29 Home Remedies For Ant Bites And Stings Swelling & Itching

updated: 06/14/2019

Ant bites may become a serious problem, especially when you are allergic to its venom. This article will show you how to handle an ant bite. If you have shortness of breath symptoms or feel a spasm in your throat after being bitten by ants, you need to seek immediate medical help.

What Are Causes Of Ant Bites?

Ants, especially fire ants, will often attack a person when they feel being threatened. Some ant venoms could have an adverse effect, particularly on people with a weak immune system such as older people, sick people, or children. Thus, it is important to avoid them before being attacked. Ant venom is dangerous, and it is used by the military groups and governments as a chemical substance in warfare.

It is said that prevention is the best treatment for ant bites. Absolutely anybody who comes in contact with ants will cope with the danger of ant bites or stings, particularly if he is in the region settling a lot of ant nests. The ant nests look like mounds with various diameters. Even, some nests are more than 50 cm in height.

What Are Symptoms Of Ant Bites?

Some common symptoms of ant bites are:

  • Swelling
  • Itchiness
  • Redness
  • Mild pain

These symptoms rarely last for more than one day. The more severe symptoms and ant bites on the bigger skin areas could last up to a couple of days.  Some mild systemic reactions may involve the digestive system, thereby leading to nausea and cramps. For those with severe systemic reactions, they may have symptoms such as chest pain, wheezing, nausea and vomiting, angioedema, and hypotension.

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Ant bites are actually very upsetting that lasts for several seconds. It may cause more than pain and discomfort. It is a sting-like sensation, then uncontrollable itchiness that victims are difficult to handle.In addition, victims have to deal with swelling on the skin because of a chemical from the fire ant venom called histamine. If you are looking for natural treatments to deal with ant bites, then you are the right place because we uncover top natural home remedies for ant bites and stings swelling and itchiness. Check out below!

Top 29 Natural Home Remedies For Ant Bites And Stings Swelling And Itching

1. Ice

An ice cube may prevent the swelling from spreading on your skin. To stop swelling, itching, and pain caused by ant bites and stings, you need to stop the action of histamines released by ant venom. An ice cube may help you do this quickly .

After cleaning the affected area, apply an ice cube to it. This acts as a natural antihistamine solution that may relieve pain and itching[1].

Or, you can use a cold pack to ease inflammation while numbing the nerves around the bites.

2. Vinegar / Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar may prevent bacterial infection caused by ant bites thanks to its  antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties[2]. Also, it helps reduce pain and itching.

  • Mix a little vinegar and a small amount of water
  • Apply the mixture to the skin to get relief from itching and swelling due to ant bites.

You can use apple cider vinegar as an alternative to get similar results.

3. Toothpaste

Toothpaste, containing cloves, peppermint, or menthol, has a cooling effect[3] on your swelling and itchy skin[4]. To numb the areas with ant bites and reduce itching and pain, you can apply a small amount of toothpaste directly to the affected areas. You will get instant relief from the itching due to ant bites in a few seconds. You should choose the peppermint-containing toothpaste rather than other types for good results.

4. Baking Soda

The paste of baking soda and water may draw out the venom of ant bites and remove pain due to bites naturally. Baking soda[5] may restore the balance of pH level of your skin. It will also reduce itching and prevent any infection associated with ant bites.

Alternatively, you could also apply the paste of baking soda and vinegar to deal with your ant bites. In case you could not get baking soda and vinegar at once, you could use a hand sanitizer.

5. Activated Charcoal

home remedies for ant bites

Activated charcoal is one of the best home remedies for ant bites and stings. Charcoal has amazing healing effects on mosquitoes or bee stings, fire ant, or spider bites. A 2013 study conducted by Der Anaesthesist has also proposed using activated charcoal to address the effects of a snake bite, although further studies are required truly to determine its efficiency toward the life-threatening health problem[6].


  • Firstly, remove stings using your fingernails, tweezers, or a credit card to pull out or scrape away stings.
  • Cut a piece of sheet or gauze and use water to dampen it before adding activated charcoal to it.
  • Place the poultice on your affected area and cover it with plastic to keep it moist.

That way helps you to reduce swelling effectively.

6. Meat Tenderizer

Meat tenderizer, when combined with water, will give you a solution for ant bites. This paste, when applied to your skin, may neutralize the venom of ants. Meat tenderizer contains papain, a proteolytic enzyme, which may relieve the itching and swelling caused by ant bites and stings[7].

7. Aspirin

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, aspirin[8] could be used to eliminate itching sensation and pain associated with ant bites and prevent further infections associated with ant and insect bites[9]


  • Take an aspirin tablet to crush it into powder
  • Mix it with water to get a good paste and apply the paste to your affected skin
  • Leave it on overnight and then wash it off with water.
8. Witch Hazel

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties, witch hazel is one of the most effective remedies for ant bites. Studies show that topically applying witch hazel to the affected skin may effectively ease inflammation and help to soothe your skin[10].

