16 Safe Home Remedies For A Stomach Ulcer Pain Relief

Currently, there are many people experiencing a stomach ulcer at some points in their lives. Stomach ulcers (sometimes can be known as gastric ulcers) are the open sores within the lining of the stomach. This condition happens due to the presence of acid in the stomach. The damage may occur and cause pain to the patients.

If you are suffering from this common digestive issue, you should not skip this article since we will uncover top effective home remedies for a stomach ulcer pain. Read on below!

What Are Stomach Ulcers?

Duodenal ulcer, also regarded as gastric ulcer or stomach ulcer, is an ulcerative lesion on the lining of stomach or duodenum (the head of the small intestine). There are painful sores that surface on the stomach’s lining. They can have a bad impact on your stomach and the small intestine as well. This problem occurs due to the imbalance of digestive juices. These lesions occur when the lining of the stomach, duodenum, and underlying tissue are exposed. Gastric ulcers occur more than four times in the duodenum.

Stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers are very common in people of all ages, but the quantity of adult patients outnumbers that of children. Based on different locations of various inflammations and ulcers, there are many kinds of ulcer, such as:

  • Gastritis (stomach inflammation or pain)
  • Inflammation of the anus
  • Inflammation of the cardiac stomach
  • Inflammation of the small curvature
  • Ulcerative colitis, or duodenum (called duodenal ulcer)
  • Esophagus (called esophageal ulcer)
  • Stomach (called gastric ulcer)
  • Meckel’s diverticulum (called Meckel’s diverticulum ulcer, is very tender with palpation).

Individuals who are suffering from stomach ulcers may feel aching hunger pangs between their navel and breastbone, and sometimes it may extend towards their back.

What Are Symptoms Of A Stomach Ulcer Pain?

As mentioned above, gastric ulcers occur when the tunica mucosa ventriculi in the stomach get damaged. The lining of the stomach is covered with a layer of mucus to protect it against the acid secreted in the organ during the food digesting process. However, this layer can be damaged due to bacterial infection or some other reasons which lead to excessive acid production. Therefore, the holes may develop in the stomach lining and there are also other symptoms associated with this condition.

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The severity of stomach ulcers is different among patients depending on the duration of suffering from this condition.

Some of signals which can tell us about the coming gastric ulcer are discussed as following:

  • Pain

The location of the stomach and duodenum is in the upper abdomen, so in case patients are suffering from peptic ulcer, the first symptom that they can experience is the pain in the upper abdominal called as epigastric pain.

The pain usually lasts for a short period of time. When there is a trigger like drinking alcohol or eating spicy foods, the patients will feel more severe and painful.

Usually, the pain may last for a few minutes or even more than one hour. Similarly, it can be mild or intense. The real discomfort is caused only when the ulcer feels irritated. This occurs mainly after meals if you previously consumed stimulants such as spices. In addition, the pain is also experienced when the stomach acid comes into contact with its damaged stomach lining. Since the sealed protective layer has been endangered, the linings will feel sensitive to the acidic digestive fluid in the stomach. The more damage is, the more painful the pain intensity will become. Furthermore, more pain may occur after you consume foods high in protein and fatty acids. These nutrients stimulate the production of acid in stomach to digest foods. The pain only decreases when using the right medication, such as an acidic medication prescribed by your doctor.

  • Heartburn and Dyspepsia

Once stomach functions are damaged, the digestion can be slow or even cannot fully finish. This is a direct cause of food stuck in the stomach, so dyspepsia will easily happen. Indeed, one of the most common symptoms of a stomach ulcer is heartburn and indigestion. Victims of this condition complain of burning sensation, usually after meals. This symptom is mainly due to poor acid digestion and reflux. Because acidic gastric fluid moves back to the gastrointestinal tract, it causes burning sensation in the chest and this probem can move to the throat in severe cases.

Furthermore, you may also notice some other signs of heartburn, abdominal pain, indigestion, poor appetite, bad appetite feelings, bad sleep or insomnia

  • Bad appetite feelings

Patients will lose their appetite due to the poor digestion, nausea and pain. Stomach ulcer affects the entire digestive process and then leads to feelings of fatigue. In such situations, patients experience anorexia and do not want to eat anything. Moreover, a fear also arises when you feel pain and discomfort mostly caused after meals. As a result, this triggers the fear of eating in patients.

