18 Home Remedies For Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhoea) Odor

updated: 11/30/2019

The vagina is an important body part to women. However, there are many problems relating to the vagina that women often suffer from and vaginal discharge is one of them. Most women and girls suffer from vaginal discharge, which is also known as leucorrhoea. The discharge is mucus or fluid, which keeps the vagina area moist and clean, and wards it from potential infection. Usually, vaginal discharge begins after the girl has the first menstrual period. In general, this occurrence is normal; however, sometimes, it could be abnormal, which indicates a sign of infection.

If you suspect that your vaginal discharge is not normal, then check out this article to know for sure about your problem and get some of the best natural home remedies for vaginal discharge odor.

Top 18 Science-Based Treatments For Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhoea) Odor

What Is Vaginal Discharge?

Vaginal discharge is the fluid consisting of a mix of cervical mucus and vaginal secretions. In this condition, there is a discharge coming from the vagina. This liquid can be either thick or thin. It can also be white or yellowish. The amount of vaginal discharge released may vary among women. Normally, women have to undergo this situation when they are in the middle of their menstruation cycle or during their pregnancy time.

The duration of vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman. It can take place for several days or up to a week.

If the vaginal discharge is odorless, colorless and does not make your vagina irritating and itching, you do not have to worry about this. There are some types of vaginal discharge, depending on color and consistency. Changes in amount, color or smell of this fluid might imply a problem. If the discharge is too much or becomes yellow or greenish, you may suffer from vaginal infection.

The amount of discharge might change because of the use of birth control and sexual activity.

Causes And Symptoms Of Vaginal Discharge?

Causes Of Vaginal Discharge

Hormonal changes can affect your vaginal discharge if there is an increase in estrogen levels. The changes can make your vagina produce more discharge. Vaginal infection is the second reason why you have a vaginal discharge.

Some other reasons causing vaginal discharge include:

  • Poor hygienic habits, including infrequent change of tampons
  • Some certain medications, namely diabetes, anemia.
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Yeast infection 
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • HPV virus or cervical cancer

Symptoms Of Vaginal Discharge

  • The vaginal discharge is too much.
  • The color of vaginal discharge becomes yellowish, greenish.
  • The odor of vaginal discharge is uncomfortable.
When To See A Doctor?

Normally, it is not necessary to be concerned about vaginal discharge. Nonetheless, sometimes, it indicates a problem, like an infection. Different kinds of infections may have similar signs and symptoms, yet their treatments are not the same. It is necessary to consult your doctor if you notice any of the signs below:

  • Gray, yellow or green discharge
  • Foamy and frothy discharge, which looks like the cottage cheese
  • Vaginal burning or itching
  • An unpleasant or even fishy odor
  • Pain in the pelvic area

To determine the root cause of your abnormal discharge, your doctor might ask you about other symptoms, your sexual history, and your general health.

But before seeing a doctor, you should consider trying the following home remedies. They will bring you amazing results. 

Home Remedies

The following recipes are traditional home remedies; thus, always consult your doctor before using any method for your condition.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is reckoned a cure-all nowadays, so it is not surprising that this liquid is also one of the best home remedies for vaginal discharge. It is empowered with antifungal and antimicrobial properties, which can help you remove the vaginal infection. Moreover, this type of vinegar is good at keeping your natural pH in balance. On the other hand, due to its acidic and antiseptic property, this is a wonderful ingredient for cleaning your vagina and reducing vaginal odor[1] [2].

Method 1:

  • Take 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and pour them in a bowl.
  • Add the same amount of distilled water to it and shake it well.
  • Wash your vagina with the mixture 2 times every day.
  • Do this process for a week.

Method 2:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  • Add a glass of distilled water to the bowl and shake them well.
  • Drink the mixture once every day.

Method 3:

  • Prepare a bathtub and fill it with water.
  • Pour 3 cups of apple cider vinegar in the tub.
  • Stir the water well.
  • Now, sit in the tub for half an hour.
  • Do the process several times every week.

Note: Using apple cider vinegar as a douche is not scientifically proven.

2. Fenugreek Seeds

Extracted from fenugreek plant, fenugreek seeds are used as a cooking ingredient and natural medicine. Besides, they are effective in combating against stomachache and other digestive disorders. Plus, it has a great effect on boosting your immune system thanks to a number of essential minerals, namely copper, carbohydrates, magnesium, etc.

