25 Tips On How To Grow Thick Eyebrows & Eyelashes

Eyebrows have a great influence on the beauty of the face and they are an important part of the way we express emotions. Thick eyebrows are what many women want to look forward to. This will make their eyes become more seductive. However, not everyone is lucky to have thick eyebrows. To become the owner of perfect eyebrows is not easy if you do not know how to care for them.

If you are worried about how to get thick eyebrows then this article is for you. There are many ways to do this, even if you do not need to spend a lot of money to get into plastic surgery centers. But first, let's explore interesting facts about eyebrows.

What Are Thick Eyebrows?

An eyebrow is a thick strip of hair that extends about 2 centimeters above the eye in the shape of the lower margin of the brow line in some mammals. Eyebrows have the ability to protect the eye under normal agents such as water, sweat, and other debris that fall into the eye. The movements of the eyebrows on the face also contribute to expressing emotions. Eyebrows are also a major factor in identifying people. Many people, especially women, frequently change their eyebrows in many different ways and means such as removal, makeup, bending, or tattooing for beauty or for different purposes.

Every part of the body has its own functions, so does the eyebrows. If the eyebrows are thin or if they are lose too much, rain, sweat, and dirt will fall into the eye, which can lead to inflammatory eye conditions. Not only that, the blood vessels in the eye will be irritated and swollen. In addition, the use of tweezers to spit and shaping the eyebrows will cause enlarged pores, creating opportunities for bacteria to enter, leading to inflammation.

The growth of the eyebrows can vary with season or condition of your health. If your body is healthy and provided with adequate nutrients, your eyebrows will be very thick. But if your body is weak and it is deficient in nutrients, your eyebrows will fall off a lot. Normally, the growth and fall of the eyebrows is natural. But if your eyebrows fall off too much in the short term, you're likely to have some health problems.

What Are Common Causes Of Thin Eyebrows?

Here are common causes of this problem:

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  • Trim Your Brows Too Much

Many women, and even some gentlemen, prefer the shape of their eyebrows to be neater, so they have found ways to trim their eyebrows. One of the most used measures is the use of tweezers. Unfortunately, too much eyebrow trimming can cause a lot of eyebrows to fall, making your brows thin.

  • Injuries

Injuries to the eye area and to the area around the eye can damage the growth of the eyebrows. They inhibit the growth of eyebrows, while making eyebrows fall off a lot.

  • Hypothyroidism

Eye dropping is a symptom of hypothyroidism. If you have hypopituitarism, at least one third of your eyebrows will fall out. To confirm this, use a pencil and place it next to the corner of your eye. If your eyebrows do not expand beyond the pencil or are very thin then you need to quickly check for thyroid disorders. Pregnancy or the use of birth control measures can alter the hormonal balance, causing the eyebrows to fall off.

  • Chemotherapy

Not all chemotherapy causes a drop in eyebrows. If you have chemotherapy, you will have a lot of hair loss or eyebrows loss.

  • Infection

Fungal infections, scabies, syphilis and leprosy can cause eyebrows to fall out due to scratching.

  • Autoimmune Disorder

This causes you to lose a lot of hair and eyebrows. Immune disorders that cause eyebrows to fall off include symptoms such as lupus and vitiligo. Vitiligo can sometimes cause severe inflammation which can cause hair loss and eyebrows loss.

  • Abnormal Growth

Sometimes, abnormal growth or warts on the eyebrows will limit the development of eyebrows in the affected area.

  • Innate Condition

Some people inherit from their parents or grandparents the thin brows. The development of their eyebrows is very slow although they take many methods to improve it.

  • Trichotillomania Syndrome

Trichotillomania is a strong stimulation of the desire to pull the hair, even the eyebrows and the hair on the body. This is also one of the causes of eyebrows become sparser.

  • Leprosy

Leprosy is one of the infections caused by Mycobacterium leprae and it usually affects the legs and arms. It also affects the skin around the eyebrows. People with leprosy suffer from loss of sensation and severe hair and eyebrows loss.

