19 Effective Home Remedies For Phlegm Cough In Throat

updated: 12/04/2019

Phlegm is a common condition. Coughing is usually a natural reflex of the human body in order to push the dust or object out of the body. The cough may be simply due to the body being irritated, but it may also be a sign of serious illness, especially phlegm cough. Phlegm cough may be a symptom of a common cold, but it may also be bronchitis or some other respiratory diseases. If the phlegm cough persists, the health of the patient will be negatively affected.

Therefore, the early treatment of disease is essential. However, not everyone knows how to overcome this condition, so in this article, we will give you the simple but effective home remedies which have been proven by so many people to help you treat phlegm cough . Before that, you had better understand some basic information about this problem.

What Is Phlegm Cough?

Before learning about phlegm cough, let’s find out what phlegm is. Phlegm is the secretion of the respiratory tract, which consists of mucus, red blood cells, white blood cells, etc., which are expelled from the respiratory tract after coughing. The phlegm will pass through the esophagus and be excreted by the gastrointestinal tract. Phlegm may be the result of many respiratory causes such as lung abscess, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and bronchiectasis[1] [2].

Usually, the respiratory tract of anyone produces phlegm, but not much, so our respiration is not blocked, and we do not have a cough. However, when there are too many phlegm secretions, you will cough, even cough continuously. When the respiratory tract is sick or when at different times of the disease, the phlegm will change in its color, dilution, and taste. If you look closely at that change, you can identify the disease, and so you can identify the right treatments. Phlegm cough is more dangerous than dry cough. It quickly leads to obstruction and death if the phlegm builds up in the throat without being pushed out.

What Are Common Causes Of Phlegm Cough?

Causes of phlegm cough are due to increased secretion of mucus in the throat. Too much phlegm will cause the throat to be blocked and the respiratory process of the body is prevented. When phlegm in the throat becomes more than the normal level, the body generates a natural reflex: coughs. At this point, the larynx is enlarged powerfully to expel phlegm. However, phlegm in the throat is often mucus and usually sticks to the throat, so coughing is very difficult to expel phlegm outside. Therefore, we often have the urge to cough continuously until the phlegm is removed from the throat. Then we get the unpleasant feeling. At this point, we will cough less or stop coughing. However, after the phlegm is thrown out, the other phlegm continues to be created which irritates to the throat. This process lasts for a long time. It causes tiredness and discomfort for the patient, especially at night, the cough makes patients unable to sleep.

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The causes of increased mucus secretion in the throat leading to phlegm cough are:

  • The sudden change of weather
  • The virus infection which causes cough phlegm from patients
  • Allergy to air which contains pollen, perfume, dust, smoke, and pollution
  • Frequently smoking. This is the underlying cause of chronic phlegm cough disease
  • The body is infected with measles, pertussis, and chickenpox
  • The body is suffering from serious diseases, such as pneumonia or bronchitis

What Are Common Symptoms Of Phlegm Cough?

Phlegm cough may be a sign of respiratory illness. As we mentioned above, watching the change of the phlegm may help you know what disease you are. Here are some symptoms to help you identify:

  • Acute Bronchitis

With acute bronchitis, the phlegm will be yellow or green[3]. When cured, the patient will no longer suffer from cough, phlegm, and strange symptoms.

  • Chronic Bronchitis

For this disease, the phlegm is usually white or yellow[3]. It is a chronic disease that may not be completely cured and may cause serious complications.

  • Pneumonia

Patients with pneumonia often have yellow or rusty phlegm, accompanied by infection syndrome and chest pain in the affected lung[4]. Pneumonia is a dangerous disease, but it may be treated without leaving complications.

  • Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis usually causes the patient to have phlegm that is white like color of milk or rice water. Sometimes the patient still has blood in the phlegm. Patients may lose weight or often have a fever[5]. Tuberculosis is dangerous, but now it is possible to treat it by referring to specific antibiotics. We also have a tuberculosis vaccine.

  • Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis usually causes coughing every day, and it causes the phlegm, which is yellow or green[6]. Bronchiectasis is a disease that may not be cured completely.

  • Lung Abscess

Lung abscess causes phlegm in phases, and phlegm usually has a foul odor. The disease causes severe damage to the lungs. To remove the disease, patients need to perform surgery.

When To See A Doctor?

If the following symptoms also accompany you when you have phlegm cough, see your doctor as soon as possible:

  • Severe abdominal pain, spasms, or uneasy chest pain
  • Dizzy or see the illusion
  • Fatigue or even fainting before and after coughing
  • Disorders
  • Fatigue, sweating and pale skin
  • High fever

Besides, if the phlegm cough lasts longer than three weeks, the patient should go to a medical facility for a check-up and diagnostic tests. After applying some measures to cure cough phlegm but no results, patients also need to see the doctor to have a health check.

There, you have discovered some information about phlegm cough. You probably already have a more comprehensive view of the situation. To treat this problem, we introduce home remedies for phlegm cough below. It is time to find out what the best natural home remedies to treat phlegm cough in the throat are.

Top 19 Effective Home Remedies For Phlegm Cough

1. Honey

home remedies for phlegm

Honey is like a precious gift that nature offers to human with much useful healing. Honey boosts the body’s resistance because it has strong antibacterial properties. That is why honey is beneficial in treating phlegm cough. Thus, in ancient times, warriors, especially the Greek Spartan warriors, used to bring honey to the wound to fight inflammation and fight infection. Through many studies, scientists have stressed that: “Honey is the number one natural remedy that people should use when having phlegm cough problems. It is better than any medicine purchased at the counter.” Oriental medicine also uses honey as a cure for many coughs[7][8].

What are features helping honey become a cure for cough? Honey is considered a natural antibiotic because it may fight many types of bacteria and fungi. Honey is very benign. On the other hand, Albumin[9] and Pantothenic[10] active ingredients in the honey component stimulate new cell regeneration, so that the mucosal lesions are treated quickly. As a result, honey is good for phlegm cough treatment. The habit of drinking honey before going to sleep helps people sleep better and deeper. This is a beneficial effect on nighttime coughs. However, infants under one year should not use honey[11].

To use honey to treat phlegm cough, you can apply one of the following methods:

Method 1. Honey And Garlic

Studies have shown that honey is rich in nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and many other vitamins that help reduce cough[12], reduce body fat, and prevent many diseases. Meanwhile, garlic contains many trace elements, selenium, and allicin which boost the immune system, improve the condition and stabilize blood pressure[13]. Therefore, the combination of honey and garlic is considered a natural antibiotic, which helps treat phlegm cough effectively.

To apply this method, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic and one teaspoon of pure honey
  • Crush the garlic and mix it with honey, stir well
  • Take this mixture 2-3 times a day. Applying this method regularly will produce unexpected results.

Method 2. Honey And Shallot Leaves

According to oriental medicine, the shallot leaves are spicy and slightly sour. It has an excellent phlegm effect. Thus, shallot leaves have long been considered as a safe and effective way to treat coughs, even for children and pregnant women[14].

To apply this method, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare 3 to 4 washed shallot leaves and honey
  • Slice the shallot leaves and put them in a bowl
  • Pour the honey into the bowl so that the honey is enough to cover the shallot leaves
  • Drink this mixture 2-3 times a day until you get your desired results.

Method 3. Honey, Lemon With Rosy Pulp, And Sugar Candy

To apply this method, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare 1 kg of lemon, 1 liter of honey with rosy pulp, and 0.5 kg of sugar candy
  • Rinse lemon and soak them with salted water for 30 minutes
  • After the lemon has dried, slice them into slices
  • Add lemon and sugar candy to a glass jar
  • Then pour honey into a glass jar

Please drink this mixture 2-3 times a day, each time, you can use one teaspoon of this mixture.

2. Ginger

Using ginger is one of the most effective ways you can do at home to treat phlegm cough. Ginger is known for its ability to fight off infections[15]. In addition, ginger may remove bacteria and viruses that cause phlegm cough. In particular, ginger has an antihistamine effect, so it may be used to support the treatment of respiratory disease[16].

