18 Tips On How To Stop Spotting During Pregnancy At Home

Dark spotting during pregnancy is a vaginal bleeding phenomenon. There are many reasons for this condition, but the most common reason is due to hormonal changes. Dark spotting during pregnancy usually occurs when the embryo forms on the lining of the uterus. However, you should monitor the amount and nature of blood to distinguish it from some other cases. Although the blood flow is not much, it can also be a sign of a serious problem. Therefore, do not belittle the dark spotting situation. The article below will give you more information about this condition as well as how to stop spotting during pregnancy at home naturally. Do not ignore any of the helpful information below.

What Is Spotting During Pregnancy?

Spotting during pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg forms an embryo and moves into the uterus. Here, it will attach to the uterine wall to get nutrients from the mother for fetal development. This process is also called fetal implantation in the uterus. Then, the embryo enters the uterus and begins to invade the lining of the uterus, causing a flaking of the uterus, causing bleeding or dark spotting. About 8 days after ovulation, dark spotting will appear. They may be just small spots.

Spotting during pregnancy can occur at the beginning or end of pregnancy. According to statistics, up to 30% of pregnant women experience this symptom. The color of blood spots varies from light pink to red or brown. This condition usually causes panic because it can be a sign of threatening miscarriage. However, not all bleeding symptoms are dangerous because there are many other reasons that can cause bleeding during pregnancy [1].

What Are Common Causes Of Spotting During Pregnancy?

Here are common causes of this condition:

  • Eggs Fertilized In The Uterus

This usually occurs around day 8-12 after conception. You will notice small brown spots or pinkish spots in the sanitary pads. This is a sign of the fertilized egg in the uterus, which disappears in 1-2 days. You can easily confuse this phenomenon with monthly menstruation. However, spotting during pregnancy will only cause very little blood flow.

  • A Small Part Of The Endometrium Is Lost

This phenomenon also causes small blood spots in the sanitary pads and it is also often mistaken for monthly menstruation. It usually occurs in the first 1-2 months of pregnancy and only causes mild bleeding.

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  • Sensitive Uterus

During pregnancy, blood flow to the uterus increases due to hormonal changes. This can cause mild bleeding, especially after sex or gynecological examination. In all cases, this cause is not worrisome and not dangerous.

  • Infection

Blood can also appear in the vagina if you have certain infections in the vagina or cervix. This condition should be treated immediately as it may increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

  • Thrombocytopenia

This condition can go away on its own within 20 weeks, however, in the case of serious illness, it can cause miscarriage.

  • Signs Of Miscarriage

In many cases, the body signals a miscarriage by bleeding, but if it is promptly treated with drugs, the cervix will close and you will have a healthy pregnancy. However, in many cases, if you have severe bleeding, you may have a miscarriage.

  • Ectopic Pregnancy

This condition occurs when the egg implant outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain and menstrual loss.

  • Miscarriage

This can happen in the early months of pregnancy. Symptoms of miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramping, and lumbar pain. In this case, you need to go to the hospital for immediate examination and treatment.

  • Sex

Blood flows through the cervix a lot during pregnancy so after having sex, you may notice some blood spots in the tampon. Cervical polyp can also cause blood spots or bleeding after having sex.

  • Pap Smear Or Internal Test

After a Pap smear or internal test, you may notice some dark spotting. This is a completely normal phenomenon.

  • Problems With Placenta Or Prematurity

Spotting during pregnancy can be a sign of some serious conditions such as late miscarriage or preterm birth.

  • Fake Pregnancy

This is a rare case. When an abnormal tissue grows in the uterus instead of a fetus, you may notice the dark spotting. In some cases, this tissue can carry cancerous cells and can spread to other parts of the body.

What Are Common Symptoms Of Spotting During Pregnancy?

Here are common symptoms of this condition:

  • Occurrence of some small blood spots in the sanitary napkins
  • They may be pink, red or dark brown
  • You may have abdominal pain and back pain
  • Cramp
  • Vaginal discharge more mucus
  • Not aware of the signs of pregnancy
  • You may have a fever
  • When using a pregnancy test, you may receive a negative result
  • You always feel insecure for both you and the baby

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, please consult your doctor.

Who Is At High Risk Of This Condition?