Just dab a little amount of witch hazel on the affected skin area and wait for a few minutes to rinse it off with water. This will relieve your itching and swelling sensations associated with ant and insect bites.

9. Onion Poultice

home remedies for ant bites - onion poultice

Onion contains potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties[11] that may reduce swelling, itching, pain, and inflammation due to ant bites. Also, onion may helps remove the stings due to fire ant bites.

Place a fresh onion slice on your ant bite to relieve the redness and swelling naturally.

10. Tea Tree Oil

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil[12] may relieve the swelling and itching associated with ant bites. The natural methods introduced here do not use any chemical agents that might be harmful to your skin. They are also cheap and easy to apply.

Method 1:

  • Cleanse the area carefully
  • Prepare the mixture of tea tree oil and grated onions.
  • Rub the mixture on your affected areas twice or thrice per day to get good results.

Method 2:

  • Cleanse the area with soap and water to remove dirt and dust and prevent it from an infection
  • Put several drops of tea tree oil into a cotton pad
  • Apply the pad to your bite sites with soft touches
  • Wait for a few hours before rinsing it off with water
11. Tea Bags

Thanks to the great anti-inflammatory effects[13], tea bags may help you alleviate itching and swelling sensations caused by ant bites.

  • Steep a few tea bags in hot water
  • Wait for a few minutes to let them cool down
  • Place them on your affected skin areas.
12. Clay

Another solution for those looking for the best home remedies for ant bites is clay. Clay is an amazing absorber[14], which helps to remove all kinds of toxins from the human body. It is no wonder that it has been used as a remedy since ancient times[15]. By mixing it with a small amount of water, you have a paste that may relieve itchiness and pain caused by ant bites. Including good healing and soothing properties, clay is a safe treatment for both ant and insect bites, and other skin diseases as well.

13. Honey

home remedies for ant bites - honey

This is an amazing home treatment to handle ant bites. Honey is widely used in many products from health, beauty, and medical fields[16]. It gives soothing effects to your skin when applied directly. After a few hours, wash it off, and you will see noticeable results.

Remember that you should choose raw organic honey because only the raw type of honey has active enzymes that work excellently. Not only does honey draw poison from the bites, but it also helps heal wounds and infections. Obviously, it has a lot of benefits for healing allergic reaction. Raw, unfiltered honey is really an important food in every kitchen.

14. Calamine Lotion

Application of calamine lotion may help prevent swelling and itchiness due to ant bites. According to Mayo Clinic, it is recommended to shaking a bottle of calamine lotion prior to using[17].


  • Shake the bottle of calamine lotion
  • Soak a cotton ball or pad into the lotion and apply it to your skin
  • Wait until it dries.

Caution: Calamine lotion is used for external purpose only.

15. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the remedies for various skin problems., including acne[18]. And it helps to treat the itching, swelling, and pain caused by ant bites. According to studies, the acidic feature of the lemon juice[19] may neutralize the poison that is injected into your skin by ants. Because lemons are quite cheap and available, which makes them the best treatment for ant bites.

Apply lemon juice directly to your affected area to relieve itching and swelling. Use this remedy regularly until you get relief from ant bites.

16. Aloe Vera

The gel extract from aloe vera leaves is great for healing and cooling your ant bites. You could use it to decrease itching, pain, and swelling thanks to its antiseptic, antibacterial, and healing properties[20]. Using aloe vera gel frequently may heal your skin fast.

  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf to extract the gel
  • Apply it to your skin twice or thrice per day
  • Repeat this routine for 1 week until your skin is free from ant bites.
17. Raw Potato

Similar to onions, potatoes could be used as one of the home remedies for ant bites. The soothing and anti-irritating properties of potatoes[21] may help to relieve the itching, rash, irritation, and inflammation caused by ant bites

Take a fresh potato and cut it into many thin slices. Place it on your affected area.

18. Hot Water

This sounds simple, but in fact, it is not as simple as you think. In regard to dealing with ant bites, it is very crucial to use water, which is not too hot to avoid the opposite effect. This is because if you are burned, the bites will get even worse[22].


  • Place your affected area under the tap in the wash basin or sink and then pour a cup of quite hot water on it.
  • Firstly, the itch will become more severe, but it will soon go away in no more than 10 seconds. After about 30 minutes, you will get relief from the condition.
  • Repeat the routine as necessary.
19. Lemon And Baking Soda

The combination of lemon and baking soda may give you relief from ant bites. Baking soda is a good natural remedy for ant bites as it may help to capture carbon dioxide that leads to the eradication of irritation. Also, it is an antacid that may relieve pain and itchiness due to ant bites by neutralizing ant venoms. Baking soda also contains antifungal properties, and a study suggests that it is a natural treatment for fungal skin conditions, causing itching[23].

Mixing baking soda with lemon juice will relieve ant bites more quickly. After dissolved in plain water, baking soda will increase your body pH level, as well as its ability to combat the ant venom.


  • Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a small amount of lemon juice. Wait until it starts to fizz.
  • Add water to it (optional). Stir the solution until the baking soda is dissolved fully.
  • Apply the solution to your affected area and repeat this routine for a few days.

