updated: 07/06/2019
Dry face is a very common skin condition. Facial skin is one of the most important parts. However, when the face is dry, it becomes rough and tense, even red, scaly and itchy. Then, the facial skin is often sensitive. However, sensitive skin does not always relate to dry skin. This will definitely get you confused, right? There are many internal causes and external causes of facial dryness. The degree of dryness depends on the amount and intensity of the effects. Many people are often confused between skin dehydration and dry skin.
As you read here, you will probably think there is so much to learn about this condition. However, do not worry, this article will give you all that. You will find information about the concept, causes,… of this condition to determine the exact state of your skin. Besides, you will also know the natural home remedies for dry face. They are considered the simplest and most effective remedies. They have been proven by so many people, so you can be assured of their safety and effectiveness.
What Is Dry Face?
Dry skin is a common skin condition for face. Dry face can occur in both men and women, but this condition often occurs in older people due to the decrease in natural oils on the skin. Not only the facial skin, other skin areas like the skin of the arms, hands and feet,…can also be affected. The characteristic of the dry face is that the facial skin is not smooth. It is very rough. Besides, you can also see the rash on your face.
Our skin is 70% water. About 20-30% of that water is in the cuticle (the outermost layer of the skin). Normally, the water film will retain moisture to the skin, protecting the skin from the effects of the environment and bacteria. For some reason the water in this membrane is lost a lot, this means that the skin is no longer healthy. That is when you feel the facial skin is not smooth, the elasticity of the skin is poor, and when you look in the mirror, you will see your face is dull and lack of vitality.
When the face is dry, you can see the peeling occurs in some places, such as the nose or the mouth. Many people think this is a sign of dry facial skin and buy specialized products for dry skin to use. However, these preliminary signs may also be in case your skin is dehydrated and it needs to be replenished with moisture. You may have mistaken for dry skin and dehydrated skin, and you wonder about the different between them. Then consider the basic concepts of these two cases. Dry skin is a type of skin, similar to other skin types such as oily skin, normal skin, and mixed skin. Dehydrated skin is a condition of the skin. Any skin can be dehydrated, even if you have oily skin.
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What Are Common Causes Of Dry Face?
- Dry Face Due To Dehydration And Unreasonable Diet
The skin becomes dry when the natural lipids in the skin are gone, damaging the surface protection barrier, thus losing moisture. This accelerates the process of skin moisture loss. The lack of natural moisturizing factors causes the skin cell layers to dehydrate. Dry skin becomes rough and cracked as dryness spreads to the underlying skin cell layers, which damage the skin's Aquaporin channels, which provide the epidermis's moisture supply. Deficiencies of natural moisturizing factors (NMFs) make the upper skin cell layer dehydrated.
Nutrition also affects the skin a lot. Eating poorly is one of the causes of dry face. Lack of protein (found in meat, fish, eggs, milk …) makes the facial skin dry and change color. Similarly, the body's lack of fat also causes the skin to dry out the epidermis. You should increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to provide vitamins and nutrients to help skin health. In particular, the facial skin will dry out significantly if you do not provide at least 2 liters of water a day.
- Sunlight
UV light in the sunlight is the “enemy” of your facial skin. UV rays negatively affect the skin's surface layer. This accelerates the aging process, leaving the skin dry, wrinkled and pigmented.
- Extreme Weather And Environmental Pollution
If you are frequently exposed to dust or toxic exhaust gas, this is the answer to the question of why the surface is dry. Under the influence of these agents, the outer protective layer of the skin is damaged, making the skin dry and pigmented. The sudden change of weather, or the too hot or too cold weather also affects the skin. Many cases of skin are dry and peeling when the temperature changes unexpectedly.
- Stress
Why does stress cause the face to dry? Many people still think that stress does not affect the skin but the fact that stress is responsible for reducing the skin's ability to protect itself. This makes the skin unable to retain moisture and accelerates the process of dry skin. In order to have a beautiful and vibrant skin, in addition to the application of scientific skin care methods, you should live optimistically and have positive thoughts.
