12 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms At Home

Dark underarms are a very common condition, especially in women. This condition is caused by a variety of causes such as sweat, dead cells, deodorants, or improper shaving. This causes the armpit to become dark and rough, affecting the confidence of many people. Therefore, for many, it is really an obsession.

If you always have to wear a T-shirt to cover your armpit or if you are looking for a beauty salon to solve your problem, this article is for you. We will give you tips that are very useful to make your armpit white and smooth. But first, let's find out some information about this problem.

What Are Dark Underarms?

Underarms are the skin under the arms of the body. We all know that the body is constantly attacked by many types of bacteria and germs. Most of us think anal would be the dirtiest place on the body because it comes in direct contact with the waste in the body. But they do not know that there are many more dirty parts, including armpits. The armpit “gathers” more than 80,000 bacteria and that is one of the reasons armpits cause unpleasant odors. This is also the reason that the armpit is often encountered many problems which are “difficult to say”, including dark underarms. Darkening is usually caused by skin conditions called acanthosis nigricans (AN). It makes the skin thicker and darker in the folds around the body. Therefore, some other areas of the skin also have to face this condition, such as knees, elbows, and groin.

Dark underarms are a common condition, especially in women. This makes them uncomfortable when wearing clothes or skirts which reveal their armpits. They always try to wear shirts that can cover their armpits. This will make them feel uncomfortable not confident. Do you know that skin in the armpit is very thin and vulnerable? Therefore, with only minor effects, the armpit may also be affected. Although dark underarm is not a life-threatening condition, as a beauty, everyone wants to own white and smooth skin. Therefore, the treatment of dark underarms is what everyone wants.

What Are Common Causes Of Dark Underarms?

Here are common causes of this problem:

  • Shaving

We usually remove hair in the armpit with a razor. This is one of the leading causes of armpit blackening. As we said above, the skin of underarms is very thin and vulnerable. Armpit hair removal is the habit of many women, but it can cause skin to appear scratches. This is a sign that the skin is damaged. From there, the armpit also becomes darker, and dark spots are formed beneath the surface of the skin. In addition, due to the impact of the razor blade, there may be minor injuries on the skin. They are very susceptible to infection, causing inflammation of hair follicles.

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  • Use Tweezers To Remove Armpit Hair

Using tweezers to remove the armpit hair is the way many girls apply, but this way negatively affects the epidermis. When we use the tweezers to pull the hairs, the cell links will be broken, causing them to dehydrate and thus causing the skin to become red. This method not only stimulates new hair to grow thicker and darker than normal, but also to severely damage the skin of the armpit.

  • Do Not Regularly Remove Dead Skin Cells

According to the study, if not removed regularly, dead skin cells will accumulate in the armpits for a long time, creating a thick layer of dead skin on the surface of the skin. This skin layer clogs the pores. At this point, the pores cannot “breathe”, and the sweating in the armpits is not as normal. As a result, the armpit gradually becomes dark.

  • Wear Too Tight Clothes

Too tight clothes cause friction on the armpit skin. Therefore, when you wear these types of clothing, your armpit skin will be hurt and gradually become dark. In addition, sweat absorbent material is a top priority in summer weather to reduce body odor and dark underarms.

  • Deodorant

In the summer, hot weather causes the body to produce lots of sweat, especially in the armpit. To improve this, many people often use deodorant. Unfortunately, deodorant is only temporary. In addition, if you overuse this type of product, you will be faced with body odor and dark underarms. Does anyone know that most of these products contain strong chemicals, which irritate the skin, stimulating the meso skin layer to produce more melanin, causing skin discoloration?

Learn more: Top 39 Natural Home Remedies For Body Odor Removal

  • Abuse Of Cosmetics

Frequent use of cosmetics and skin care products containing substances such as depilatories, talcum powder, or other irritating chemicals can cause the skin in the armpit to become dark.

  • Cancer

Some cancer patients also suffer from dark underarms. However, dark underarms do not cause cancer.

What Are Common Symptoms Of This Problem?

Here are common symptoms of this problem:

  • The most noticeable sign is that the skin in the armpit is darker than the surrounding skin.
  • Small spots appear on the skin of the armpit.
  • Underarms are not pleasant smell.
  • Armpits are usually itchy and irritated.

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, please consult your doctor.

Who Is At High Risk Of This Problem?

As we mentioned above, dark underarms is a very common condition. Anyone can have this condition, but people with poor hygiene and skin care habits are often at high risk for this condition.You can control this disease by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Doctor?