If you are pregnant, you may encounter dark spotting during pregnancy. However, people with poor health and at risk of miscarriage are more likely to develop this condition. In addition, pregnant women who are suffering from vaginal diseases also cannot avoid this condition.You can control this problem by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information [2] [3].

When To See A Doctor?

Pregnancy is a very sensitive period and you should carefully monitor your health condition. When you notice these signs above, you should quickly see a doctor. The appearance of dark spotting during pregnancy can make you feel anxious. Then, you should use the sanitary napkins to find out if you have bleeding more or less and the color of the blood. These are the information you need to provide with your doctor so they can easily diagnose your condition. You can use the pregnancy test stick at home just after waking up. Whatever the outcome, give it to your doctor.

Not only that, you need to see your doctor immediately if you encounter the following signs:

  • Bleeding without signs of remission or cessation
  • Severe pain or spasm
  • Dizziness or fainting (a sign of blood loss)
  • Tissue mass (blood clot) escapes the vagina with blood (which may indicate a miscarriage)
  • Fever and / or chills (may be a sign of infection)

Besides, if you have any any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

Above are some facts you need to know about dark spotting during pregnancy. As you can see, this condition makes you feel very tired, not only that, it can cause a lot of serious consequences. Therefore, the treatment should be done as soon as possible. To help manage spotting during pregnancy and boost the probability of having a healthy pregnancy, this article will show you some effective tips on how to stop spotting during pregnancy naturally at home. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com

18 Must-Try Tips On How To Stop Spotting During Pregnancy Naturally At Home

1. Take Lots Of Rest

take lots of rest

Regarded to methods on how to stop spotting during pregnancy, rest is the simplest but most effective tip. Your doctor will recommend lying in bed for the first few days after experiencing dark spotting. If this problem does not end or get better after you have had a rest, you need to go to the doctor for further evaluation.

2. Avoid Overwork

Apart from taking lots of rest, your doctor will certainly advise you to avoid heavy or stressful work such as lifting weights, escalating frequently, jogging, cycling, etc. These activities will affect the uterus and can damage the fragile blood vessels, which are newly formed in the placenta. Avoiding these activities is extremely important, even if you only have mild dark spotting during pregnancy. You should limit your physical activity and avoid heavy work for at least 2 weeks after dark spotting has ended.

3. Do Not Have Sex During This Time

This is very important when it comes to how to stop spotting during pregnancy at home. Occasionally, sexual intercourse can form or cause the problem to become worse. If you bleed during pregnancy, you should avoid having sex until your doctor gives you permission. Normally, you will need to wait at least 2-4 weeks after this situation is over.

4. Do Not Use Tampon And Douche Vagina

Do not insert anything into the vagina after bleeding. You should avoid douching or tampon use, as this can cause damage to the cervix or vagina and cause more bleeding. Douching will also allow bacteria and other microorganisms to enter the vagina, causing severe infection. As you know, vaginitis is also one of the causes of dark spotting during pregnancy. Therefore, you should not douche the vagina.

5. Drink Enough Water

Among tip on how to stop spotting during pregnancy, drinking enough water sounds too good to be true, but it is important to drink plenty of fluids during periods of vaginal bleeding. This is especially true if you have severe dark spotting during pregnancy. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day to provide enough water for your body and provide many other benefits. Bleeding is correlated with dehydration, so you need to drink more water than usual to compensate for lost water. Water supply for the body is also important for the health of both you and the baby.

6. Calculate The Date Of Birth

Calculate the date of birth and consider whether the bleeding is due to labor.

Pregnancy usually lasts for 40 weeks or 280 days. You can use this information to calculate your date of birth – you only need to add nine calendar months and seven days from the first day of your last menstrual period. For example, if your last menstrual cycle starts on January 1, 2017, your birth date will be October 8, 2018.

Bleeding near the birth date may be a sign that you are starting labor. This process usually takes place before or after 10 days from the expected date of your childbirth. You should report it to your doctor immediately if you suspect that you are in labor.

7. Possibly Ignore Mild Dark Spotting

possibly ignore mild dark spotting

If the blood volume is quite small (only a few drops), the blood is brown, this condition lasts no more than one or two days, and it does not cause pain or spasms, you can completely ignore it. Usually, this is just a hemorrhage due to conception or as a result of blood vessel dilation. No matter how mild bleeding, avoid heavy work for a few days and carefully monitor your blood loss.