  • Vomiting

Due to dyspepsia, vomiting can occur. When vomiting, know that sometimes the foods that are taken from the previous meal can also be vomited. It is due to the digestive system did not crush the food. This indicates that the stomach function has been impaired and weakened. In some other cases, blood may also be inflated. This blood comes from the bleeding of the stomach lining happening when the stomach ulcers becom more severe. Hemoptysis is one of common and specific symptoms of a stomach ulcer. A stomach ulcer or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is most likely to occur when the inflammation becomes more serious and can damage the stomach.

  • Weight losing

For people with gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroduodenal ulcer, weight loss is understandable because foods are not absorbed fully by the stomach. The functions of the stomach at this time are weakened so that weight loss is easy to occur. Digestion of food helps the body absorb nutrients from foods into the bloodstream. In addition, patients also feel anorexia and the amount of nutrients absorbed into the body go down and weight loss happens then. Hence, the overall health deteriorates, leading to clear signs of stomach ulcers, such as dark circles under the eyes.

  • Malaena

You can often defecate out. Once you eat some strange foods, especially spicy and hot food or greasy oil, you will immediately suffer from dull or intense stomach pain accompanied by diarrhea.

Black stools are called malaena. The stool’s color may turn black for a variety of reasons. However, in general, it indicates the presence of blood in the stool. This blood comes from the bleeding of damaged stomach lining. The blood color can be darker. Once your body suffers from peptic ulcer disease in the chronic stage, it means that the disease has become serious. Consequently, the phenomenon of gastric bleeding will occur more often. Blood flow from your stomach will also be taken to the small intestine, colon and then be excreted outside, which causes blood to go out.

  • Bulging

Bulging happens when fluid is kept in the stomach. This is another sign of stomach ulcers. It causes the swelling of the abdomen. Bulging is not painful, but it is still a concern of patients and doctors as well.

  • Insomnia

When experiencing stomach ulders, patients can suffer from painful stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms related to stomach ulcers, which leads to insomnia. However, this condition is improved by proper treatment and timely medication. Insomnia is not a direct symptom of stomach ulcers, but a result of the discomfort associated with the disease. Patients may or may not cope with insomnia; however, over a prolonged period of time, their health can worsen.

How To Diagnose A Stomach Ulcer

People with the aforementioned symptoms should immediately see a doctor for the diagnosis so they will be guided how to relieve their symptoms with proper treatment.

Diagnostic procedures may include the followings:

  • Endoscopy: See inside through gastroscopy.
  • Biopsy: Examine tissue samples from the stomach lining under the microscope.
  • X-ray of the stomach: Detect an ulcer or scar tissue through X-rays.

Stomach ulcers can be formed at any ages and any genders. Therefore, people with symptoms mentioned above should go to the doctor’s for diagnostic tests and medical examinations as soon as possible to avoid further complications and discomfort.


In some cases, the patients cannot feel the pain and other obvious signs of stomach ulcers. However, they may still see blood in their stool when their health condition worsens due to lack of treatment. This sign should be solved immediately. Besides, the most common warning is epigastric pain which usually occurs when you are hungry, about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or at midnight. Gnawing sometimes happens and it will disappear when you have some things to eat.

In addition, the patient may have abdominal pain that can spread to the back. This pain is cyclical and may last for 2 to 8 weeks. After that, the pain will decrease, but it will be soon recurrent.

Complications of gastric diseases that are untreated or badly treated can lead to stomach cancer – a very common form of gastrointestinal cancer.

What Are Causes Of A Stomach Ulcer Pain?
home remedies for a stomach ulcer - what are causes of a stomach ulcer pain

When eating, your stomach produces hydrochloric acid and a kind of the enzyme named pepsin to digest the food. It is partially digested in your stomach and then moves on to your duodenum and continues the process. Stomach ulcers occur when the acid and enzyme overcome the defense mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract and erode the mucosal wall. Many years ago, it was thought that ulcers were caused by lifestyle factors such as eating habits, cigarette smoking, and stress. Now it is understood that people with ulcers have an imbalance between acid and pepsin coupled with the digestive tract's inability to protect itself from these harsh substances.