To use ginger to treat phlegm cough, you can apply one of the following methods:

Method 1. Ginger And Honey

To apply this method, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare one fresh ginger and one teaspoon of honey
  • Crush the ginger and put in a cup
  • Add water and honey
  • Mix it well and have this tea 2-3 times a day until you get your expected results.

Method 2. Ginger And Sugar Candy

To apply this method, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare one fresh ginger and sugar candy
  • Crush the ginger and put it in a cup, add sugar candy
  • Steam for about 10 minutes
  • Allow it to cool and drink this mixture 2-3 times a day until you get your expected results.
3. Lettuce And Rice Water

The next treatment in this list is using lettuce and rice water. Lettuce has bactericidal substances that will help keep your throat clean[17]. Therefore, lettuce is widely used in the treatment of some respiratory diseases, including phlegm cough. Rice water mixed with lettuce will make a good mixture, so you can rest assured when applying this remedy[18].

To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare the lettuce fish and rice water
  • Crush the lettuce fish and put it in a cup
  • Adding rice water and stir well
  • Boil this mixture for 10 minutes
  • Allow to cool and use

Keep drinking this kind of tea 2-3 times a day until you get your expected results. You will be amazed at how effective it is.

4. Shallot Leaves And Sugar Candy

This method is also recommended by many people. If phlegm cough causes your throat to hurt, the sweetness of sugar candy combined with the chives will soothe your throat. This special mixture may remove phlegm. You can also apply this to young children because it is very benign.

To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare five fresh shallot leaves and one sugar syrup
  • Put all these ingredients in the bowl and bring this bowl to steam
  • Steam for about 10 minutes
  • Let it cool down and use then

Take this mixture twice a day until the cough is gone.

5. Orange

Orange[19] has many substances to treat respiratory diseases, especially phlegm cough. When being baked, the substances in the orange will promote their use. Do not worry that you can not eat baked orange. It is very easy to eat. Eating it will make the phlegm diluted and the sore throat muscles will be significantly reduced.

To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:

  • Prepare an orange and a little salt
  • Make a small hole in the oranges and add salt to it
  • Put the orange into the microwave
  • After about 15 minutes, take it out and eat it when it is still hot

Eat 2-3 baked orange juice every day to improve your bad cough.

6. Turmeric

home remedies for phlegm - turmeric

This is one of the little-known home remedies for phlegm cough. Turmeric has strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, which helps kill bacteria causing the body to produce excessive mucus[20]. In addition, turmeric helps boost the immune system of the body so that the patient may get cover quicker.

Turmeric has three natural plant compounds: curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemothoxycurcumin. They are commonly referred to as curcuminoids. Curcumins reduces two enzymes in the body causing inflammation. It is suggested that eating turmeric will help treat many inflammatory conditions. Curcumins are considered as a natural anti-inflammatory drug and are currently in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. In a clinical study of the effect of curcumins on arthritis, 50 patients received curcumin a day in 3 months. Results show that patients increase their walking distance and performance while reducing inflammation[21].

Use turmeric as a treatment for phlegm coughs that are highly effective and fast.

Method 1: Only Turmeric

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare turmeric, 200 ml water.
  • Wash the turmeric and put the turmeric in the grinder to grind totally.
  • Add water and stir well.
  • Drink turmeric juice daily before eating.
  • You can also use turmeric powder to mix with water.

Method 2: Turmeric, Lemon And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare a turmeric, three tablespoons of honey, and half a lemon.
  • Pour the mixture of turmeric, honey, and lemon into the blender to grind them well.
  • Add water and stir.
  • Drink the mixture every day.
  • You should use the mixture above 3 times a day in the morning, noon, evening.

Method 3: Turmeric And Milk

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare two teaspoons of turmeric powder, 250 ml fresh milk.
  • Mix turmeric with fresh milk and stir well.
  • Use the mixture above to drink in the morning before breakfast to give the best effect.