- Poor Skin Care
Many women maintain regular skin care but they still suffer from dry skin. This shows that you do not properly care for the skin. Washing your face too many times, using alcohol or regularly exfoliating your face will make your face be dry. Besides, washing your face with hot water will cause the skin to become dry as hot water affects the top epidermis of the skin. The heat of water causes moisture in the skin to escape, resulting in dry skin.
- Age And Hormonal Changes
Changes in estrogen and testosterone can affect skin moisture and lipid levels in the skin, making it more prone to dry skin. After menopause, the skin becomes drier. Therefore, at this stage, women need more effective skin care solutions. Degradation of the function of the sweat glands and sebaceous glands under the skin also causes the skin to dry. The higher the age, the more likely it is that the sweat and lipids of your skin will decrease, so the dry condition is getting worse. That is why dry skin appears more often after the age of 30.
What Are Symptoms Of Dry Face?
Here are some typical symptoms of dry face:
- The facial skin looks less alive.
- The facial skin is rough and not smooth, it can peeling.
- Feeling dry and tight (but there may still be oil spills and pimples).
- Facial skin is difficult to absorb skin care products.
- Facial skin prone to irritation, especially cosmetic allergies.
- Frequent itching sensation in the face.
Who Is At Risk Of Dry Face?
Women over 30 are very susceptible to dry face. In addition, people who do jobs that require frequent exposure to the sun or dust also experience the same situation. However, it is only those who have high ability to dry skin. If you are not in those cases, but you do not have the right skin care method, or you have a non-scientific lifestyle, you can completely dry your skin.
When To See A Doctor?
When you have certain diseases, such as diabetes or dermatitis, you should see a doctor for advice on how to improve your dry skin. In addition, if the application of the treatment for a long time does not give you any improvement, you should see a doctor immediately. It is possible that you have experienced a condition other than dry facial skin.
Above is the information you need to know about dry face. To overcome this situation, many people come to the beauty salon. However, that is not the only way, especially for those who do not have much time or want to save money. You can completely apply the home remedies for dry face that we introduce below. As we said at the beginning of this article, they are all very simple, safe and effective remedies. It is time to find out these be natural home remedies for dry face. Take a look at TrueRemedies.com!
21 Natural Home Remedies For Dry Face In Winter
1. Olive Oil
Not only is olive oil used for cooking, but it also has many health and beauty benefits. Olive oil contains fatty acids that nourish the skin. This oil is like a very good moisturizer for dry skin. It holds moisture to the skin. In addition, in the composition of olive oil contains vitamin E, an antioxidant substance for the skin. Vitamin E in olive oil helps the body resist to free radicals that normally cause skin aging. The most important thing is that when using olive oil, the user can apply it directly to the skin without fear of irritation [1].
The use of this oil regularly will help your skin become soft and smooth.
Olive oil has the ability to regenerate on skin tissue. This kind of oil contains a substance called squalene – an antioxidant known for its skin benefits as well as its anti-cancer properties. The antioxidants in olive oil help skin repair damage, soothe and reduce skin cracking and itching due to dry skin. They also rebuild barriers to prevent the loss of moisture on the skin. In addition, these antioxidants also help fight aging, reducing wrinkles and discoloration.
To use olive oil to remove dryness, you can apply one of the following methods:
Method 1: Just Olive Oil
Olive oil contains omega fatty acids and large amounts of vitamin E, which have super moisturizing and anti-aging properties. Therefore, you can use olive oil overnight as a normal skin care products.
To apply this method, follow the steps below:
- Warm a little olive oil in the microwave
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply a few drops of olive oil to your face and massage gently for 5 minutes and leave overnight
- The next morning, you only need to wash your face with cleanser
Apply this method 2-3 times per week, your dry face condition will be improved significantly or it may even disappear, and your facial skin will become even smoother and whiter. You should note that for this or any other method, sunscreen protection during treatment is very necessary. This greatly affects the time as well as the outcome of the course of treatment.