  • Unbalanced Diets

Unbalanced diets can lead to nutrient deficiencies and cause loss of eyebrows. Iron, zinc, calcium, biotin, selenium, vitamin D and vitamin B12 … can interfere with the growth of hair and eyebrows. In addition, protein deficiency can also cause serious eyebrow dropping.

  • Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is an inflammation of the skin that can cause eyebrows drops. So consult your dermatologist if the area around your eyebrows turns red, accompanied by itching and eyebrows drops.

  • Aging

As with aging, the hair and eyebrows will become more dry and easier to fall off. This makes your eyebrows thinner.

What Are Common Symptoms Of This Problem?

Depending on the cause, eyebrow dropping may have different signs and symptoms. Eyebrow dropping can occur suddenly or slowly and can be temporary or permanent. It can affect the eyes or even the whole body. Here are some signs and symptoms of this problem:

  • You notice that your eyebrows fall off too much in one day
  • Sometimes there may be a burning or itchy area in the eyebrows
  • Half of the eyebrows are thick, but the other half is thin
  • An eyebrow area can fall off completely
  • All eyebrows fall off

You may experience other symptoms not mentioned. If you have any questions about the signs of the disease, please consult your doctor.

Who Is At High Risk Of This Condition?

Eyebrow dropping is a common problem especially if you do not have a proper care regime. However, people with certain diseases like cancer and leprosy, and those with an imbalanced diet are the ones who often face this condition.You can control this problem by minimizing risk factors. Please see your doctor for more information.

When To See A Doctor?

Often, owning thin eyebrows does not affect your health. However, if you want to own thick eyebrows quickly, you can go to the beauty center for some advice. In addition, if your eyebrow dropping becomes serious and you do not know the cause, you should also see your doctor for a direct examination.Besides, if you have any of these signs or symptoms or have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's condition is different, so please consult your doctor to select the most suitable option.

The above is the information about eyebrows that you should know. By understanding this information, you can better define your situation. Now, let's take a look at tips to help you deal with your problem in normal conditions. It is time to find out tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com!

Top 25 Tips On How To Grow Thick Eyebrows and Eyelashes

1. Stop Using Tweezers
how to grow thick eyebrows - stop using tweezers

This is the first home remedy in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. One of the best ways to keep your eyebrows growing is to avoid using tweezers until you have the desired thickness. You just want to spit out the hairs that grow outside your eyebrows, but you may also accidentally spit out your current eyebrow. It will take about 6 to 8 weeks for your eyebrows to grow back, so be patient!

2. Remove Dead Skin Cells

This is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. Removing dead skin cells is always a very important step in skin care process. As with the eyebrow care process, getting rid of dead skin cells on a regular basis is the most important step, making eyebrows grow faster. Dead skin cells can cause dry skin on the eyebrows. In addition, they can create a hard skin layer. These make the new eyebrows very difficult to sprout.

You can completely use the products used to remove dead skin cells for facial skin to do this for the eyebrows. However, it is best to use a sponge or soft brush to do this. Use a sponge or soft brush to gently rub on the eyebrows. You can do this every 2 days to get the best results. Do not overdo it if you do not want your eyebrows to quickly fall off.

3. Ensure Proper Nutritional Supplements

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. If your diet lacks the vitamins and nutrients you need to keep your body healthy, this can cause the eyebrows to become thin. For a healthy body, you need a nutritious diet. For thick eyebrows, your body needs nutrients that can do this. Here are some of the nutrients you need to supplement your body to stimulate the growth of the eyebrows:

  • B Vitamins

B-group vitamins are no stranger to us. This is a group of vitamins that can dissolve in water. It plays an important role in the metabolism of the body. In addition, this group of vitamins also promotes the development of eyebrows very well. You can find it in some foods such as pork, asparagus, cereals, bananas, chestnuts, corn, potatoes and soy. You can also take vitamin B supplements by taking Biotin to stimulate your eyebrows.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Not all fats are harmful to the body. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids are one of the healthiest fats. However, you need to supplement omega-3s with some foods because your body can not produce this acid. To do this, regularly eat some foods such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, flaxseed, walnuts and dark green vegetables such as spinach.

