26 Tips How To Treat Cholera Disease Symptoms At Home

Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by a germ. This disease causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. It causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient. Treatment should be performed as soon as possible, otherwise, in severe cases, the patient may die. It is best to prevent cholera to avoid its serious consequences.

Are you reading this article? This means you really concern about treating cholera. This is a true understanding. Below, we provide tips to help you quickly treat cholera at home. But first, to determine the most accurate patient problem, let's find out the useful information below.

What Is Cholera?

Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae. Robert Koch identified the bacteria that caused cholera in 1883.The bacteria’s toxin causes severe diarrhea accompanied by dehydration. This disease can lead to death in some cases. Cholera is considered one of the most dangerous intestinal diseases. It is a water-borne disease and usually occurs in monsoon months. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent and treat this disease today. Applying them early will help you avoid the dangerous consequences [1].

Cholera may have originated in the Ganges delta in ancient times. Cholera appeared in Asia at 600 BC, first recorded in medicine in 1563 in India. The disease emerged from trade routes (land and sea) to Russia in 1817, then spread to the rest of Europe, and from Europe to North America. Seven pandemics have occurred in 200 years. In 1832, cholera caused nearly 40,000 people to die in Paris, including a vizier. Cholera attacked England in 1848-1849, killing 70,000 people. A pandemic in 1854 killed one-eighth of London's population. In modern times, in the North of France in 1937, cholera killed 75,000 people. Cholera infiltrated Peru in 1991, spread to Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Nicaragua resulting in more than 12,000 deaths.

The only way for a doctor to diagnose this disease is to identify the bacteria in the stool sample. However, the doctor can diagnose the disease quickly if you are in the cholera area and have severe diarrhea symptoms. Identifying the disease quickly will reduce the mortality rate, while helping the ministry intervene and prevent the epidemic in time.

What Cause Cholera?

Vibrio cholerae is the cause of cholera. However, the cholera toxin produced by the bacteria in the small intestine is the most important cause of the disease. The toxin binds to the intestinal wall, hindering the normal flow of sodium and chloride. This causes the body to produce a huge amount of water, leading to diarrhea. As a result, the body quickly loses large amounts of water and electrolytes [2] [3].

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Water pollution is the main source of cholera infection. Besides, raw shellfish, fruits and vegetables, and other foods may also have pathogenic bacteria. The cholera bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, have two distinct life cycles – one in the environment and one in the person:

  • Cholera Bacteria In The Environment

Cholera bacteria live naturally in coastal waters, where it attaches to tiny crustaceans called copepods. Up to 10,000 bacteria can be followed by a single crustacean. Cholera bacteria “travel” with their host, spreading around the world like crustaceans following their food sources. Some algae and phytoplankton grow explosively as water temperatures increase. Most cholera occurs in the spring and fall when ocean surface temperatures and algae bloom. The increase in the number of algae means that the number of copepods also increases.

  • Cholera Bacteria In Humans

When someone eats cholera bacteria, they may not be infected, but they still excrete the bacteria in the feces and can pass cholera to other people through fecal-oral route. This primarily occurs when faecal contamination of food or water supplies, both can be as ideal breeding grounds for cholera bacteria. There may be more than one million cholera bacteria found in a glass of contaminated water. Cholera is not transmitted through normal human contact.

The most common sources of cholera include:

  • Wells

Cholera can stay in the water for long periods of time, and polluted wells are a frequent source of large-scale cholera. Cholera is more likely to occur in the community and in areas affected by natural disasters or war. People living in crowded refugee camps are particularly at risk for cholera.

  • Seafood

Raw seafood, especially shellfish, which comes from certain locations, can carry cholera bacteria. Most choleric cases that occurred in the United States since the 1970s have been derived from oysters and crabs from the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables can also be sources of pathogenic bacteria. In developing countries, fertilizer or irrigation water containing fertilizers can contaminate water resources in this area. Fruits and vegetables may also become contaminated with cholera during harvesting and processing.

  • Cereals

In regions where cholera is widespread, grains such as rice and millet become a “vehicle” for the development of cholera.

What Are Common Symptoms Of Cholera?

Most people will not get sick or know they are infected with cholera. However, the cholera bacteria remain in the human feces for 7-14 days so they can still infect others through dirty water. The mild and moderate cases of cholera are more difficult to distinguish from diseases that cause diarrhea. Only about 1 out of 10 bacterial infections show signs and symptoms of typical cholera, usually within a few days after infection.

Symptoms of cholera include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalance which characterized by cramps and shock (without treatment, severe dehydration can cause sudden death)
  • Change of perception
  • Epileptic
  • Comatose

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, please consult your doctor.

What Are Risk Factors?