Dark underarms are not a life-threatening condition. However, if you want to quickly remove it, or the application of home remedies does not work, you can go to the dermatologist to be examined and treated directly. Besides, if you have any of these signs or symptoms or have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

Above are some basic facts about dark underarms. Having more knowledge about this condition will help you to choose the right treatment. Below, we introduce you tips to help you quickly get rid of darkunder arms. It is time to find out the best tips on how to get rid of dark underarms at home. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 12 Tips On how to get rid of Dark Underarms At Home

1. Potato
how to get rid of dark underarms - potato

This is the first home remedy in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms naturally at home. Potatoes contain many starches, cellulose, vitamins B1, B2, and phosphorus. If cooked, potatoes provide high levels of vitamin C – vitamins play an important role in slowing down the aging process, suppressing black pigmentation, and helping to whiten skin. For health, potato is both good for blood pressure (keep blood pressure stable) and nutrients to feed blood vessels.

In addition, easy-to-use facial mask made from potato has a beneficial effect on the skin, enhancing the moisture content of dehydrated skin and balancing the skin's moisture. Potatoes are good for skin whitening. Many people often use potatoes to nourish their facial skin, but you know that potatoes can also treat dark underarms.

You can use potato to remove dark underarms in one of the method below:

Method 1. How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Using Just Potato

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Slice a potato into thin slices
  • After bathing, apply these potato slices to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

Please do this 2-3 times a week to get the best results. Note that you need to clean your armpit skin gently after applying this mask. Keeping the resin of the potato long on the skin is not good.

Method 2. Potato And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Steam or boil a potato
  • Crush the potatoes and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, stir well
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

You can apply this method 2-3 times a week until you get the expected results.

Method 3. Potato And Honey

  • Crush a potato, add honey and stir well
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

After applying this mask to the skin underarms, you will quickly notice the rapid and effective moisturizing and whitening effect of this method. Please apply it 2-3 times a week to get your expected results.

2. Tomato

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms at home. Tomato is not an expensive fruit, but its beneficial effects are always appreciated by many people. Tomato is not only used to increase nutrition and taste for family meals, but also used to make mask for skin. Natural essences in tomatoes can whiten and smooth the skin. The precious nutrients for the skin in tomatoes such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, iron, and potassium. Tomatoes are high in antioxidants and can be used to combat skin aging.

You can use tomato to remove dark underarms in one of the method below:

Method 1. How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Using Just Tomato

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Slice a tomato into thin slices
  • After bathing, apply these potato slices to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

You can apply this method 2-3 times a week. You should not take advantage of this method as it may be counterproductive.

Method 2. Tomato And Lemon

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Crush a tomato
  • Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, stir well
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

Applying this method 2-3 times a week is something you should do. You should also regularly drink tomato juice because this is good for your health and skin.

Method 3. Tomato And Aloe Vera

The aloesin presenting in aloe vera is considered a tyrosinase inhibitor, which is an enzyme responsible for pigmentation of the skin. Controlling this enzyme’s activity will lighten discolored armpits [1]. Moreover, aloe vera also has antibacterial properties and soothing effects [2].

To make use of tomato and aloe vera for dark underarm removal, take the following steps:

  • Crush a tomato
  • Add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and then continue to crush them
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

Please apply this method 2-3 times a week to get the best results.

3. Cucumber

how to get rid of dark underarms - cucumber

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to get rid of dark underarms naturally. Cucumber contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and trace elements such as iron, manganese and iodine. These are very good for the skin. Cucumber is considered as a hydrating moisturizer for the skin. It also contains high levels of antioxidants that can combat the aging process. The use of cucumber to shrink pores is something that many people apply. You will be surprised to find the whitening and smoothening effect of cucumber. Although it is a cheap fruit, cucumber has many benefits for the skin [3].

You can use cucumber to remove dark underarms in one of the method below:

Method 1. How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Using Only Cucumber

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Slice a cucumber into thin slices
  • After bathing, apply these potato slices to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

You should apply this method on a small area of your hands because the resin of cucumber can cause you to itch. If you do not notice any signs of irritation, you can safely apply it to your underarms. Please apply it 2-3 times a week.

Method 2.Cucumber And Lemon

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Crush a cucumber
  • Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and then continue to crush them
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

You should apply this method in the evening as this helps to maximize the effect of cucumber, while helping the skin avoid the effects of sunshine.