  • Protein

Protein is the basic substance of life in every cell, which is a component of the tissues that make and protect the body as well as the soft tissue of the body. Protein stimulates the growth of hair and eyebrows. You can find protein in some foods such as meat, milk, eggs, green vegetables, tofu and cereals.

  • Zinc

With the advancement of modern science, many valuable studies have shown that zinc plays a very important role in stimulating the development of eyebrows. Some zinc-rich foods include chicken, red meat, salmon, milk, yogurt and pumpkin seeds.

In addition to regularly adding these foods, you also need to drink enough water each day. Water is very important. It helps to soften the skin while promoting metabolism in the body. This makes the body easily absorb the nutrients necessary to stimulate the growth of the eyebrows.

4. Castor Oil

The next treatment in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows and eyelashes naturally is using castor oil. Many people often use castor oil to stimulate the growth of hair and eyelashes. You can completely do this with your eyebrows. Castor oil is extracted from castor bean seed. It is known as the “miracle oil”. Since ancient times, Greeks and Egyptians have known how to use castor oil for a variety of purposes, such as lighting oil lamps, laxatives and beauty treatments [1].

In fact, castor oil is often included in the list of ingredients for lipstick, lotion and mascara. This traditional oil promotes eyebrow growth thanks to a very simple reason: castor oil provides a high moisture level, which helps keep the hairs healthy and soft. As a result, the eyebrows grow thicker and longer. In addition, castor oil penetrates deeper layers of the skin to add nutrients to the hair roots. Besides, because there is no silicone, alcohol and chemical additives in this natural oil, it can be used for the eye area. Stinging or burning sensation due to allergy will not occur if you use castor oil.

To apply this tip, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply castor oil to the eyebrows
  • Leave castor oil on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning

This is a very low cost tip. You should apply it every day in the evening before going to bed to get the best results. Effective change will be visible after 3 to 4 weeks.

5. Coconut Oil

how to grow thick eyebrows - coconut oil

Bollywood movie stars are famous for not only their attractive eyes but also their thick eyebrows. One of the causes of thin eyebrows is bacteria. The lauric acid in coconut oil has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties so it is good for skin and hair roots. Capric acid in coconut oil is also a natural antibiotic like lauric acid.

Not only that, this natural oil also contains a lot of vitamin E which has anti-aging effects very well for the skin and eyebrows. The high moisturizing properties of coconut oil also help keep the skin in the brow area is always soft. All of this contributes to the growth of the eyebrows [2] [3].

To use coconut oil to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Just Coconut Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply coconut oil to the eyebrows
  • Leave coconut oil on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

You should this tip every evening before going to bed until you get the results you want.

Method 2. Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix coconut oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

Few people know that lemon also promotes the development of eyebrows very well. The combination of coconut oil and lemon juice creates a perfect mixture to help you reach your goal. Please apply this method every evening before going to bed.

6. Olive Oil

The next one in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally is using olive oil. Olive oil is one of the essential ingredients in the lives of the people of the Mediterranean. In addition, Olive oil is very useful in the care and protection of beauty. You can use olive oil to moisturize the skin and stimulate the growth of the eyebrows. This is because olive oil contains Omega 3 – a great fatty acids. As you know, Omega 3 is essential for the development of eyebrows. It improves the elasticity of the eyebrows, stimulates the growth of the eyebrows, and reduces the fracture. Therefore, it limit the thin eyebrows problem [4].

To use olive oil to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Just Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply olive oil to the eyebrows
  • Leave olive oil on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

Using olive oil is considered one of the fastest ways to help you get thick eyebrows. Please implement this tip every evening before going to bed to get the expected results.