Method 2: Home Remedies For Dry Face Using Olive Oil And Vinegar
Vinegar helps fight skin discoloration and bacteria. Olive oil contains antioxidants that prevent cell destruction. Combining these two ingredients will help reverse the signs of aging, soften the skin and make the skin be whiter.
To apply this method, follow the steps below:
- Prepare 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- Mix them together, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes. You can leave this mixture on your face overnight, or you can rinse your face after 30 minutes
You should not abuse this method. Apply this method 2-3 times per week to get your expected results.
Method 3: Olive Oil, Lemon, And Honey
Honey not only helps to provide moisture to the skin but also works to repair damaged skin. Lemon juice can be used as an ingredient to tighten facial pores. This mixture of olive oil, lemon and honey can be a good solution for you.
To apply this method, take the steps below:
- Prepare 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey
- Mix them together, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- Rinse your face after 15-20 minutes
You should not leave this mask for too long on the face, especially not to leave it overnight, because lemon has acid, so if left it too long on the skin, it can cause you to dry the skin. Apply this method 2-3 times per week to get the best results.
2. Coconut Oil
Among home remedies for dry face, using coconut oil is one of the most effective. Coconut oil contains many vitamins and nutrients that are good for the skin, so it is always mentioned in the women's beauty handbook. Coconut oil is one of the natural and safe skin-moisturizing products. Coconut oil also contains vitamin E type tocotrienol. This type of vitamin E is 50 times more anti-aging than regular vitamin E. In addition, the ability of bactericidal properties of coconut oil also helps acne reduce inflammation and swelling. Coconut oil is one of the best ways to treat peeling. It has excellent fatty acids that nourish the skin. In addition, antioxidant properties also help relieve itching and inflammation. Coconut oil can be used to massage facial skin. This helps to increase circulation on the skin surface and helps you relax.
To use coconut oil to remove dryness, you can apply one of the following methods:
Method 1: Just Coconut Oil
To apply this method, follow the instructions below:
- Warm a little coconut oil in the microwave
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply a few drops of coconut oil to your face and massage gently for 5 minutes and leave overnight
- The next morning, you only need to wash your face with cleanser
Apply this method 2-3 times per week, you will see results immediately after a few times.
Method 2.Coconut Oil, Banana, And Honey
As you know, honey works very well in moisturizing the skin. Banana can be used for all skin types and ages as it is completely non-irritating. This kind of material can make the skin soft. It is especially useful for dry skin [2].
To apply this method, apply the following guidelines:
- Prepare 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, ½ ripe banana, and 1 tablespoon of pure honey
- Mix them together, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- Rinse your face after 15-20 minutes
Apply this method 2-3 times per week to get the best result.
3. Honey
This is another must-try home treatment when it comes to home remedies for dry face. Honey is a natural sweetener. It provides moisture and aromatic flavor for pastries. It also has many benefits in non-chemical skin care products. Honey has many facial effects such as moisturizing, protecting the skin, and killing bacteria for the skin. Skin care products containing honey help accelerate wound healing and prevent infection. It also helps to maintain the moisture needed to soften and brighten the facial skin.
Honey can be used as an integral part of everyday skin care because its components have the ability to absorb and retain moisture. Honey is proven to be beneficial for areas prone to dryness or itching as it provides moisture to these areas. People with oily skin can also use honey. This sweetener can help your skin retain moisture and elasticity without drying out the skin like cosmetics and cleanser.
Honey is a natural antioxidant that heals dry skin from inside and outside the body. Many skin care centers report that the current studies have determined that honey also has sunscreen effect. This means that honey helps protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays. This is great because, as you know, sunshine is one of the causes of dryness.