Some types of medical therapy can contribute to ulcer formation. The following factors can weaken the stomach’s protective mucosal barrier, thereby increasing the chances of getting an ulcer and slowing down the healing process of existing ulcers. Stomach ulcers are most often caused due to:

  • Genetic

One of the most common causes of stomach ulcer disease is related to the family health history. If any members of your family are affected with this condition, the risk of your stomach ulcers will be much higher.

  • Helicobacter Pylori

This is the second most common cause of stomach ulcers. Research done in the 1980s showed that some ulcers are caused by infection with a bacterium named Helicobacter pylori, usually called H. pylori. H. Pylori bacteria can enter into the body through drinking water and eating foods and then enter the mucus which has function of protecting the lining of stomach and intestines.

Helicobacter Pylori bacteria and acidosis: Infection with pyloric bile is one of the most important causes of intestinal ulcer. This is a type of spirochete, which lives on the stomach’s mucous membrane and is one of main reasons to cause this disease. Among people with stomach ulcers, 70-90% of them are victims of this bacteria. The bacteria are often transmitted through food containers, toothbrushes, and kisses. Eating dirty and unhealthy food is also among the causes of this bacterial infection.

More dangerously, the bacteria can be transmitted from a person to another one through daily contact such as using the same eating and living tools (like chopticks, spoon, knives, brushes, cups and so on…)

  • Drug

There are three main types of drugs that can easily damage the stomach lining: acetylsalicylic acid (for example: aspirin); anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis diseases and hormone drugs (for example: sterol). Therefore, you should avoid using these medications. If it is necessary to take them, you should pay attention to take the right dose and treatment, especially after eating.

Not everyone who gets an ulcer is infected with H pylori. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause ulcers if taken regularly. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs, can cause inflammation or irritation of the stomach lining and small intestines, thereby leading to ulcers. This is one of the leading causes of stomach ulcers.

  • Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome

One of causes of stomach ulcers is Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which is a rare gastrointestinal disease and caused by the formation of one or more tumors in the pancreas or duodenum, called gastrin tumor.

These tumors can be benign or malignant, but usually a half or two thirds of them is malignant and causes an increase in gastrin secretion, which creates more acid in the stomach and destroys the lining.

  • Psychological factors

Many experts believe that stress provokes the risk of stomach ulcers. This is because stress has a huge effect on acid production in the stomach.

Long-lasting tension: The feeling of stress, depression and anger is quickly diffused to the body's organs, affecting the nervous system and causing an imbalance in gastric and intestinal function. When Hydrochloric acid and pepsin increase, the secretion of gastric blood vessels will be palpitated, the protective layer of gastric mucosa will be also injured, and then the stomach ulcers will be formed. Patients often have pain when they feel stressed, anxious, sad, angry or scared.

  • Food factors

Hungry and surfeited: When you are hungry, Hydrochloric acid and gastric catalysts are at relatively high level, which leads to “self-digestion” of the mucosa. However, when you are surfeited (over-eaten), it is easy to hurt the “self-protection” mechanism of your stomach since it is enlarged. As a result, it takes extra time to keep the food stay in the stomach. When eating erratically, this disease will be easy to appear and recur.

Having dinner with over-saturated level: Some people tend to regularly take nutritional supplements in the evening because they work all day, have no free time at noon or get used to eating something before bedtime. This will affect their sleep and weight gaining. Simultaneously, it can stimulate the gastric mucus to excrete too much Hydrochloric acid, which causes stomach ulcers.

Eating fast or eating while watching TV: Foods after being eaten will go through some processes such as: “soft soak”, crushed and digested. If you chew foods quickly, then swallow them rapidly, they will not be crushed into small spieces. Consequently, your stomach will have to work harder and the time for food storage in the stomach is prolonged. Hence, it will cause gastric mucosal damage. In addition, chewing slowly and thoroughly can help the secretion of pancreas increase, thereby making the bile and hydrochloric acid decreased. This is very beneficial to the stomach.

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol at a safe level cannot cause gastric ulcers, but health professionals think that drinking a lot of alcohol, beer and alcoholic beverages causes irritation and corrosion of the mucus in the stomach, thick inflammation and even bleeding. Alcohol affects directly on the gastric mucosa and also causes cirrhosis as well as chronic pancreatitis, which in turn makes the stomach more aggravated.