These seeds are useful for keeping the balance of pH level in your vagina and provide a soothing effect on skin and mucous membranes[3]. Therefore, they help get natural relief from swelling, irritation, and pain. More interestingly, both the leaves and seeds of fenugreek are beneficial for women.

Method 1:

  • Take a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and put them in a bowl.
  • Add a sufficient amount of water.
  • Allow it to steep overnight and then strain the liquid.
  • Add ½ teaspoon of raw honey to the liquid.
  • Consume the mixture once every morning when your stomach is empty.

Method 2:

  • Put 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a pot.
  • Add about 4 cups of water to the pot.
  • Cook the mixture for half an hour and strain it.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Wash your vagina with the mixture thrice every day.
3. Indian Gooseberry
indian gooseberry

Indian gooseberry also called amla, contains the strong ability to combat infections. Therefore, it may help your vagina avoid being infected[4]. Furthermore, vitamin C contained in Indian gooseberry can help strengthen your immunity.

Method 1:

  • Prepare 2 teaspoons of Indian gooseberry powder.
  • Put the powder in a cup.
  • Add a sufficient amount of raw honey to form a paste.
  • Consume the mixture 2 times every day for several days.

Method 2:

  • Take a teaspoon of dried Indian gooseberry powder. (The root powder is preferable).
  • Put the powder in a pot and pour in it with a cup of water.
  • Turn on the heat and boil the mixture.
  • Remove the heat when the mixture is half left.
  • Add some raw honey to the mixture.
  • Consume the mixture once every morning when your stomach is empty.
  • Do the process for a month.
6. Cranberry

We cannot deny the powerful properties of cranberry to our health. It contains antibiotic power and several antioxidants. It also has a strong ability to combat fungi[5]. All these characteristics prevent your vagina from being infected. 

Method :

  • Wash a pound of fresh cranberries thoroughly under running water.
  • Pour some water in a large pot and boil the water.
  • When the water boils, pour the clean cranberries.
  • Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Turn on the flame when all cranberries pop.
  • Allow the mixture to steep for 20 more minutes.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Pour all the cranberries in a blender and turn on the blender.
  • Blend the mixture well and strain the juice.
  • Consume a glass of the juice thrice every day.
  • Do the process when you see some improvement.
  • You can also intake cranberry tablets upon your doctor’s advice.
5. Okra

Okra is also called as “ladies’ fingers”, which is one of the healthy vegetables around the world. This kind of vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins, including vitamins A, E, C, and essential minerals, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, etc. These characteristics explain why it is so healthy for our health. You can also try using okra for improving your vaginal discharge. Thanks to its mucilaginous property, okra is good at eliminating any mucous and decreasing the amount of vaginal discharge every day[6].


  • Take about 100 grams of okra and put them in a basin of water.
  • Wash them carefully and chop them into thin slices.
  • Put them in a pot and pour in with ½ liter of clean water.
  • Turn on the heat and boil the mixture for half an hour.
  • Decrease the heat and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat when the water is half left.
  • Strain the mixture.
  • Let it cool down at room temperature.
  • Divide the liquid into three.
  • Add some raw honey in the liquid.
  • Consume it thrice every day.
  • Do the process until your situation is improved.
6. Indian Lilac

Neem is well-known for its strong healing property and strong power to eliminate bacteria and fungi[7]. It works well to reduce the odor caused by vaginal discharge. Plus, thanks to its antiseptic power, it can combat against vaginal infection and ease itchy feeling due to vaginal discharge.

Method 1:

  • Wash several Indian lilac leaves thoroughly in a basin of water.
  • Remove the leaves out of the basin and put them in a pot.
  • Add a sufficient amount of water to the pot.
  • Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  • Let it steep for 10 minutes and strain the tea.
  • Wash your vagina with the tea once every day.
  • Do the repetition for several weeks.

Method 2:

  • Wash some fresh neem leaves thoroughly.
  • Put them in a pan and dry roast them for several minutes.
  • Let it cool down naturally and crush the roasted leaves.
  • Pour the powder in a bowl and add a sufficient amount of water to it.
  • Mix them well to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste to your vagina 2 times every day.
  • Follow the remedy for a week.
7. Pomegranate

Pomegranate brings multiple health benefits to our health. This kind of fruit is full of antioxidants and essential vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and E. It is a good source of folic acid, which is very necessary for our body. This fruit is also an excellent solution to your vaginal discharge[8]. All parts of the pomegranate can be used in treating vaginal discharge, namely its fruit, rind, and leaves.

