23 Home Remedies For Nail Growth And Strength

updated: 06/06/2019

Beautifying is an indispensable need for women, which cannot mention a manicure. But it seems that not everyone knows how to take care of a beautiful and healthy nail. As modern girls, everyone wants to own long and hard nails so that they can creatively have a manicure with beautiful and unique nail models. However, many people experience nail problems, such as weak, fragile, or short nails, making it impossible to draw nails. To help your nails grow at a healthy pace, following a diet plan and a proper nail-care regime is an important step. Also, there are some home remedies for nail growth and strength using simple ingredients. This article reveals to you how to use those natural ingredients to increase your nail growth at home.

Top 23 Home Remedies For Nail Growth And Strength

1. Olive Oil

olive oil

Olive oil, when applied to your nails, helps to penetrate the nails and the skin around the nails, and repair nail damage while softening your nails and cuticles. It is because olive oil is rich in polyphenols with antifungal and antibacterial properties[1], which aid in moisturizing and strengthening the fragile fingernails. Olive oil is good for cuticles, and it is used in a large number of nail salons. After using a nail polish remover, you can rub some olive oil on your fingers and nails to help keep your cuticles and nails intact and soft.

Method 1:

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  • Add ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil to a bowl
  • Soak your fingernails in it for about 15 minutes
  • Do it 1-2 times per week

Method 2:

  • Massage your fingers and nails with warm olive oil daily to retain the moisture, improve blood circulation, and give your nails shine.

Method 3:

  • Mix ½ cup of tomato juice and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl
  • Soak your fingers in this mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water

The tomato will boost the growth of fingernails while olive oil imparts its moisture to cuticles and nails.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another suggestion for those who are looking for home remedies for nail growth. Using coconut oil will warrant that your nails do not lose excessive water and look great. That is because of the nutrients available in this oil that may help strengthen the nails and cuticles and give shine to your nails.

Coconut may treat nail fungus, improve nail growth, moisturize the cuticle, prevent hangnail, and cure athlete’s foot and the ridges. Coconut oil has an antifungal property that may protect the nail from fungal infections[2]. Also, it has emollient nature, which may prevent the nails from being brittle and dry.

Method 1:

  • Take a small amount of coconut oil to rub on the hands and let it melt
  • Apply the oil to your nails and cuticles and massage for some minutes
  • Do this routine a few times per day to get rid of nail issues and boost nail growth

Method 2:

  • Mix ¼ cup each of coconut oil and honey with 4 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • Warm up the mixture in the microwave for about 20 seconds
  • Soak your nails in the solution for 15 minutes. Make sure that it is lukewarm, not hot because it may cause further damage than boosting the nail growth.
  • Do this method for 2-4 times per week.


  • The best time to use coconut oil for nails is before going to bed. Remember to clean and properly dry your nails before application of coconut oil to take its maximum benefits.

3. Orange Juice

Because orange juice has folic acid and vitamin C[3] that may be beneficial for nail growth. It is an excellent solution to grow your nails quickly. The vitamin C content of orange juice may boost the production of collagen and keeps your nails strong and healthy.

  • Soak your nails in the fresh orange juice for 10 minutes or more
  • Rinse it off with warm water and pat dry before using a moisturizer
  • This remedy should be done once per day until you get good results

4. Lemons

Lemons have a high content of vitamin C[4] that may make your nails strong and healthy. Also, it helps in treating yellow nails and giving the nails a natural shine.

Method 1:

  • Mix lemon juice and olive oil at a ratio of 1:3
  • Heat the solution a little bit in the microwave before soaking your nails in for 10 minutes
  • Do this method daily

Method 2:

  • Rub a slice of fresh lemon on your nails for about 5 minutes
  • Use warm water to rinse it off and pat dry.
  • Use a moisturizer to moisten your nails
  • Do this once per day

Method 3:

Lemon, garlic, and olive oil may accelerate the development of nails and prevent fungus growth while maintaining healthy, strong nails.

  • Squeeze a lemon to get its juice
  • Take 3 garlic cloves to remove their skin
  • Add garlic, lemon juice, and a small amount of olive oil to a bowl and mix these ingredients well
  • Dip your nails in the mixture and wait for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with tepid water
  • Repeat this routine daily

Warning: Avoid rubbing lemon on your nails if you have hangnails and cuts because it might sting.

5. Horsetail

Horsetail is filled with silica, which may aid the growth and strength of nails[5]. For centuries, people have topically applied horsetail tea to the nails for improving nail health.

Horsetail is highly valued for its benefits because of a number of great minerals and other nutrients such as manganese, flavonoids, iron, calcium, fatty acid, saponins, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids, and silica. Horsetail is similar to Alfalfa plant that absorbs unique chemicals from the earth, including silica not found in other plants.