Too much salt in the dishes: This is also among most common causes of stomach ulcers. A diet with a high level of salt can increase the activity of the gene in H. Pylori bacteria, which will make them more toxic.

  • Other causes: Chemicals and other autoimmune diseases.
What Are The Dangers Of A Stomach Ulcer Pain?

The pain caused by stomach ulcers is terribly uncomfortable. If untreated, it can lead to some serious medical complications. Here are some of most common things:

  • Internal bleeding and serious blood loss which can require hospitalization and blood transfusions
  • Anemia
  • Bloody vomit
  • Black or tarry stools
  • Peritonitis, or infection of the abdominal cavity
  • Obstructed digestion
  • Trouble breathing

It is really important to get a medical evaluation and treat the complications above appropriately to prevent a worsening or severe condition. Ulcers can be treated and managed easily and even naturally, once they are diagnosed.

What Are Risk Factors For Stomach Ulcers?

natural home remedies for a stomach ulcer pain - what are risk factors for stomach ulcers

What are factors increasing the risk of peptic ulcer disease (stomach ulcers)?

You will be at a higher risk of getting stomach ulcers if you:

  • Smoke: Smoking can increase the risk of stomach ulcers for patients with H. Pylori infection.
  • Drink too much alcohol: alcoholic beverages can cause irritation, wear out the stomach mucus and increase the amount of acid produced in the stomach.

Stomach ulcer is a common disease in this modern life. Together with the right treatment, eating factors also plays an important role to help relieve the symptoms of disease and prevent them more effectively. So, if you are suffering from stomach ulcers now, you should more pay attention to your daily diet.

Here is useful advice about what you should or should not eat:

What Foods Should The Stomach Ulcer Patients Eat?
  • Add more green vegetables: When you get the stomach ulcers, you should eat more green vegetables, because they contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber which not only are good for the digestive system, but also remove the toxic substances colon in the intestine.
  • Eat protein rich foods: Patients should add meat, milk, egg, and soy bean into their diet. They are considered to be the most protein-rich foods. In addition, please note that protein intake should be reasonable (not too much or too little), because the excess or lack of protein in the body is both not good for their health.
  • Eat soft and sponge foods: The excess of acid digestion will cause the stomach ulcers more often. To overcome this situation, just add bread, pure dumplings without anything inside or biscuits to help absorb this acid excess. Otherwise, you can use well-boiled potatoes or starchy foods such as glutinous rice flour and tapioca flour.
  • Consume more bananas: Bananas are a familiar and very nutritious food. This fruit also helps treat stomach ulcers effectively. Therefore, after each meal, you should add bananas to help reduce stomach pain actively.
What Foods Should The Stomach Ulcer Patients Avoid?
  • First, you should avoid stimulants including wine, beer, soft drinks, carbonated beverages, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugar and most sweetenersand so on. These are bad foods for the digestive system, because they have the stomach function and secretion weakened. This causes the stomach to be hurt with more severe ulcer.
  • Foods that contain high levels of acid are an enemy of the stomach. When the number of HCL acids is excessive, this can cause the stomach lining to become ulcerated. Therefore, do not eat foods or fruits that are highly acidic such as orange juice, lemon juice or tomatoes.
  • When you get stomach ulcers, absolutely you should not eat too much grease, fried foods such as fried chicken, fried fish, fried shrimps, and so on. They are difficult to digest foods and damage the gastric mucosa. For people with gastritis, the wound can spread and can cause serious complications.
  • Spicy dishes such as pepper, garlic, ginger, mustard and so on should not be used by stomach ulcer patients because they trigger irritation and inflammation of the epigastrium. In particular, ulceration can be widespread or even bled.

Patients should pay more attention to your diet and know clearly what foods they shoul or should not eat because foods and diet play an extremely important role in the treatment of intestinal diseases.

16 Most Effective Natural Home Remedies For A Stomach Ulcer Pain Relief

Gastric ulcer is treated with antibiotics and drugs to reduce and block stomach acid. In addition to this proven treatment plan, many studies have shown that there are also a number of helpful natural home remedies for a stomach ulcer pain relief. So, patients with stomach ulcers can completely choose to use these home remedies for a stomach ulcer because they are very simple but effective, and anyone can apply them without too much cost. Let’s check out on TrueRemedies.com!