Caution: Do not overdo it if you want to avoid opposite effects.

20. Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is another suggestion among home remedies for ant bites you can apply instantly. Olive oil is one of the most versatile ingredients in our kitchen. Besides, it may heal a lot of illnesses and conditions, including ant bites[24]. According to research, 1 tablespoon of olive oil gives the effects equally to 200mg of ibuprofen. But, you need to use cold-pressed olive oil as heat damages the oleocanthal.

Massage 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil on your affected skin area several times per day.

Also, consume 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil every day to increase your immunity. This is particularly important if you are easily allergic to ant bites and other insect bites. However, when taking olive oil internally, you should cut down on other types of fat because there are a large number of calories in olive oil.

21. Ammonia

home remedies for ant bites - ammonia

You can use ammonia to clean the affected area when you start feeling the signs and symptoms of ant bites or stings. Do not need to look for other special things because it is easy to find. Ammonia is a powerful chemical which will damage the ant venom. Ammonia is also used in fertilizers, in household cleaning products, and as a refrigerant[25].

  • Spray a little bit of Windex or whatever type of winder cleaners on your affected sites to reduce the swelling and pain due to ant bites.


Do not spray too much because after all, ammonia is a strong substance which might have adverse effects on your skin. Avoid letting it kill off your skin cells plus with the ant venom.

22. Eucalyptus Oil

Many studies on eucalyptus oil prove that it possesses a number of antimicrobial and immune-modifying properties[26]. It has a chemical called eucalyptol, which helps to relieve skin irritation triggered by ant bites and insect bites.

  • Pour several drops of eucalyptus oil in a cup of hot water
  • Rub the solution on your affected skin area.
  • Repeat this routine until your itchiness and pain subsides.

Eucalyptus oil features with many other biological and medicinal properties. Thus, you can use it for a wide range of health and beauty issues.

23. Cornstarch

Cornstarch[27] is more than just an ingredient in your fruit pie or gravy. It has medicinal benefits and has been used to help soothe many skin problems, including ant bites.

Method 1:

  • Keep the bites clean and dry and then apply the mixture of cornstarch and cold water. The mixture should be a peanut-butter-like paste.
  • After that, use a cotton ball or gauze pad to apply the mixture to your affected skin area.

Method 2:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of cornstarch with a small amount of apple cider vinegar to have a good paste
  • Apply this combination to your affected area to draw out the fluid from the bites, thereby decreasing inflammation.
  • Use a first aid tape/bandage to cover it up.
  • Let the mixture dry and wash it off with warm water after a few hours
24. Essential Oils

home remedies for ant bites - essential oils

Some types of essential oils may relieve the itch caused by ant bites. Both lavender oil and peppermint essential oil are beneficial in relieving itching and swelling caused by ant bites[28]. Particularly, peppermint oil has menthol that may stimulate the blood flow and soothe your skin naturally.

If you do not have peppermint oil in hand, then you can make a paste of the fresh leaves of any plant in the mint family to get the same effects. Crush the leaves and mix them with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch before adding water or witch hazel (if necessary) to have a good paste that covers the bites.

25. Basil

Basil may fight off the itch caused by ant bites thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties[29]. Basil leaves have a chemical compound called camphor that may stimulate a cool sensation.


  • Boil 2 cups of water and add 1 tablespoon of dried or chopped fresh basil leaves to it
  • After the water boils up, turn off the heat and allow the leaves to steep
  • Wait till the water cools down and dip a clean, soft cloth in the solution before applying to your bite sites.
  • Press the cloth onto the bites till you feel a slight tingle.
  • Repeat this routine if necessary.
26. Plantain

Common plantain, especially narrow-leaf plantain, are good solutions for soothing ant bites and stings. The natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of plantain help speed recovery of wounds and reduce itching or pain related to skin problems, including ant bites. Moreover, you can spray the tea from the plantain leaves on mosquito bites to reduce the itch[30].
Chew up a plantain leaf or mash the leaf to get the juice and then apply it to your affected skin. Or, you could also infuse the plantain leaves in oil and then use this oil to treat large areas.

27. Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide may reduce itching, swelling, and pain[31] accompanied with ant bites. This treatment also does not cause any side effects to your skin. Benzoyl peroxide is effective in removing acne, and it helps to eliminate dirt, bacteria, and many other toxins from the skin pores. This effect is what makes this method so effective for ant bites. This is because peroxide may penetrate your skin, which gets deep down into the ant stings to oxidize and neutralize its toxins.

Just simply spray a little bit of peroxide over your affected skin and see how it works to relieve your problem.

Did you enjoy our list of 29 home remedies for ant bites and stings swelling and itching? Ant bites could potentially be life-threatening it not treated carefully. Now, you have known how to relieve ant bites without panicking, fretting, or taking expensive medications. Share this article if you like it to help other people with ant bites deal with their problems. What remedies for ant bites do you use? Share your recipes and comments about this post at the comment box below!

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