Method 2. Olive Oil And Honey

To apply this tip, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix olive oil and honey in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

Applying this method every evening before going to bed is the thing you should do to quickly grow thick eyebrows.

7. Sugar-Free Milk

This sounds strange when it comes to tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally, but it works effectively. Milk is the favorite drink of many people. Did you know that milk can also help you get thick eyebrows? The reason is because milk has high levels of protein and vitamins. The eyebrows can absorb these nutrients through the hair follicles.

Protein is an essential nutrient for the growth of your eyebrows, hair and nails as well as your internal organs. If your body does not have enough protein, it automatically diverts the protein it has to support the organs of your body. This makes your eyebrows thin. Therefore, the use of milk to stimulate the growth of the eyebrows is what you should do [5].

To apply this tip, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply sugar – free milk to the eyebrows
  • Leave milk on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning

Please apply this tip every evening before going to bed. You should use sugar-free milk as normal milk can often dry the skin.

8. Vaseline

No wonder, using vaseline is definitely one that should be mentioned in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. The power of Vaseline has been demonstrated through a series of its effects on the skin. Vaseline can heal damaged skin tissue such as dry, cracked lips or eczema in certain areas of the body. Not only that, Vaseline also helps eyebrows grow faster by moisturizing them very well. Therefore, the use of Vaseline to grow thick eyebrows is what you should do.

To use Vaseline to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Just Vaseline

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply Vaseline to the eyebrows
  • Leave Vaseline on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

You should apply this method every evening before going to bed to get the best results.

Method 2. Vaseline And Coconut Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix Vaseline and coconut oil to make a thick mixture
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

Implementing this method every evening before going to bed until you get the results you want.

Method 3. Vaseline And Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix Vaseline and olive oil to make a thick mixture
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

Please apply this method every evening before going to bed.

9. Egg Yolk

how to grow thick eyebrows naturally - egg yolk

Using egg yolk is the next remedy in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. This is definitely an interesting thing for those who like to eat eggs. Chicken eggs are a familiar food every day. In addition to providing nutrients to the body from the inside, eggs also help stimulate the growth of eyebrows from the outside.

Chicken eggs have this effect because the egg yolk contains a rich source of protein, vitamins and amino acids. In particular, the protein content can slow down the aging process and the vitamins content can rejuvenate the skin.

Other minerals in egg yolk help accelerate the regeneration of the new skin, stimulating eyebrow growth. Therefore, using egg yolks to nourish your eyebrows is the perfect choice that you can trust and follow [6].

To use egg yolk to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Just Egg Yolk

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply egg yolk to the eyebrows
  • After 20-30 minutes, remove egg yolk with warm water

Please apply this method every evening before going to bed to quickly get the thick eyebrows.

Method 2. Egg Yolk And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix egg yolk and lemon juice in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • After 20-30 minutes, remove this mixturewith warm water

Applying this method every evening before going to bed is something you should do to improve your condition.

Method 3. Egg Yolk And Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix egg yolk and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • After 20-30 minutes, remove this mixture with warm water

You need to implement this methodevery evening before going to bed to see the best results after about 2-4 weeks.

10. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains a compound called aloenin that promotes the growth of the eyebrows, helping to strengthen the eyebrows. Besides, Aloe Vera gel contains a number of other useful ingredients such as aloe emodin, barbaloin, saponins, minerals, anthraquinones complex, enzymes, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Among them, aloe emodin helps skin against skin aging, barbaloin helps moisturize the skin, and vitamins help rejuvenate the skin.

In addition, minerals such as zinc, potassium, magnesium, chromium, enzymes, and folic acid also help accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, stimulating eyebrow growth. Therefore, using Aloe Vera to grow thick eyebrows is a good choice [7].

To use Aloe Vera to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Just Aloe Vera

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply Aloe Vera gel to the eyebrows
  • Leave this gel on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

Please apply this method every evening before going to bed.