Method 3. Cucumber And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Crush a cucumber
  • Add 1 teaspoon of pure honey and then continue to crush them
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit
  • After 15-20 minutes, wipe the underarm area with a damp cloth

The combination of cucumber and honey will promote the whitening and moisturizing of your armpit skin. Please apply this method 2-3 times a week.

4. Baking Soda

This is next treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms naturally. No one can deny the whitening effect of baking soda. Baking soda is mildly antiseptic and antibacterial so it can treat armpit inflammation. In addition, it helps to balance the pH of the skin and it is able to remove dead skin cells very effectively. For those reasons, you can use baking soda to remove your dark underarms.

You can use baking soda to treat this problem in one of the method below:

Method 1. Baking Soda And Water

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix baking soda with water to form a thick mixture
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin
  • Massage gently for 2-3 minutes
  • Wash your armpit with cool water

You should not leave this mixture on the skin for too long, as this can cause serious damage to the skin. Please apply this method 1-2 times a week.

Method 2. Baking Soda And Lemon

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice to form a thick mixture
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin
  • Massage gently for 2-3 minutes
  • Wash your armpit with cool water

Both lemon and baking soda are mildly exfoliating, so the combination of these two ingredients gives you a great combination to exfoliate. If you feel this mixture causes you pain, you should only apply method 1.Apply this method 1-2 times a week is enough.

Method 3. Baking Soda And Coconut Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix baking soda with coconut oil to form a thick mixture
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin
  • Massage gently for 2-3 minutes
  • Wash your armpit with cool water

You can apply this method 1-2 times a week to remove dead skin cells in the armpits. Because coconut oil can stimulate hair growth in the armpit rapidly, you need to thoroughly wash your armpit after applying this method.

5. Sugar – Free Yogurt

This sounds strange when it comes to tips on how to get rid of dark underarms at home, but it works. Many people use sugar – free yogurt to whiten the facial skin. So why don’t you use this kind of ingredient to whiten your armpit? We want to emphasize that sugar-free yogurt is good for health, hair and skin. Yogurt contains a lot of zinc. This mineral is known for its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which stimulate cell regeneration and tissue growth. Not only that, vitamin B2 (or riboavin) in yogurt helps you to have bright and healthy skin.

Lactic acid in yogurt inhibits the production of enzymes called tyrosinase. This enzyme is responsible for the production of melanin. Melanin is the cause of dark skin. When melanin production is inhibited, you will get a brighter underarm.

Besides regularly eating yogurt, you can use sugar – free yogurt to treat this problem in one of the method below:

Method 1. Just Sugar – Free Yogurt

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After bathing, apply yogurt to the armpit and massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

You can do this 2-3 times a week to get the expected results without worrying about any side effects.

Method 2.Sugar – Free Yogurt And Lemon

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of yogurt with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, stir well
  • After bathing, apply this mixture to the armpit and massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

Note that you should not abuse lemon. Please combine yogurt with lemon in the right proportion that we guided above to get the best results. You can do this method 2-3 times a week.

6. Turmeric Powder

how to get rid of dark underarms - turmeric powder

The next one in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms fast and naturally is using turmeric powder. Turmeric is good for skin whitening and smoothing. A lot of skin creams contain turmeric. Many people believe that turmeric has a wonderful effect on the skin. Curcumin in turmeric powder has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, skin whitening effects. Besides, turmeric also helps to remove scars very well [4] [5]. If your armpit has some minor scars caused by shaving, you should use turmeric powder to solve this.

You can use turmeric powder to treat this problem in one of the method below:

Method 1. Turmeric Powder And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix turmeric powder with lemon juice to form a thick mixture
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin, massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

Please apply this method 2-3 times a week to get the best results.

Method 2.Turmeric Powder And Sugar – Free Yogurt

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix turmeric powder with yogurt to form a thick mixture
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin, massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

This is a very popular mask because of its rapid effect. You can also apply this method 2-3 times a week.

7. Aloe Vera

No wonder, this is definitely one that should be mentioned in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms fast at home. Aloe vera originated in North Africa. According to Egyptian legend, over 3,000 years ago, Cleopatra used her aloe vera to nourish her skin. Aloe vera contains high levels of cinnamic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid and many other micronutrients which help regenerate cells, remove dead skin cells and regenerate new tissues, helping you get smooth and white skin [6] [7].

Besides, we cannot ignore the wonderful effects of aloe vera such as moisturizing skin and reducing pores. For these reason, using aloe vera to remove dark underarms is something you should do.