1. Honey

Honey is far from a sweet addition to your drinks. While refined sugars and most sweeteners should be avoided for ulcer healing, raw honey is an exception and has unique benefits. Honey contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase. This enzyme is known to produce hydrogen peroxide, which can help fight the bacteria responsible for causing peptic ulcers.

Depending on where it comes from, honey can contain up to 200 elements, including Polyphenols and other antioxidants. Honey is a strong antimicrobial agent and has been shown to inhibit the growth of H. Pylori bacteria [1] [2]. As long as you have normal blood sugar level, you can enjoy honey as a sweetener to soothe your sores at home.

How to do:

  • Add a tablespoon of honey into a glass of warm water
  • Mix it well and add a pinch of cinnamon into
  • Drink the mixture once per day in the morning

Note: You should take this liquid right after getting up and before having breakfast.

2. Garlic

Garlic is another food well-reputed for its antibacterial and healing properties. The extract of garlic has been shown to inhibit the growth of H. Pylori bacteria in the laboratory to examine in animals and human beings. Therefore, it works well in treating stomach ulcers and you can use more at home. If you do not like the taste (and prolonged aftertaste) of garlic, you can extract the garlic in additional form.

How to do:

  • Add minced garlic to salads and dishes or chew on a few garlic cloves.
  • Consume it daily for your better health.

If you don’t like the taste (and lingering aftertaste) of garlic, you can take its advantage in supplement form. Garlic has benefits even when not being raw, so add it to roasted dishes, soups, stews, and vegetables for maximum effects. Freshly minced or chopped garlic is more potent than prepared or stored spice versions.

However, please take note that garlic acts as a blood thinning agent, so ask your doctor before using it if you use warfarin (Coumadin), other prescribed blood thinners, or aspirin.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a renowned liquid with numerous health benefits. Especially, it appears to be particularly effective in relieving some types of ulcers, including stomach ulcers, which is a condition happening as a consequence of a large quantity of H. pylori bacteria in the human stomach. In fact, apple cider vinegar helps in retoring the H. Pylori of your stomach. This, in turn, helps in treating the ulcers and relieving the pain.

To take advantage of apple cider vinegar as one of home remedies for a stomach ulcer, you should opt for the right type of apple cider vinegar. It is advised to use a cold-pressed produced made from organic apples which are free from any added preservatives. Also, before using apple cider vinegar, you ought to shake the bottle to make sure that you can reap all vitamins, minerals, bacteria as well as enzymes with each serving.

How to do

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, a glass of warm water and honey together,
  • Drink this mixture once a day.

Note: Try to use apple cider vinegar consistently. In reality, some people may get satisfying results after treating their stomach ulcers with just a serving of apple cider vinegar. However, it is said that people who take this liquid daily will be more likely to get better results and might be able to prevent the reccurence of this condition.

However, sometimes, apple cider vinegar might initiate or exacerbate symptoms of ulcers. Hence, you had better consult your doctor prior to usin this metho to make sure that you are able to afford it.

4. Broccoli

There are trials finding out whether or not certain veggies could relieve infection associated with stomach ulcers. Fortunately, the results showed that vegetables can kill the bacterium responsible for this infection and broccoli is among such veggies.

A compound found in broccoli as well as broccoli sprouts, sulforaphane, has been proven to kill the bacteria causing stomach ulcers. Raw broccoli is plentiful in nutrients, but cooked version of this veggie is even better because stir-frying or lightly steaming can help release its other beneficial compounds.

How to do:

  • Let broccoli steamed (not boiled) for from 2 to 3 minutes, and then eat.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds and lemon juice over lightly steamed broccoli.

Note: Please notice that they should not be over cooked, or it will deplete sulforaphanewhich can kill H. Pylori bacteria.

5. Cabbage

Cabbage is a great remedy among natural home remedies for a stomach ulcer pain because it is a rich source of an amino acid called glutamine. Being a lactic acid food, cabbage helps produce an amino acid that stimulates blood flow to the stomach lining. This compound helps in nourishing and repairing your gastrointestinal lining, which is damaged by ulcers. It also contains an anti-peptic ulcer factor (vitamin U) that speeds the healing of peptic ulcers.