Method 2. Aloe Vera And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix Aloe Vera and lemon juice in a ratio of 2:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

You should implement this method every evening before going to bed to quickly get the expected results.

11. Vitamin E

Using vitamin E is another must-try treatment in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally. You can use vitamin E to promote growth of the eyebrows from the inside and outside of the body. We all know that vitamin E is good for the skin, hair and eyebrows. You should add vitamin E to your body through some foods such as tofu, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seafood, vegetable oils, and avocados. Additionally, you can use vitamin E oil to massage eyebrows, making them thicker. To do this, vitamin E oil softens the skin in the eyebrows, penetrates deeply into the pores and promotes their growth. Therefore, we can say that using vitamin E is a great tip for your condition [8].  To use vitamin E oil to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Just Vitamin E

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply vitamin E oil to the eyebrows
  • Leave this oil on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with warm water

Let’s implement this method every evening before going to bed to get the best results.

Method 2. Vitamin E And Lemon Juice

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix vitamin E oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

Please apply this method every evening before going to bed.

12. Purple Onion

how to grow thick eyebrows and eyelashes - purple onion

This remedy is one of little – known tips on how to grow thick eyebrows. The effect of some types of bacteria causes the condition of the eyebrows to fall off. Purple onion juice has very good bactericidal properties, so it may be helpful to you in this case. Not only that, the moisturizing ability of this juice is also a highlight. As a result, the skin in the eyebrows becomes softer, making it easier for the brows to grow.

To use purple onion to grow thick eyebrows, you can apply one of these methods below:

Method 1. Purple Onion And Honey

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix purple onion juice and honey in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

You should this tip every evening before going to bed until you get the results you want.

Method 2. Purple Onion And Olive Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix purple onion juice and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

Please apply this method every evening before going to bed. Surely after 2-3 week, you will see the great results that this method brings your eyebrows.

Method 3. Purple Onion And Coconut Oil

To apply this method, please follow these following steps:

  • Mix purple onion juice and coconut oil in a ratio of 1:1
  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply this mixture to the eyebrows
  • Leave this mixture on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

You need to implement this method every evening before going to bed until you get the results you want.

13. Tea Tree Oil

The next treatment in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally is using tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is commonly known to prevent hair loss as well as help clear the pores, thereby accelerating hair growth. Therefore, regularly applying tea tree oil on the eyebrows to strengthen the hair follicles as well as help the eyebrows grow quickly is a great choice [9].

To apply this tip, please follow these following steps:

  • After cleansing at night, use a cotton swab to apply tea tree oil to the eyebrows
  • Leave this natural oil on your eyebrows overnight and remove it the next morning with water

Let’s do this tip every evening before going to bed to see how effective it is. Surely it will not disappoint you.

Note: The essential oils such as tea tree oil could cause allergic reactions due to their high concentration. Thus, do a patch test prior to applying it directly to your skin.

14. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds have hormones that can stimulate the hair growth, thereby making your eyebrows dense. Also, they are a rich source of protein and nicotinic acid which helps to strengthen your hair shaft. As a result, it prevents hair shedding and maintains your eyebrows. What is more, the amino acids in fenugreek seeds are beneficial in curing hair fall as well as itchy scalp [10].

If you use fenugreek seeds regularly, they will boost new hair growth. In addition, it adds a healthful shine to hair, making your eyebrows look healthy. Fenugreek seeds also help you brows look darker.

There are a few ways to make use of fenugreek seeds as one of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows and eyelashes.

Method 1: Eyebrow serum

  • Add ½ cup of coconut oil and 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seed powder into a vessel
  • After boiling, cover a lid and allow them to simmer for about 10 minutes
  • Let the oil cool down, then strain the left serum
  • Keep it in the bottle and apply it over your brows before hitting the hay

Method 2: Eyebrow mask

  • Take a handful of fenugreek seeds to soak in water
  • The next morning, boil them, then strain and blend seeds to create a smooth paste
  • Apply this paste over your brows
  • Leave it there for 1 hour or so before rinsing it off
  • Apply this method daily
  • The left amount can be kept in the refrigerator for about 1 week
15. Rosemary Essential Oil

To thicken your eyebrows, consider using rosemary essential oil. It is strongly believed that using rosemary essential oil regularly will stimulate cell division and blood circulation, leading to hair growth [11]. This oil has been used for hair care since a long time ago.