To use honey to remove dryness, you can apply one of the following methods:
Method 1: Just Honey
To apply this method, take the steps below:
- Prepare a little warm water and 2 teaspoons of honey
- Mix them together, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- Rinse the your face with water
Keep on washing your face like this method, your skin will quickly become soft and smooth.
Method 2: Honey, Lemon, And Almond
In addition to cleansing the skin, almonds also have a great effect in moisturizing the skin. You can use this mixture of honey, lemon and almond to remove dead skin.
To make use of this method, follow the steps below:
- Prepare 2 tablespoons honey, 4 tablespoons finely ground almonds, and 1/2 teaspoons of lemon juice
- Mix them together, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- Rinse your face with lukewarm water
In addition to daily cleansing, you can also remove dead skin cells once a week with this mixture. This mixture also helps to restore moisture to the skin very well.
4. Sugar-Free Yogurt
The next treatment in this list of home remedies for dry face is sugar – free yogurt. Enzymes, acids, minerals and other ingredients in yogurt help heal exfoliation. In addition, it is also a very good moisturizer. Yogurt contains high levels of essential vitamins and minerals to help prevent the aging process and soothe dry skin. This is a solution to nourish the skin from deep inside and bring you a natural beauty.
Yogurt has a lot of essential nutrients for the skin such as lactic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin D. This abundant source of nutrients makes the skin smooth and tightens pores. In addition, yogurt provides resistance, which helps the skin to fight off external environmental factors that cause dryness [3].
To use sugar – free yogurt to remove dryness, you can apply one of the following methods:
Method 1: Just Sugar – Free Yogurt
Here is what you have to do:
- Prepare 2 teaspoons of sugar – free yogurt
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply yogurt directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse your face with water
- Apply this method 2-3 times per week to get the best result.
Method 2: Sugar – Free Yogurt And Honey
Yogurt and honey are all familiar ingredients in the field of women's beauty. With the simple, easy-to-do formulation below, you will quickly treat dry skin and provide a good moisturizer for the skin. This method is a dry skin treatment that you can apply at home so very handy.
To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
- Prepare 2 teaspoons of yoghurt and 1 teaspoon of honey
- Mix them together, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse your face with water
- To achieve your desired effect, apply this method 2-3 times per week.
Method 3.Sugar – Free Yogurt And Banana
Ripe banana is not only attractive because of its delicious taste, it is also an indispensable ingredient to help make the skin more smooth and bright.
To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
- Prepare 2 teaspoons of yogurt and ½ ripe banana
- Crush the banana and mix it with yogurt
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- Massage your face gently for 5 minutes
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with water
Frequent application of this method 2-3 times a week will cause your dry face to be quickly removed.
5. Cucumber
It is considered one of the best natural home remedies for dry face. Cucumber is a familiar daily food. Not only is cucumber considered as a fresh food for the meal, it is also known as an effective beauty ingredient. The using of fruit masks is a simple way to moisturize the skin. Cucumber mask is a moisturizing formula that is applied by many people.
The main ingredient of cucumber is water and many minerals. Cucumber contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C,…, so it provides large amounts of nutrients to the skin.. These are all needed for dry skin. Cucumber is considered as a medicinal essence that helps moisturize the skin and reduce pores [4].
To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:
- Slice the cucumber into thin slices
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply these cucumber slices directly to your face
- After 30 minutes, rinse your face with water
Apply this remedy continuously for several days, you will notice a significant change of your facial skin.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera mask is one of the “oldest” home remedies for dry face, in particular, and dry skin, in general. This natural gel is not only a great moisturizer for the skin but it also forms a protective film that helps to make the skin softer and whiter. In addition, aloe vera also removes dead cells and prevents signs of aging. This makes the skin more easily absorb moisturizing products.
Aloe vera gel also stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, helping to prevent the destruction of the skin from aging. During skin care processes, this gel works to tighten pores and reduce acne effectively. Masks from aloe vera are suitable for normal, dry and combination skin [5].