Cholera is extremely prevalent in areas with poor hygiene, crowding, war and famine. Tainted food along with water supplies is the major cause behind this condition. It is common in areas such as Africa, South Asia and Latin America. It can affect people at any age, but it is more dangerous in young children.You can control this problem by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Doctor?

In developed countries, the risk of cholera is not high, even if you are in an epidemic area. If you follow the food safety recommendations, the likelihood of infection is very low. If you have severe diarrhea after going to an area with cholera outbreaks, see a doctor as soon as possible. If you have diarrhea, especially severe diarrhea or you think you have been exposed to cholera, see your doctor immediately because severe dehydration can lead to death.

Besides, if you have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

Above are some basic information about cholera. Hopefully with this information, you may have the most comprehensive view of this disease. Here are 26 natural tips on how to treat cholera disease symptoms at home and avoid its serious consequences. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 26 Natural Tips On How To Treat Cholera Disease Symptoms At Home

1. Eat Liquid Foods And Divide Them Into Small Servings

This is the first tip on how to treat cholera symptoms at home. One of the best things you can do to get rid of cholera is to avoid over-stimulating the digestive system. When you notice the signs of cholera, eating liquid food is usually better than solid food. Regardless of what you choose to eat, you should divide them into small portions to eat. Instead of eating two or three main meals as you do every day, you should divide your meals into five or six small servings throughout the day. Similarly, instead of drinking a glass of water or another drink, take a few small sips.

2. Cloves


To manage cholera symptoms, you can consider using cloves. This herb has the ability to reduce abdominal discomfort owing to the eugenol – a chemical in cloves. This substance helps kill off bacteria and parasites that cause diarrhea.

Take 4 grams of cloves and heat in 3 liters of plain water. When the water reduces half, take this decoction at regular intervals [4].

3. Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd’s juice is regarded as a healthy drink that works miraculously. Bitter gourd is also known as bitter melon which is a tropical fruit widely cultivated in South America, Asia and Africa. It has a unique phyto-constituent which has been claimed to possess hypoglycemic effect named charatin. This effect is more potent than the drug tolbutamide which is used by doctors in lowering blood glucose levels for treating diabetes.

There is also insulin-liked compound called polypeptide – P, which has been suggested as a natural replacement of insulin in people with diabetes. What is more, bitter gourd is also a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals like folate, magnesium and phosphorus. This fruit plays a big role in the treatment of cholera. People experiencing early stages of cholera can take control of their disease by drinking the brew made from bitter gourd due to its therapeutic actions. [5]

  • Mix equal amounts of onion juice and bitter gourd juice together
  • Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into the mixture
  • Consume this mixture twice per day for optimal results
4. Onion

Onion is known to be an effective tip on how to treat cholera disease at home. Given with black pepper to cholera sufferers, it assists in allaying the feelings of restlessness and thirst. As a result, the patient will feel much better.
Besides, it mitigates the impacts of diarrhea and nausea – two common complications of cholera. When cholera becomes epidemic in your area, you should cut onions into pieces and spread all around your house to help prevent the attack of this disease [6] [7].

At the same time, you should also apply the following remedy to minimize the symptoms of cholera:

  • Add 7 black peppers in about 30 grams of onion
  • Grind them to get a smooth paste
  • Have this mixture 2-3 times per day
5. Turmeric

Without this common kitchen spice, this series of cost-effective tips on how to treat cholera at home cannot be completed. Turmeric is a great solution for diarrhea and cholera as well owing to its medicinal properties [8] [9] [10].

  • Soak 1 tablespoon of turmeric roots in lemon juice
  • Leave it there for 2 hours before taking the turmeric root out
  • Let them dry out naturally under the sun
  • Grind them to get find powder
  • Mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 cup of water
  • Add some honey for flavor
  • Drink this beverage twice per day

Note: Be careful that turmeric might worsen your diarrhea if used overdose, so you should not consume more than the daily recommended dose.

6. Fenugreek Seeds

[11] [12] Fenugreek seeds has a high mucilage content which impacts on stools and decreases the severity of diarrhea associated with cholera.

Mix 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt

  • Add 2 tablespoons of a roasted cumin seed powder into
  • Enjoy this mixture 2-3 times per day for fast recovery

Alternatively, you can mix 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder with 1 glass of warm water. Have 2 glasses of this liquid daily to relieve cholera symptoms.

7. Peach Flowers

Using the leaves as well as flowers of peach is another effective tip on how to treat cholera disease. You had better take it in the form of conserve or syrup.

  • Mix ½ teaspoon each of fresh peach flower (leaf) juice and honey together
  • Add them to ½ glass of tender coconut water
  • Drink this mixture twice or thrice per day to treat cholera
8. Guava Roots
guava roots

The root bark of guava is among little-known tips on how to treat cholera. Given with a rich content of tannins, guava roots could be used in the form of decoction to relieve cholera.