8. Pay More Attention To Pain Or Spasm

The next tip on how to stop spotting during pregnancy is paying attention to any pain or spasm you feel. Pain is a sign of contractions in the uterus, which means that the uterus is trying to remove the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy, pain and spasms may be signs of miscarriage and in the last 3 months of pregnancy, pain and spasms may be a sign of labor. The real pain of labor occurs often and intermittently. Its level will gradually increase and accompanied by “ruptured amniotic fluid” (mucus membrane with blood). So, if you experience any pain or spasms, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Besides, you should seek medical help if you are bleeding a lot. Any type of severe bleeding during pregnancy should be considered as an emergency. More bleeding means more blood loss than normal blood loss. You need to tell your doctor when you have any bleeding if your blood type is Rh negative because you may need to inject RhoGAM.

9. Check Your Body Temperature

Regularly checking your body temperature is essential if you want to know how to stop spotting during pregnancy naturally. Bleeding accompanied by fever is usually a sign of inflammation, such as an infection inside the uterus due to natural miscarriage. Therefore, you should seek medical attention when you have any signs of a fever.

10. Follow Your Doctor's Instructions To Take Care Of Yourself After Treatment

Whatever the cause of your dark spotting during pregnancy (whether it is due to a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation, or labor), it will cause significant strain on your body. In most cases, your doctor will ask you to rest, do not exercise too much, abstain from having sex for a while, and drink plenty of fluids. Be sure to pay attention to your doctor's advice so that you can speed up the recovery process as well as prevent other complications.

11. Set Up A Reasonable Diet

Miscarriage is one of the major causes of dark spotting during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, to ensure a healthy baby and prevent miscarriage, you need to set a reasonable diet. During this period, you do not need to eat too much, but you need to ensure your body gets enough nutrients. Nutritionists recommend that you should add about 300 calories to your body each day, so your body can gain from 1 to 2.5 kilos during this time. To know what to eat when pregnant to have a healthy pregnancy, set up a diet that is rich in the following nutrients:

  • Folic Acid

Folic acid has a direct effect on the development of the brain and spine of the fetus. Experts recommend that you increase your intake of folic acid early in pregnancy to limit miscarriage and dark spotting. Every day, you should add about 400 mg of folic acid in your diet. Some foods rich in folic acid are whole grains, spinach, cauliflower, asparagus, lentils and eggs.

  • Iron

Anemia due to iron deficiency is a common condition in pregnancy. If you experience severe dark spotting, you will lose a lot of blood. Then, your body will be severely iron deficiency, increasing the possibility of miscarriage. In contrast, when the body is iron deficient, blood flow to your body will decrease, affecting the development of the fetus.In addition, iron deficiency also causes you to feel tired. So do not forget to add iron-rich foods to your daily diet, such as animal liver, pumpkin seeds, beef, lamb, beans, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

  • Calcium

Females need calcium to grow their bones and teeth. Without adequate calcium requirements, the fetus will take calcium in your body, increasing your risk of osteoporosis. Some foods like milk, yogurt, cheese, sardines, kale, tofu and cereals are rich in calcium. You should add these foods to your daily diet.

  • Protein

Protein plays a very important role in the health of everyone, especially pregnant women. Energy from protein usually accounts for 10-35% of the calories the body needs. Protein also contributes to maintaining the health of the fetus, limiting miscarriage. Some protein foods you should eat include eggs, milk, dairy products, nuts, broccoli, corn and bananas.

  • Vitamin C

This vitamin is essential for the development of the fetus, especially their blood vessels. In addition, vitamin C also helps increase the resistance of pregnant women, lower the risk of miscarriage. This way, you will not face dark spotting which make many pregnant women feel anxious. Some foods such as oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, bell peppers, cauliflowers, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C, so let’s add them to your diet.

12. Avoid Some Foods Causing Miscarriage

avoid some foods causing miscarriage

This is another must-try tip on how to stop spotting during pregnancy naturally. Many people think that pregnant women should eat as much as possible. However, the fact is that pregnant women only need to provide enough nutrients for their body. Here are some foods that you need to limit your intake during the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage – one of the major causes of dark spotting during pregnancy:

  • Salty Foods

Salty foods can cause pregnant women to face high blood pressure. This is a very dangerous condition because it threatens the health of both you and the baby.