Moreover, cabbage juice has a rich content of vitamin C, which is antixodiant shown to help treat and prevent H. pylori infections [3] [4] [5] .

How to do:

  • Let cabbage steamed (not boiled) for from 2 to 3 minutes and then eat. Please pay attention that they should not be over cooked, or the U vitamins to heal the stomach ulcers will be disappeared.
  • Or use cabbage juice to cure stomach pain: drink a half cup of cabbage juice every morning and before going to sleep. Then the disease will be significantly reduced because the cabbage contains U vitamin for anti- stomach ulcers. Cabbage juice contains a variety of U vitamins can treat stomach ulcers effectively.
6. Ginger

Ginger is a spice native to southeastern Asia. However, now it grows popularly in tropical regions of the U.S, China, West Indies, and India. It is bursting with a variety of benefits of both health and beauty. For thousands of years, this spice has been used in traditional medicine in India and China to deal with digestive problems, such as nausea, motion sickness, dyspepsia, etc. There are not serious side effects of ginger. Common side effects include diarrhea, stomach upset and heartburn. This spice can promote or prevent the formation of stomach ulcers, depending on the way you use it.

Medically, the most active components in ginger are shogaols and gingerols. This herb has agents which possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Ginger’s antiemetic actions are thanks to shogaols and gingerols.

In accordance with MedlinePlus, this spice can combat against post-operative nausea as well as morning sickness during pregnancy. The 2009 study published in the “Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences” proved that the oil of ginger could protect gainst the formation of ulcers [6].

How to use:

  • Clean a fresh ginger, slice into small pieces, then put into your green tea cup.
  • Mix them well, then drink.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey into warm water and stir.
  • Regularly use in the morning better than in the evening to improve your pain because you may get difficulty in sleeping if you drink in the evening.
7. Licorice

Orginating from Asia, licorice is a spice which can also be found in Mediterranean region and other regions.  Studies showed that licorice root possesses ulcer-preventing as well as ulcer-fighting actions. It might stimulate the intestines and stomach to produce much more mucus, helping protect stomach lining. This additionally created mucus might also fasten up the healing process and assist in reducing ulcer-related pain [7].

The compounds found in this herb might prevent the development of H.pylori. However, you should acknowledge that licorice might interfere with some medications and lead to side effects like muscle numbness in extremities and muscle pain.

8. Mastic

This is a resin of the istacia lentiscus tree (aka mastic tree). This herb has been used as an ancient medicine to deal with many gut disorders, such as Crohn’s disease and stomach ulcers [8] [9]. This natural ulcer treatment can reduce about 30% of the risk of ulcer-related symptoms, according to a study. With antibacterial action, mastic can fight against H. pylori. More interestingly, consuming this herb in the long term is safe. Thus, it is worth mentioning in this list of effective home remedies for a stomach ulcer.

9. Chili Pepper

People suffering from stomach ulcers can consider adding chili pepper to their list of home remedies for a stomach ulcer pain relief. Despite there is a popular notion that people with digestive issues like stomach ulcers may trigger the condition or gets it worse, in contrast, there is a research proving that this type of peppers is not likely to result in ulcers and even helps remove them owing to capsaicin. This active ingredient can decrease stomach acid production and acceleate blood flow to stomach lining. They help heal and prevent ulcers [10].

Moreover, capsaicin can alslo promote mucus production, thereby coating the stomach lining and protecting it from injury [11].

10. Sanchezia

How to do: Take some fresh leaves to clean and then chew them with a grain of salt, it will help cut off the pain immediately. Alternatively, you cancook dried leaves to drink every day.

11. Ardisiasilvestris

Combine Ardisiasilvestis leaves (80g), dandelion leaves (40g) and ginseng leaves (12g), and add some licorice (20g) (if any) to cook, then drink. It is very effective to cure stomach ulcers.

12. Paederiatomentosa

Paedriatomentosa juice is used to treat stomach ulcers because of its antibiotic oil for intestines.

How to do:

  • Take from fresh 20 to 30 grams of paederiatomentosa leaves to clean, bray thoroughly
  • Next, filter the waste out, and then drink.
  • Use it once a day for further effects.