Method 1:

  • Use a knife to cut a pomegranate open.
  • Pour some water in a large bowl.
  • Dip pomegranate in the water.
  • Take out its seeds in the water because the seeds will fall in the bottom.
  • Remove its peel and other parts.
  • Strain the seeds and pour them in a blender.
  • Turn on the blender.
  • Put a mesh strainer over a bowl.
  • Pour the mixture in the strainer.
  • Consume a glass of the juice once every day.

 Method 2:

  • Wash 30 fresh leaves of pomegranate carefully in water.
  • Prepare 12 black peppercorns.
  • Put all the ingredients in a grinder.
  • Turn on the grinder and grind the mixture to form a paste.
  • Pour the paste in a bowl.
  • Pour in with ½ glass of fresh water.
  • Strain the liquid.
  • Consume it two times every day.
  • Do the process for several weeks.

Method 3:

  • Take a pomegranate and extract its rind.
  • Put the rind in a grinder and grind it into powder.
  • Pour the powder in a bowl.
  • Pour in the bowl with two cups of clean water.
  • Mix them well.
  • Wash your vagina with the mixture twice every day.
8. Saffron


Saffron can help reduce your vaginal discharge amount due to its antioxidants[9] and great antiseptic properties. Furthermore, it can boost your immune system.


  • Take a teaspoon of saffron and put them in a pot.
  • Pour in with ¼ cup of clean water and boil the mixture.
  • Reduce the heat to let the mixture simmer for several minutes.
  • Turn off the heat when the water is half left.
  • Strain the liquid and pour it into three equivalent cups.
  • Pour in the cup with a sufficient amount of freshwater.
  • Consume the mixture thrice every day.
  • Do the process for a week.
9. Mango Seeds

Mangos can treat your vaginal discharge thanks to the antihyperlipidemic and antidiabetic properties. Plus, it contains many essential nutrients, which are required for your body health. Though many parts of mango can be used to treat leucorrhoea, its seeds seem to be the best part for fighting your vaginal discharge[10].


  • Take some mango seeds.
  • Put them in a grinder to grind them into powder.
  • Pour the powder in a bowl and add some water to it.
  • Mix them well to form a paste.
  • Use the paste to apply to your inner and outer vagina.
  • Do the process 2 times every day.
10. Yogurt

Yogurt is also listed as one of the excellent home remedies for vaginal discharge. It contains numerous healthy bacteria called probiotics. Therefore, it is not only good at boosting your digestive system but also excellent in eliminating bad bacteria out of your vagina, contributing to preventing your vagina from being infected. According to a study, probiotics may ward off C. Albicans[11]. The live bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus available in yogurt can create a healthy environment in the female vagina. Therefore, they can treat the overgrowth resulted from an imbalance.

To take advantage of yogurt for vaginal discharge relief, you should choose plain Greek yogurt, which does not have added sugar, which just fuels the growth of candida fungus.


  • Take a small amount of plain yogurt.
  • Apply it around your vagina.
  • Gently massage your vagina for several minutes.
  • Wash it off with some lukewarm water.
  • Do the process twice every day.
  • You can also eat plain yogurt daily.
11. Boric Acid

Acting as a superior antiseptic, boric acid helps treat vaginal discharge related to infections. The 2009 study showed that topical use of boric acid brought positive results in treating abnormal vaginal discharge[12].

However, remember that boric acid is toxic if used in large amounts, which may result in acute failure of the circulatory system, kidney damage, and even death. To avoid this occurrence, you should not use boric acid on the broken skin and also avoid taking it orally.

Just simply mix boric acid with water before applying it to your vulva area or vagina.
Note: Pregnant women should avoid boric acid at all costs.

12. Rice Water

Rice water is a very simple ingredient that you can use to improve your vaginal discharge. Rice water is full of starch. Furthermore, being a demulcent agent, it may treat inflammation due to vaginal discharge[13].

Method 1:

  • Put a small amount of rice in a large bowl of water.
  • Wash them in water and strain the water.
  • You can add some raw honey to it.
  • Mix the mixture well.
  • Drink the mixture 2 times every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare a small amount of rice.
  • Put them in a large bowl of water.
  • Wash them in water and strain it.
  • Use the water to wash your vagina twice every day.