You can use aloe vera to treat this problem in one of the method below:

Method 1. How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Using Just Aloe Vera

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After bathing, apply aloe vera gel to the armpit and massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

You should try applying a little aloe vera gel to the small area of your hands, if you are not allergic to this gel, apply it to the armpit. Please apply this method 2-3 times a week to get the best results.

Method 2: Aloe Vera And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix aloe vera gel with lemon juice in a ratio of 3:1
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin, massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

Please apply this method 2-3 times a week to get the best results.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar is the next remedy in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms at home. Apple cider vinegar is considered a natural whitening ingredient because this natural vinegar is rich in acetic acid. This acid works to remove dead cells very well. The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar should be mentioned. Not only that, many nutrients in apple cider vinegar also help to reduce pores. Therefore, your dark underarms will improve quickly if you usually use apple cider vinegar [8] [9].

You can use apple cider vinegar to treat this problem in one of the method below:

Method 1. Just Apple Cider Vinegar

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 2:1
  • Use this mixture to massage your armpit for 2-3 minutes
  • Wash your armpit with cool water

You can apply this method daily to get the results you want.

Method 2.Apple Cider Vinegar And Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 3:1
  • After shower, apply this mixture to the armpit skin, massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

With this method, you should only do it 1-2 times a week. Olive oil can stimulate hair growth in the armpit, so after applying this method, make sure you clean your armpit carefully.

9. Honey

tips on how to get rid of dark underarms - honey

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms. Using honey is always one of the beauty secrets of many women. Not only used to nourish the face, honey is also used to whiten the dark underarms very well. The cause is that honey can moisturize the skin very well. In addition, honey also contains a lot of hydrogen peroxide. When penetrated through the skin, this substance helps to regenerate the skin, eliminate the melanin which causes the dark skin, and promote the process of blurring scars.

Not only that, honey also contains natural antibiotics which have the ability to fight inflammation, kill bacteria, remove dead skin cells, and support the ability to absorb the nutrients of the skin. Antioxidants and vitamins B2, B3, B5 in honey also help smooth skin and strengthen the health of our skin. Choosing honey to treat dark underarms is something you should try at least once.

To apply this tip, please follow these following steps:

  • After shower, apply honey to the armpit skin, massage gently
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash your armpit with cool water

You can apply this tip once a day or every two days to get the best results.

10. Castor Oil

Castor oil can absorb the impurities on your skin and clean out skin pores. All excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells are eliminated to expose lighter skin in the underarms [10]. Castor oil also acts as a skin conditioner and whitener, helping to lighten skin and keep it soft and smooth [11].

  • Rub 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil over your underarm areas gently for 5 minutes
  • Then, take a shower as normal
  • Repeat this routine daily for good results
11. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is not a miracle cure for dark underarms, but rather an alternative treatment; thus, you should use it regularly until you get desired results. The reason why it is listed in this series of tips on how to get rid of dark underarms is due to its antimicrobial properties which help to kill off the microbes and deodorize the affected areas [12]. Thus, tea tree oil is effective in keeping your underarms odor-free and lightening these areas.

  • Pour a cup of water into a container and add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil into
  • Shake them well
  • Spray the solution on your underarms
  • Allow it to dry naturally
  • Use this method everyday for optimal results

Notes: Because tea tree oil is highly concentrated, so it may result in reactions. Thus, you had better do a patch test prior to using it.

12. Pumice Stone

This may be the most natural remedy when it comes to how to get rid of dark underarms. It has been used as an exfoliant for many centuries. Pumice stone will remove dead skin cells under your arms and reveal a lighter skin layer.

First, you need to wet the pumice stone, then scrub it gently over your arms for several minutes prior to taking a regular shower. Do this method for 2-3 times per week to get fast results.

Note: Do not be too zealous upon scrubbing because it may result in further abrasions.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms – Extra Tips

Besides applying the tips above, you also need to pay attention to some of the following to quickly improve your situation:

  • Moisturize your armpit skin after masking it.
  • Always use sunscreen for your armpit before going out.
  • Do not use razors or tweezers to remove the underarm hair.
  • Maintain a nutritious diet, boosting the consumption of green vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamin C.
  • Remove dead skin cells for the armpit 1-2 times a week.

The above-mentioned are tips to help you get rid of dark underarms. Choose some of them and alternate them in your treating to see how effective they are. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 12 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Naturally At Home” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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