They also take the dried leaves, and then mix with rice flour to eat. This mixture will help stomach ulcer pain better.

13. Turmeric

Both back and yellow turmeric is good for treating stomach ulcer pain.

  • Yellow turmeric has the effect on preventing stomach ulcers, reduce gastric secretion and decrease acid acidity due to the alkaline essential oil. Yellow turmeric also has anti-inflammatory to heal the ulcers. So, many people use it together with honey to treat stomach ulcers and soothe irritations in the stomach.
  • Black turmeric is a powerful antiseptic effect, so it is not recommended for pregnant women. They use blackturmeric for treatment of menstrual bleeding, menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and vomiting.

The ingredients to treat stomach ulcers contain pure turmeric and natural honey.

How to do:

  • Every day you use 15g of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with some warm water to drink before meals.
  • Practice this method 3 times a day, especially in the early morning
  • Alternatively, mix turmeric and honey to make round tablets to drink 3 ones a day.

Continuously use this mixture for 30 days, then the ulcers in the stomach will gradually heal and the body's immune system is also significantly enhanced.

14. Aloe Vera

Popular as a sunburn remedy, aloe vera can also help to reduce inflammation and irritation on tissues inside of the body. Indeed, this plant is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries thanks to its skin-healing and antibacterial properties.

Interestingly, Aloe Vera is a stimulant fortreating gastrointestinal, laxative, constipation problems. Thus, it also inhibits pepsin enzymes and hydrochloric acid not to be produced much to cause stomach ulcers.

How to do:

  • Use about 10grams fresh leaves daily, peel, take the colorless layer to boil with water and then drink.
  • Alternatively, you can consume a cup of fresh aloe juice instead.
15. Green Banana

How to do: Green bananas are dried at low temperature and then tossed into powder. Take ripe bananas to dip into this powder and eat or you can mix it with water to drink. Green banana have good impact on stimulating the growth of mucosal lining. Then, the stomach lining thickens and heals the sores. You should use banana powder daily to prevent stomach ulcers.

16. Probiotics

One of must-try home remedies for a stomach ulcer pain is probiotics, which can be found in plain yogurt. Probiotics are live microorganisms offering a wide range of health benefits.

In fact, there benefits are unlimited, including the health of your gut. More specifically, it can fight and prevent ulcers by stimulating the mucus production, helping coating the stomach lining to protect it.

Also, probiotics also help accelerate the new blood vessel formation, easing the transports of important healing compounds to the affected site and fastenining up the recovery [12].

You can take advantage of probiotic-rich foods to reap their benefits for your gut. These foods include tempeh, kimchi, kefir, pickled veggies, kombucha, and sauerkraut.

How To Prevent A Stomach Ulcer Pain

  • Use soft foods with less mechanical effect. Priority should be given to starch-based foods with their functions of covering, absorbing and impregnating to protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the stimulation of secretion and neutralize acid. They are milk, cakes made from glutinous rice, bread, rice, biscuits and so on.
  • Eat smaller meals: While we tend to go through life with a three-meals-a-day type of approach, this can actually be burdensome for most people’s digestion, especially when digestion isn’t working as it should. Consuming foods in smaller quantities, and more frequently, can improve enzymes and gastric function overall.
  • Avoid the use of gastric stimulants such as peppers, pepper, vinegar, curry, mustard, sour fruit, yogurt, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, meat broth, fermented foods like sauce, soy sauce; canned food. You should also reduce the consumption of fried foods.
  • Fat from fish is helpful for using because it provides essential fatty acids and energy for the body. Zinc-rich foods (oysters, meat, fish …) help heal wounds. Vitamin A helps grow epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa.

Hopefully, with nine home remedies for stomacg ulcers, you can quickly eliminate the H. Pylori virus, soothe the ulcer and cure them.

With all these above helpful remedies, you are now able to treat stomach ulcerby yourself at home, which is very helpful but low cost. Practice some of those methods, you will see how fully effective they are. Do you know any other exciting ideas for the article “16 Effective Natural Home Remedies For A Stomach Ulcer Pain Relief” that we have not mentioned above? Please feel free to share with us in Home Remedies Category

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