Horsetail has been used in the treatment of many health issues like brittle bone, teeth, hair, and nails. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity of horsetail might help to treat infection and inflammation caused by boils and carbuncles.

  • Add ¾ teaspoon of the dried horsetail stems to about 2 cups of hot water
  • Let it steep for 15 minutes and strain it up
  • After letting it cool down, soak your nails in the mixture for about 20 minutes
  • Repeat this routine 4 times per week to get your desired results.

Drink horsetail tea once per day to boost the healing process.


Similar to dietary supplements, horsetail is safe if taken in the short term and in moderation. If you take any other medication or supplements, consult with your doctor before using horsetail.

Besides, people with the deficiency of vitamin B or alcoholics should avoid using horsetail because it has an enzyme and thiaminase. Using horsetail in the long term or overdose may damage thiamine B1.

Avoid taking horsetail supplements if you are using any type of nicotine patches or are sensitive to nicotine because horsetail has nicotine properties, which might result in overdose of these ingredients, leading to serious health issues such as low potassium and dehydration, or the symptoms of nicotine overdose such as cold hands or feet, rash, fever, abnormal heart rate, weight loss, etc.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should avoid taking horsetail as it has nicotine content.

6. Biotin

There is a wide range of vitamins necessary for nail growth, and one of them is biotin, also called vitamin H. Biotin may boost the growth of nails and hair because it improves keratin infrastructure[6].

The slow nail growth and nail problems such as thin, weak, and brittle nails are linked to the deficiency of biotin.

You can find biotin in foods such as whole grains, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, almonds, salmon, soybeans, milk, strawberries, lentils, walnuts, and oats. Or, you can take a supplement of biotin with the consultation of your doctor.

7. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is a nourishing herb that has been widely used as food and medicine for centuries. This herb is known for its high mineral content, supporting the health of the nails, hair, and skin. The stinging nettle tea will strengthen your nails and hair due to the high content of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and potent phytonutrients such as chlorophyll and carotenoids[7]. This herb also helps nails grow faster because of the presence of silica that is important for nail formation.

  • Add 2-3 teaspoons of dried stinging nettle leaves to 1 cup of hot water
  • Cover it up and allow it to steep for several hours
  • After straining, add honey to it
  • Drink the tea every day to get good results.

Remember that steeping the tea in a long time will allow for a more nutrient-dense tea, and the hot and cool water will pull out different constituents from this herb.

8. Flaxseed Oil

flaxseed oil

Following a nutritious diet which is rich in essential nutrients could keep your nails and hair healthy. Although adding flaxseeds to your daily diet will not warrant long nails and hair, these seeds provide some of the important nutrients beneficial for this goal, including thiamine, magnesium, and omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats may help your nails grow properly and keep them from splitting. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it is recommended to take 1300-2700 g of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) [8] each day for every 2,000 calories you take. Thiamine and magnesium are crucial for nail growth that you hardly find anywhere else. 
You should choose the ground flaxseeds because the whole type may cause to be undigested in your digestive system. As a result, you will not be able to absorb many of their nutrients.


  • Rub a small amount of flaxseed oil on your nails and massage gently for 10 minutes
  • After that, wear gloves for a couple of hours to retain its moisture
  • Apply this method once or twice per day.


People with hormone-sensitive cancers, prostate cancer, and endometriosis should consult their doctor before using flaxseeds, as it is not clear about the influences of these seeds to those conditions.

Flaxseeds might interact with birth control pills, diabetes medications, hormone replacement therapy, and blood thinners; therefore, check with your healthcare provider to make sure that increasing your flaxseed intake will not be harmful for your condition.

9. Tomatoes

Tomatoes with their high amounts of lycopene and biotin[9] are beneficial for nail growth, giving the nails a shiny, healthy look. Furthermore, they are rich in vitamin A and C. Consume tomatoes in the raw form because cooked tomatoes could damage the vitamin C. Tomatoes will not only help to give you strong nails but also improve your skin health.

  • Mix tomato juice with rosemary essential oil
  • Soak your nails in the solution for 5-10 minutes to help moisturize and boost the natural color of the fingernails.
  • Do this once per day to get optimal results
10. Protein

Because nails are made up of a protein called keratin. Thus, by adding more protein to your daily diet, you could boost nail growth[10]. The deficiency of protein could result in white spots on the nails, making them weak.

To add more protein to your diet, you should:

  • Eat fish, lean poultry, pork, and beef, and eggs
  • Vegetarians can eat nuts, legumes, seeds, green veggies, and spinach.
  • Drink protein shakes or add more protein powder to a glass of milk. But, take any protein supplement with the supervision of a doctor.
11. Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Vitamin B9 or folic acid is necessary for the growth of cells[11]. It means that it could help you grow the nails naturally. Folic acid could be taken from foods such as eggs, beets, citrus fruits, and leafy greens. To boost healthy nail growth, you should consume 400 to 500 mcg of folic acid daily.