  • Add 30 grams of guava root bark to 500 ml of water
  • Boil this mixture until it reduces by 1/3.
  • Take this mixture twice per day to arrest vomiting and other cholera symptoms
9. Apply A Special Diet

Applying a special diet is another must-try remedy on how to treat cholera at home. When you have cholera, you need to make a diet with light foods, including bananas, rice, apple juice, bread and tea with a little sugar and some sour taste. Biscuits and mashed potatoes (not mixed in butter) are generally considered light foods. These foods will lessen the pressure on your digestive system and help you soothe your bowel.

If you suspect that cholera is caused by a mild form of food poisoning, try eating burned bread. The burned bread is said to have similar effects to activated charcoal for medical use, but in a slightly weaker form. Activated charcoal is used in hospitals to treat cases of food poisoning or severe alcohol poisoning, because they have the ability to absorb and neutralize toxins.

10. Eat Yogurt

If you suspect that your signs are the side effects of an antibiotic or because of another cause, but it has become even better, the probiotic bacteria in yogurt can help your intestines return to normal. If you experience diarrhea caused by the side effects of an antibiotic that may have killed beneficial bacteria in your gut, eating yogurt is an effective and fast way to help restore the balance of the bacteria, preventing the onset of diarrhea. Probiotics are a living bacterium that helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

11. Stabilize Your Stomach With Ginger Or Mint

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to treat cholera at home. Both ginger and mint have the ability to soothe and regulate bowel stimulation. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the intestinal tract and aid digestion. For best results, mix 2 tablespoons (10 ml) of fresh ginger juice with 250 ml of hot water for a few minutes. Drink this ginger tea while you are resting to get rid of symptoms of cholera. If you are sensitive to spicy foods, you may need to take ginseng preparations instead of fresh ginger.

Fresh mint leaves can support the stomach, soothe contractions in the abdominal muscles and intestines, and prevent cholera from continuing. Mix some fresh mint leaves with 250 ml hot water for a few minutes and drink while resting.

12. Chrysanthemum Tea And Lemon

The next tip on how to treat cholera at home is smoothing your stomach with some teas. Chrysanthemum tea has the ability to soothe your whole body, and the digestive system is no exception. Adding a few drops of lemon juice to your tea helps to increase the effect of this tea. Chrysanthemum tea is especially useful if the cholera disease causes your stomach to “scream” so you cannot tolerate it. A cup of chrysanthemum tea (about 250 ml) can help you significantly.

You can also use lemon juice for better effects [13] [14]. Just mix 3-4 teaspoons of lemon juice with 250 ml of warm water and you will have a cup of tea to soothe your stomach. Note that you need to use warm water to make tea.

13. Increase Fluid Intake

Drinking water and taking lots of fluids is regarded as a primary tip on how to treat cholera disease symptoms at home. When you have cholera, your body loses a large amount of fluids which contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is important for you to compensate these lost substances by getting enough fluids, especially water and sports drinks. If you suffer from nausea, take a small sip of water several times instead of drinking a lot of water once. Other fluids that can be taken to combat dehydration are chicken or cow boiled water, flavored mineral water, or rehydration solutions such as Pedialyte.

Warm barley water is also a good way to replenish water. Children should drink oral fluids such as Pedialyte and Infalyte. They help balance the nutritional needs of children and are sold in most grocery stores and pharmacies. White grape juice is also good for children who are dehydrated due to cholera.

14. Stay Away From Caffeine

Caffeine may cause stomach pain and vomiting. More importantly, it may contribute to further serious dehydration. Caffeine is a mild diuretic, meaning it can cause dehydration. If you have cholera, you should choose fluids that are not capable of dehydration. In addition, you should not eat foods high in caffeine, such as candy and chocolate. The caffeine-free drinks and foods are the best for you in this case.

15. Avoid Foods That Can Put Pressure On The Stomach

This sounds strange when it comes to tips on how to treat cholera at home, but it work. High-fiber foods or gas-producing foods can cause aggravate abdominal pain, as well as make cholera worse. Foods containing fiber, including fresh fruits and vegetables, should be avoided in your case. You should also avoid foods that can make gas, such as legumes, especially if you suffer from sudden abdominal pain. If you are unable to absorb the sugar, you should avoid consuming dairy products. Besides, you also need to avoid consuming greasy foods. These foods are one of the causes that make stomach and cholera worse.

Note: Fiber can help regulate bowel activity in the long run. After the cholera treatment, consider adding fiber to your meal to improve your digestive system.

16. Get Plenty Of Rest

No wonder, this is definitely a simple but indispensible tip on how to treat cholera at home. Just like any disease treatment, one of the best things you can do for your body when suffering from cholera is to rest. Rest will give your body the chance to fight the cholera bacteria in your body. In addition, when you have cholera, anxiety can make your condition worse. The rest will help you get rid of these anxieties to speed up the treatment process.