Method 4: Turmeric And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 3-4 turmeric or 400 grams turmeric powder, 200 ml honey.
  • Rinse the turmeric and add to the blender to grind.
  • Mix honey with turmeric and stir well.
  • Use nylon glove to divide the turmeric into a small amount. Then form the honey- turmeric into the tablet and use it gradually

Each day, you should use 3-4 times, 4-5 times per honey- turmeric tablet

Method 5: Turmeric, Salt, And Hot Water

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 2-3 teaspoons turmeric powder, one teaspoon salt, and a glass of hot water.
  • Mix the mixture and stir.
  • Use the mixture to rinse your mouth in small sips.
  • Make two times a day for best results.


  • Using turmeric to make spices in foods is considered safe. However, supplements having turmeric may not have the same effect as commercials.
  • People with biliary obstruction or gallstones should consult their doctor before taking medicine. Should not drink turmeric along with the drug reducing acid in the stomach.
  • Turmeric may reduce blood sugar. If you have a problem with diabetes, talk to your doctor before taking supplements from turmeric as they may increase your risk of hypoglycemia[22].
  • Because turmeric may act as an anticoagulant, do not eat or drink supplements from turmeric for at least two weeks before surgery, nor should it be used with anticoagulants.
7. Lemon

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber and contains many plant compounds, minerals, and essential oils. Lemon is a fruit that has many useful uses, especially eliminate sputum and mucus. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin as well as an excellent antioxidant, which is essential for immune function and health. Also, vitamin C in the lemon can kill off bacteria that cause a cough and eliminate the phlegm in your throat[23].

Therefore, using lemons to treat coughs associated with phlegm is a cheap but effective measure.

Method 1: Just Lemon

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 1/4 lemon.
  • Munch one quart of lemon in the morning or before bed is an excellent remedy to cure the symptoms of a phlegm cough.

Method 2: Lemon And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 1/2 lemon, 3-4 tablespoons of honey, 300 ml of water.
  • Squeeze lemon juice and mix well with honey.
  • Add water and stir.

Use lemon juice and honey, to treat a cough with phlegm daily before going to bed for the best effect.

Method 3: Lemon, Salts, And Pepper

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare one lemon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper.
  • Cut lemons into thin slices.
  • Mix salt, pepper with lemon sliced and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Use lemon slices to keep in your mouth when feeling the much phlegm in your neck.
  • Gradually swallow lemon.

This will help you to remove phlegm cough in the throat. You should take these pieces of lemon 2-3 times per day.

8. Onion

Onions have high levels of antioxidants and sulfur compounds. The natural compounds in the onions are effective in relieving coughing spells and effectively eliminating sputum. Onion juice also helps prevent the accumulation of mucus, support the treatment of bronchitis[24]. Onion extracts and essential oils may inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast.

Method 1: Just Onion

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 1/2 onion
  • Put the onion in the blender to grind totally.
  • Squeeze for onion juice and use onion juice to rinse your mouth every morning.
  • Then rinse your mouth with clean water.

Method 2: Onion And Sugar

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare one onion, 3-4 tablespoons sugar.
  • Rinse the onion and add to the blender to grind.
  • Add sugar with onion just ground and mix well.
  • Using the mixture to keep in your mouth before each meal will help reduce a phlegm cough quickly.

Method 3: Onion And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare one onion, four tablespoons honey.
  • Wash the onions and cut into small pieces.
  • Add honey with onion. Then put the mixture on steamed water.
  • After boiling for 30 minutes, take onion juice to drink every night before going to bed.

These are home remedies for phlegm cough we would like to introduce in this article. You can be skeptical about their effects because they are so simple. They all have very positive feedback on the results that these remedies bring to many people. Therefore, let’s choose some of them and alternate them in your treating to see how effective they are.

However, all content provided is for informational & educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you and to avoid the side effects when applying these methods. In addition, asking for healthcare professional’s advice may help you know that you have to take medicine or not.

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