or the mixture of rose essential oil and olive oil to the belly skin
  • Massage in circular motion for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on the skin overnight and rinse in the next morning
17. Consume Collagen

The next one in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin is consuming collagen.

Collagen hydrolysates are very similar to gelatin. This is the type of collagen that has been found in the connective tissues of animals. Although it has not been tested in people with sagging belly skin associated with severe weight loss, studies have shown that collagen hydrolysates may have protective collagen effects.

In a controlled study, the strength of collagen increased significantly after four weeks of supplementation with collagen peptide, and this effect was maintained throughout the 12-week study. Collagen hydrolysates is also called hydrolysed collagen. It is available in powder form and can be purchased at a natural food store or online. Another popular source of collagen is slow cooking bond soups, which also provides other health benefits.

18. Visit Saunas And Baths

In baths or saunas, all harmful toxins and substances will be cleansed from your body with the support of water. In case you visit a bath, you need to grab a good birch broom along with herbal teas. It is recommended to opt for steam and saunas rooms which have a pool containing cool water. The temperature contrast which occurs when you transit from steam to cold water will benefit your skin significantly because it refreshes and tones skin.

19. Stop Smoking
stop smoking

Stopping smoking is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin.

If you smoke occasionally, you should quit. Besides having a negative effect on the skin's elasticity, smoking is more harmful to your health. Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking if you want to make the skin firm. It is very difficult to stop using stimulants like cigarettes so you may need more support. Join the support group where you live or on the Internet and let your family and friends know you need support from them in quitting smoking.

20. Take Less Alcoholic Beverages

Reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of little – known tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin.

Getting rid of alcohol completely from the diet can be difficult for you to do, and you should consider cutting them off. Alcoholic beverages, especially alcohol, are high in calories (a scary fact: a bottle of wine contains about 600 calories). They are the cause of your skin sagging, especially the skin in the belly.

Alcohol consumption also releases estrogen in the body undesirable, and excess estrogen stores the body's weight. In addition, alcohol stimulates appetite. As a result, you are attracted to the foods you are trying not to consume, such as burgers, fries, pizzas, chocolates, and packaged French fries.

21. Limit Sun Exposure

The effect of sunlight can cause skin wrinkles and sag. To prevent sagging skin, you should limit exposure to sunlight every day. Stay indoors when the weather is hot. If you need to go out, you should wear sunscreen and long dress to protect belly skin as well as other skin areas. Avoid using equipment and products that help to dye the belly skin. Besides making the skin saggy, these forms also damage the skin cells.

22. Limit The Use Of Sulfate Soap

The next treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin after weight loss is limiting the use of sulfate soap.

Sulfate soaps are commonly found in detergents, shampoos, lotions, and dishwashers. You should avoid buying soap containing sulfate because this ingredient is harmful to belly skin, making it loose.

23. Remove Chlorine On Skin After Swimming

Chlorine in the pool water is very harmful to the skin. It can make the skin wrinkled, dry and saggy. Therefore, after swimming, you should bathe with soap dedicated to cleansing chlorine on the skin. You can buy this product online or at the pharmacy.

24. Be Patient!

If you lose weight in a healthy way, you will not be able to get results right away. Any method that causes excess fat to disappear quickly can adversely affect your health and make belly skin loose. The best way to protect your health and long-term weight loss is to follow the steps mentioned in the article.

25. Deal With Stress

In order to learn how to get rid of loose belly skin after weight loss the right way, you need to learn the ways to cope with stress.

Having a loose belly skin can make you feel depressed. The belly toning process also takes a lot of time and patience. So, learn to cope with stress. Try doing moves such as jogging to relieve stress, or try some new activities, such as boxing, to give you a positive outlet for negative emotions.

26. Apply Alternative Medical Procedures

This is the last one in this list of tips on how to get rid of loose belly skin after weight loss

Although body plastic surgery is the most common procedure for removing loose skin, there are other options with lower risk of complications:

  • VelaShape: This system uses a combination of infrared light, radio frequency, and massage to minimize loose skin.
  • Ultrasound: A controlled study of ultrasound therapy showed that this method was effective for tightening belly skin.

There, you have discovered some tips that help you tighten belly skin. Although they are quite simple, the effect they bring can satisfy the most difficult people. So, quickly apply them to improve your skin condition. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 26 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Loose Belly Skin After Weight Loss”, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

If you want to discover more interesting tips and tricks about health and beauty issues, feel free to visit our How To Category here.

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