17. Use A Hot Pack

If cholera causes a lot of abdominal pain for you, the best way to stop it quickly is to relieve tension and pressure on your abdominal muscles. Put a hot water pack straight on your belly, but be sure to have at least one or two layers of fabric to protect your belly from the heat of the hot park.

18. Zinc Supplementation
zinc supplementation

Zinc supplementation is another effective tip on how to treat cholera disease naturally. Studies have shown that zinc supplementation can accelerate cholera treatment. Zinc is a micronutrient that helps in the synthesis of proteins, water and electrolytes in the intestine. The World Health Organization recommends children under 6 months of age take 10mg zinc every day, and children over six months of age drink 20mg zinc per day. Adults should drink at recommended dosage of the manufacturer.

19. Consider Using Medicine Or Not

Since cholera medications often produce an almost instantaneous effect, you should think carefully before using them. You will probably think that if the medicine can help you treat the disease, why you should hesitate to use them. But this is a necessity. If you need to cure diarrhea caused by cholera for an urgent reason, you can take anti diarrhea medication for temporary relief. However, you should use natural remedies to soothe diarrhea and keep the course of treatment as normal. Diarrhea is a means by which your body uses to eliminate toxins, and if you force the process to stop suddenly, things that have caused diarrhea will still be in your body. In normal circumstances, you should wait one or two days before taking the medicine.

20. Use OTC Medications Containing Bismuth Subsalicylate Or Loperamide

Not many people know about this tip on how to treat cholera at home. These are the two most common and effective medicines to cure diarrhea caused by cholera. Bismuth subsalicylate is both an antacid and an anti-inflammatory, so it can be used to treat a variety of bowel problems. Loperamide slows the movement of the muscles in the abdomen allowing the intestine to absorb more water from the stool. As a result, the stool becomes stiffer and diarrhea stops. If these medications are not effective within 24 hours, contact your doctor.

21. Avoid Taking Anti-Inflammatory Medications With Steroids

In regard to treating cholera, it is important to take anti-inflammatory medications having no steroids. Aspirin and painkillers can make your stomach “go through” more intense agitation, resulting in worse cholera. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are common drugs. These medications can cause a stronger stimulation to your stomach and intestines, which can lead to severe stomach and cholera. Therefore, do not use them.

22. Consult Your Doctor For An Antibiotic Prescription

If your cholera gradually worsens, an antibiotic prescription can be the only way to treat your disease. Note that antibiotics can cause undesirable side effects or exacerbate gastrointestinal disease if used improperly. Therefore, you need to use antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor.

23. Rinse Vegetables And Fruits Thoroughly

To know how to treat cholera naturally at home, practice good food hygiene. As you know, one of the most common sources of cholera is the vegetables and fruits. Therefore, you should buy vegetables and fruits at reputable stores. Besides, you also need to wash the vegetables and fruit thoroughly before eating. Natural disinfectants suitable for washing vegetables include white vinegar, diluted iodine, citric acid, fresh lemon juice, saline and silver glue.

24. Just Drink Clean Water

No wonder, this tip should definitely be mentioned in this list of tips on how to treat cholera effectively at home. In developed countries like the United States, most water sources are disinfected with chlorine and other chemicals, so water is less likely to transmit the cholera bacteria. However, drinking water hygiene in developing countries and tropical countries is not guaranteed. Therefore, you should avoid using public water sources when you visit these countries. Instead, use bottled water sold in grocery stores or supermarkets.

Also, be careful when using well water if you live in a rural area. Well water may be contaminated with animal or human excrement. If you are not comfortable with the quality of the water you are using, you can install a multi-stage water filtration system. This system is capable of filtering material particles and parasites as well as toxic chemicals that can cause cholera.

25. Use Nutmeg

Because dehydration is the main symptom of cholera, this is when nutmeg comes into the picture. This herb helps cure dehydration effectively. Take some nutmeg and add to boiling water, use it in conjunction with coconut water to get better results.

26. Eat Cooked Seafood

This is the last but not least important tip on how to treat cholera at home that we want to mention in this article. Some types of raw seafood, especially shellfish, are the source of many cholera bacteria. Always cook seafood before eating to limit cholera. In addition, you should buy seafood in prestigious stores to know the source of them. Limit purchases of seafood originating in places where there is a history of cholera. Microwave cooking is not an effective and reliable way to kill bacteria. Instead, use stewed pots or frying pans to make better foods. Besides, always wash your hands before and after preparing food, especially raw foods.

The aforementioned tips are claimed by many patients with cholera who overcame this condition naturally at home. These tips are very simple and useful. Let’s apply them to your condition. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 26 Simple Tips On How To Treat Cholera Disease Symptoms At Home” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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