Method 3:

  • Pour an amount of rice in a bowl of water.
  • Wash them in the water and strain it
  • Pour the water in another bowl.
  • Put 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in a grinder to grind them.
  • Put the powder in the bowl.
  • Pour some drops of raw honey in the bowl.
  • Mix them well.
  • Apply the mixture to your vagina.
  • Use some warm water to wash it off.
13. Oil Of Oregano

The oil of oregano is among the worth-trying home remedies for vaginal discharge owing to carvacrol and thymol, which have powerful antifungal properties.

A study showed that the essential oil of wild oregano could slow down or stop the growth of C. Albicans, which depends on the used dosage[14]. It further keeps the infection from coming back thanks to antiseptic properties.


  • Mix 3-5 drops of this oil with an ounce of carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)
  • Leave it in the vagina area for about 2 hours
  • Repeat this routine once per day until you get good results.

Note: People who are using blood thinners should avoid using this oil. Also, stay away from this oil if you have issues related to blood clotting, like vitamin K deficiency. Besides, avoid taking this oil orally.

14. Alum


Alum is a common chemical compound made from sulfate of aluminum, which is used to purify water. Nonetheless, it can also stop bleeding and combat against bacterial infections due to bacteria thanks to its strong antiseptic and astringent properties[15].

Method 1:

  • Put ½ teaspoon of alum powder in a bowl.
  • Pour in a sufficient amount of water and mix them well.
  • Wash your vagina with the mixture twice every day.

Method 2:

  • Take one alum stick and dip it in a basin of water.
  • Rub the stick to your vagina.
  • Do the process 2 times every day.
15. Garlic

The powerful antifungal properties of garlic can assist you in getting rid of fungal infections, which is one of the main reasons for excessive vaginal discharge[13] [17].

Method 1:

  • Take 2 garlic cloves and remove their shell.
  • Chew them raw.
  • Follow with a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Do the process every morning when your stomach is empty.
  • Follow the application for a week.

Method 2:

  • Crush several garlic cloves into a paste.
  • Apply the paste to your vagina.
  • Allow it to sit on for 15 minutes.
  • Use some warm water to wash it off.
  • Do the process once every day.

Method 3:

  • Prepare a fresh garlic clove and peel its paper shell.
  • Put it inside your vagina before bedtime.
  • Remove it in the next morning.
  • Do the process for several days.
16. Turmeric

Turmeric is known for its wonderful benefits in not only boosting your digestive system and treating some digestive problems. It is also commonly used to treat inflammation and wounds thanks to its curcumin[18]. It also gives a good hand in decreasing your vaginal discharge[19].


  • Put a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a pot.
  • Pour in the pot with some milk.
  • Turn on the heat to boil the mixture.
  • Boil the mixture for several minutes.
  • Turn off the heat.
  • Allow the mixture to cool down naturally.
  • Consume the warm mixture every night before bedtime.
  • Do the process once every day for several weeks.
17. Cumin Seeds

Among home remedies for vaginal discharge, cumin seeds are lesser-known, but the effect it brings is deniable. Cumin seeds have antimicrobial properties, making it a great solution for controlling and treating vaginal infection[20].

  • You just need to take 1-2 tablespoons of cumin seeds to grind into a fine powder
  • Mix them with a dash of raw, organic honey
  • Apply this mixture over your vagina to curb excessive vaginal discharge

Also, you can make a healthy decoction using cumin seeds to fight against leucorrhoea.

18. Baking Soda

When it comes to home remedies for vaginal discharge, baking soda is worth mentioning because of its powerful ability to treat imbalanced pH levels, eradicate the bad smell of vaginal discharge, and treat excessive vaginal discharge efficiently[21].

You can add 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda to a glass of water and stir before having it every day.

You can also add ½ cup of baking soda to your tepid bath water and soak your body in this solution for 20 minutes. By doing so, you will eradicate the vaginal infection, odor and discharge almost immediately [22].

Now, it is time for you to choose suitable solutions for your own case. Because these natural home remedies for vaginal discharge odor are very simple to use, you can apply them at home. In case your condition becomes worse, you had better pay a visit to a specialized doctor for a better solution.

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