  • Mix 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil with ½ teaspoon of sweet almond/olive/jojoba/coconut oil
  • Massage your brows with this combination for about 3 minutes
  • Wait till the next morning to rinse it off
  • Repeat this routine daily
16. Hibiscus

The beautiful flowers and leaves of hibiscus are considered effective solution when it comes to how to grow thick eyebrows. In Ayurvedic medicine, hibiscus is a traditional medicine and used to treat hair loss and prevent gray hair. Its nutrients include vitamins A, C, amino acids, and hydroxy acids, etc. They make hibiscus a good stimulant for hair growth.

  • Take a handful of hibiscus flower to crush into a paste
  • Apply it over your brows
  • Allow it to sit there for 30 minutes before rinsing it off
  • Repeat this method daily for good results
17. Sesame Seed Oil

how to grow thick eyebrows and eyelashes - sesame seed oil

This beauty hack is little-known than others in regard to learning how to grow thick eyebrows and eyelashes in men and women [12]. This plant is indigenous to India and common known as til oil in India. Sesame oil is found in China, India, Middle East, and Egypt. This is a rich source of vitamins and nutrients that promote thicker and darker brows. It has glycerides of linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic and arachidic acids. Also, there is sesamol which responsible for the stability of oil as well as lignin derivatives: sesamolin and sesamin.

Sesame seed oil has good emollient properties and is used as the oil base for a lot of Ayurvedic hair oils. Take several drops of sesame seed oil to massage over your brows, leave it there overnight to get good results.

Or, you can mix it with rosemary essential oil and lemon juice to create a faster solution for eyebrow growth. This treatment utilizes the benefits of each ingredient, amplifying the effect.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil with ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Add 5-6 drops of rosemary oil into the mixture
  • After mixing well, dip a cotton ball into and apply it over your brows
  • Rinse it off after 30 minutes
  • Do it 2 times per day
18. Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is obtained after cold compression of the sunflower seeds. In fact, it is the 2nd most widely used base oil in hair cosmetics. Sunflower oil has mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic and oleic acids, and minor quantities of stearic and palmitic acid. It also has tocopherols and carotenoids.

Using sunflower oil can stimulate hair to grow naturally. This oil acts as a good moisturizer and conditioner. It also prevents hair thinning, nourishes the hair and prevents hair damage.

19. Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil has fatty acids, such linoleic, oleic, palmitic acid, flavonoids pigments, sterols, tocopherols and xanthophylls. Besides, a large amount of vitamin A, D, E found in this oil and these vitamins can be easily absorbed by the human scalp and skin.

Wheat germ oil might be used for repairing dull and dry hair. It is thought to help delay hair loss unless complete prevention using oil. It aids in maintaining the hair elasticity and growth.

20. Petroleum Jelly

One of worth-trying tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally is petroleum jelly. It conditions and retains the moisture in your eyebrows. The petrolatum compound helps to prevent moisture from going out, and thus, keeps your skin hydrated and well moisturized. Maintaining moisturized skin will go along way regarding to helping your eyebrows grow out fuller and longer.

Apply some petroleum jelly on your brows, leave it there overnight. Rinse it off with lukewarm water in the next morning. Repeat this routine nightly till you get desired results.

Note: Because petroleum jelly is rich in oil, so if you are prone to acne, avoid this home remedy.

21. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves have beta-carotene and proteins. In fact, beta-carotene could prevent hair loss while protein stops the hair thinning. Therefore, they stimulate hair growth in brows. On the other hand, curry leaves have amino acid along with antioxidants that can help with hair fall prevention and hair follicle strengthening. This aromatic herb is also a powerhouse of vitamin B6, C calcium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids, carbohydrates, and fibers. Such nutrients can improve hair strength and texture in natural ways.

  • Take a handful of curry leaves to soak into a cup of warm water
  • After several hours, strain to get water
  • Use a cotton ball to apply this solution over your brows
  • Wait till the next morning to remove it off
  • Do this method thrice per week
22. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has a wide range of vitamins and has different uses. Thus, it is not surprising that lemon juice could be used for nourishing and thickening eyebrows. Due to the abundance of folic acid, vitamins and nutrients, lemon juice is one of the most effective and accessible tips on how to grow thick eyebrows.

  • Extract some lemon juice and apply over your brows for 20 minutes
  • Rinse it off with water
  • Repeat this routine daily for the best results

Note: Avoid exposing to sunlight for about 2 hours after using lemon juice because you may get brighter color eyebrows.

23. Jojoba Oil

how to grow thick eyebrows naturally - jojoba oil

Sometimes, your hair follicles try their own best to grow longer but some kinds of obstruction in skin pores block them. This is when jojoba oil comes down to the picture. To unclog such pathways, use jojoba oil. Massage several drops of this oil over your brows, leave it there overnight. As a result, you will get thicker and darker eyebrows in no time.

24. Use Eyebrow Stimulant

If you do not have enough patience to wait for your eyebrows to grow, you can use an adjuvant to stimulate your eyebrows. These products are sold a lot in the market. By finding the right products, you can quickly help your eyebrows get the desired thickness. Some eyebrow stimulating products are proven to be more effective than others. If you have damaged your eyebrows with tweezers, you will need to invest in better quality products. Latisse, Rogaine and Viviscal products are very popular. However, these products are only effective when used regularly. Moreover, they only work for some people and they may not be suitable for you [13].

Remember that these products can be in the form of gels, essences or tablets. Products in the form of tablets not only stimulate eyebrows but also stimulate hair growth in other areas of the body. Therefore, you must be mentally prepared before applying any complementary method.

25. Styling Eyebrows In The Meantime

This is the last remedy in this list of tips on how to grow thick eyebrows naturally that we want to mention in this article. In the meantime, you can use an eyebrow pencil to draw eyebrows effectively. Choose a pencil color that matches your eyebrows color and your hair color. Draw each thin and short lines in the direction of the eyebrow grow.

When using eyebrows pencil, you should draw only thin lines instead of thick lines. Do not make eyebrows look too dark, but you should only use eyebrow pencil to draw on the thin eyebrow areas. If you want your eyebrows to look thicker, you should choose a color that is darker than your eyebrow color.

You can also use eyebrow powder. Eyebrow powder has a formula that helps to stick to the current eyebrows and makes them look thicker. This product is the right choice if your eyebrows look too thin. Choose the color of eyebrow powder and brush the powder in the direction of eyebrows grow.

You may need to use concealer to cover jagged eyebrows. When starting to regrow, your eyebrows may look slightly jagged. Instead of spitting them away, you can use some concealer to cover them. Please choose a non-chemical product to prevent the growth of eyebrows.

How To Get Thick Eyebrows – Extra Tips

  • Avoid over plucking your eyebrows. Do not thread, tweeze or wax frequently.
  • Do not use any lotion, cream or other synthetic products on eyebrows.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush to exfoliate the skin around your eyebrows to remove dead skin cells
  • Plan a well-balanced diet containing various vitamins and minerals along with other essential nutrients.
  • Drink plenty of water to remove toxins and support the hair growth.
  • Avoid using makeup for eyebrows as much as you could.

Here are tips to help you quickly thicken eyebrows. Since these are tips that use natural ingredients, you need to wait a while to see the most obvious results. So please do not be too impatient! If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 25 Tips On How To Grow Thick Eyebrows & Eyelashes Naturally” introduced in How To Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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