  • Fish Containing A Lot Of Mercury

Pregnant women should not eat fish that are high in mercury (mackerel, shark, and swordfish). Mercury can cause serious damage to the fetal brain.

  • Foods That Have Been Identified As Dangerous To The Fetus

Pregnant women should not use foods that have been confirmed to be hazardous to the unborn child such as unpasteurized dairy products, butter and cheese; raw fish, meat and eggs; stale food; peaches; and ginger.

  • Alcoholic Drink

Pregnant women should stay away from alcohol, beer and other alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can enter the fetus directly, harming the fetus. As a result, the fetus can be deformed or you will be at risk of miscarriage.

  • Drinks Which Contain Gas, Caffeine And Cocaine

Pregnant women should not drink plenty of drinks containing gas, caffeine and cocaine. Caffeine in coffee and carbonated beverages is harmful to the embryo, which can cause miscarriage. Also caffeine can disrupt the vitamins that lead to vitamin B1 deficiency symptoms. The manifestation of this condition is fatigue, anorexia, and constipation. Caffeine also inhibits the absorption of iron and zinc, exacerbating the anemia of pregnant women.

13. Do Not Let Your Body Get Hot

Though this is not a direct solution for how to stop spotting during pregnancy, it still helps you maintain a stable pregnancy during this dangerous stage. It is very important to keep your body temperature stable during pregnancy. Do not forget that the fetus lives on you, so when your body gets hot, your baby will be affected. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should not go to a hot spring, sauna, or go out in the sun for too long.

14. Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

Of course, avoiding all the stressful things is impossible. However, you should try to limit it to the maximum. Increased hormone levels along with your psychological stress will adversely affect the fetus. That is why you should actively communicate with optimists; avoid contact with people who always have negative thoughts. It is also important to have a proper rest to keep you and your baby healthy.

15. Take Progesterone Supplements

Progesterone is regarded as a good supplement for those women wondering how to stop spotting during pregnancy. Most often, spotting or bleeding could be caused by sudden changes in the hormone progesterone. Thus, to stop this condition, you should get a progesterone test in order to check the levels of progesterone in your body. In case that level is low, take progesterone supplements with the supervision of your doctor. As progesterone is crucial in maintaining healthy pregnancy, you should not compromise its levels within your body.

16. Make A Concoction Using Guava And Star Apple Leaves

This is among the best homemade tip on how to stop spotting during pregnancy. Make a concoction mixture of star apple and guava leaves in water. It is an instant solution to stop spotting and bleeding during pregnancy. Drinking it will help clog your blood from inside and prevent any further spotting or bleeding. The instant effects will happen after several hours.

17. Treat STIs

Spotting or bleeding could sometimes be caused by sexually transmitted infections. Thus, you need to get a test for any potential infection and consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible. To cure STIs and minimize the incident of spotting and bleeding, you had better take antibiotics properly.

18. Do Not Take Medicine Without Doctor's Prescription

Last but not least important when it  comes to how to stop spotting during pregnancy, do not take medicine without doctor's prescription. Do you know that aspirin, a popular anti-inflammatory and analgesic, is recommended by doctors to be avoided by pregnant women? Not just aspirin but some other over-the-counter medications may not work well for pregnant women. Therefore, when you experience the symptoms of dark spotting during pregnancy, although you feel very uncomfortable, you still need to see a doctor for advice on using the medications safely and effectively.

When initially experiencing spotting or bleeding during pregnancy, you might be confused with emotions at a time. Some guilt and some concern. However, stop blaming yourself for this condition because you have done nothing wrong. Spotting can occur to any women during pregnancy. Thus, it is crucial to observe changes in your body carefully and consult your doctor for appropriate and prompt advice. In addition, your own body requires mental relaxation and immense rest in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Here are tips to help you treat or prevent dark spotting during pregnancy. Pregnancy is always a very sensitive period. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the above to ensure your health and the fetus is always stable. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “18 Tips How To Stop Spotting During Pregnancy Naturally At Home” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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