12. Vitamin A

Vitamin A[12] is vital for the strength of tissues, bones, nails, and teeth. Also, it is a popular antioxidant that flushes out the toxins causing damage from your body. Vitamin A could be found in foods such as spinach, grapefruit, apples, and yams. It could also be found in meat options such as liver, eggs, or milk.

13. Vitamin C

Do you remember when your mother told you to consume oranges to avoid catching colds? That was because of the vitamin C content in orange. Orange or other citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which is good for warding off bacteria[13]. Also, it is a strong antioxidant. Consuming foods containing vitamin C or taking supplements of vitamin C is important because the human body does not produce this vitamin. It could be found in citrus fruits, blueberries, tomatoes, strawberries, and leafy greens.

14. Oats

Minerals such as zinc and copper are vital for the growth of bones and nails[14]. Those could be found in oats. To be honest, it is very easy to add oats to your daily diet. Just simply switch your bowl of cereal with oatmeal and some fresh fruit to reap their benefits.

15. Bananas

home remedies for nail growth - bananas

There is no wonder that the yellow-color bananas may boost the energy level because of its rich potassium content[15]. This fruit is loaded with zinc and silica, which are able to improve the look of nails and strengthen them up. Also, bananas contain vitamin B6, the well-known vitamin for supporting healthy, shiny nails. You could reap the benefits of bananas by adding them to your morning oatmeal or cereal, or you could enjoy them as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack.

16. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a powerhouse of beta-carotene and antioxidants[16] that are important for the human body. They could boost the immune system and enhance healthy and strong nails. The high content of beta-carotene in sweet potatoes will be converted to vitamin A. The deficiency in vitamin A could result in brittle and dry nails.

  • Cook sweet potatoes with water in the pressure cooker for about 10 minutes
  • After it is cooked, let it cool before removing its skin
  • Consume at least 3 half cup servings of the boiled sweet potatoes for strong and healthy nails

Or, you could also bake and roast sweet potatoes to take their benefits.

17. Water

Among home remedies for nail growth, this sounds too simple, but water does help. Dehydration has a big effect on the overall health of your body, including your nails. Dehydration could result in weak nails and cuticles[17]. To prevent this problem, you need to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.

Add more fruits and veggies, which are high in water to your daily diet. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, and carbonated beverages because they might trigger dehydration.

18. Vitamin E Oil

Another highly efficient natural ways among home remedies for nail growth is vitamin E oil, which may be used topically and orally in the capsule form. Vitamin E supplementation may prevent yellow nail syndrome that leads to cracked and yellowing nails. Moreover, the moisturizing benefits of vitamin E oil may support nail health by protecting cuticles and skin around your nails[18].

  • Massage vitamin E oil on your nails and cuticles for 5 minutes every day before going to bed
  • After 2 weeks, you will see a big improvement in the growth rate, appearance, and strength of your nails.

Additional Tips:

  • Do not expose your nails to harsh chemicals such as cleaning products. When cleaning and working, remember to wear gloves to protect the nails from damage.
  • To prevent the risk of nail infections, keep your nails and cuticles clean and dry. Treat your nail infection instantly.
  • Do not bite your nails or pick at the hangnails.
  • Do not scratch your nails because it can make them weak
  • Have a healthy diet for strong and healthy nails. Drink more green tea to improve your nail health.
  • Trim and cut your nails regularly to make them grow faster. Choose frequent manicures to boost the growth of nails.
  • Apply petroleum jelly to your fingernails and hands before your bedtime to keep them moisturized
  • Do not use nail polish containing toluene, formaldehyde, or sulfonamide.
  • Do exercise daily to improve blood circulation, helping nails growth more quickly
  • Expose the nails in the early morning sunlight to get your body to create vitamin D necessary for nail growth.
  • Take multivitamins to boost nail growth.
  • Do not use dark-colored nail polishes because they might make your nails turn yellow over time.
  • Keep your hands warm because if they are cold, your nails will grow slowly. Particularly, during colder months, have a pair of warm gloves in hands to make sure your hands stay warm. This help to improve the blood circulation to your fingernails; thus, your nails grow quickly.

Here are 23 home remedies for nail growth and strength that you should try at home. Eating the right foods and caring for your nails will make a big difference. Follow these home remedies and let us know what worked for you by leaving your ideas below this post. We will respond as soon as possible.  For more natural home remedies for common health issues and diseases, feel free to visit our Home Remedies Page.

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