To use aloe vera to get rid of dry skin, all you need to do are: Cut a piece of aloe leaf, squeeze the gel and gently apply the gel to the dry skin. After 30 minutes, rinse your face with water.
7. Sugar – Free Milk
The next one in this of home remedies for dry face is using sugar – free milk. Nourishing the face with fresh milk is an extremely effective remedy. With fresh milk without sugar, you do not need to spend a lot of money to buy expensive cosmetics to care for your skin. Fresh milk is rich in nutrients and lactic acid which help to eliminate dead cells, provide moisture and nourish healthy and vibrant skin. Fresh milk also helps skin to become firm and smooth. Just use fresh milk to wash your face every day, you will get rid of this problem.
8. Oatmeal
This sounds strange when it comes to home remedies for dry face, but it works. Oatmeal is not only an essential food for the elderly, young children, and dieters, but also a beauty ingredient. It is like the natural beauty cosmetic of women.
One of the best uses of oatmeal is the ability to moisturize extremely well, especially in winter. When the weather is cold, your skin is susceptible to peeling and rough, this is the time you should look for oatmeal as a timely remedy for skin [6] [7].
The content of oats contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which are very necessary for the action of the skin.
In addition to moisturizing, oats are also used to remove dead cells. Roughness and nutrients in oatmeal will help you to remove dead skin cells that have accumulated on the skin, while helping to cleanse the skin, eliminate dirt in the pores, and nourish new skin cells.
This helps the skin to easily absorb moisture products. With its fiber, vitamins and minerals content, oats are also used to keep the skin soft and remove pigmentation on the skin. Therefore, do not be surprised if after a period of using oatmeal, in addition to becoming softer, your face is even whiter.
To use oats to remove the dry face problem, please follow the steps below:
- Prepare a sufficient amount of oatmeal and warm water
- Mix the oatmeal with warm water to form a thick paste, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with water
With this remedy, you can combine oatmeal with fresh milk without sugar and do the same as the instructions above to speed up the treatment. Apply this remedy 2-3 times per week to get the expected results.
9. Papaya
Papaya is one of the little-known home remedies for dry face. Papaya is the most popular fruit in autumn. It is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. It also contains enzymes that help eliminate dead cells and smooth the skin, restoring youthfulness to the skin. You can completely use ripe papaya to whiten and moisturize your skin.
Papaya is rich in natural enzymes. These enzymes are easily absorbed into the skin to help skin beauty and heal the damage to the skin. Besides, papaya can be used to treat skin pigmentation caused by the sun. Therefore, for people with irregular or freckled skin, using papaya masks will help improve their condition.
This mask is very benign, especially can be used for postpartum women and people over 35 years old.
To use papaya to remove the dry face problem, please follow the steps below:
- Prepare 1/4 of the ripe papaya fruit and 1 teaspoon of honey
- Crush the ripe papaya fruit
- Mix the papaya with honey, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture directly to your face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with water
- Apply this remedy 2-3 times per week to get the best results
Note: Papaya's cell removing properties are very strong, so you should not use papaya in sensitive areas such as the eyes and new skin.
10. Avocado
Avocados contain about 25 naturally vitamins and minerals. It contains many vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin A in avocado helps to eliminate dead cells. Vitamin E in avocado helps eliminate free radicals and is involved in the synthesis of collagen to help smooth and firm the skin.
Vitamin E in avocados and other antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. They also help to protect the skin from harmful UV rays and prevent the premature aging of the skin. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium … help the skin to increase moisture [8].
To use avocado to remove dryness, you can apply one of the following methods:
Method 1: Home Remedies For Dry Face Using Just Avocado
To apply this method, please follow these steps below:
- Prepare 1 small avocado
- Peel the avocado, remove the shell and the seeds, and cut the avocado into thin pieces
- Crush these avocado slices
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture to the face
- Relax for 15-20 minutes and then rinse your face with cool water
You can implement this method 2-3 times a week for best results.
Method 2: Avocado And Olive Oil
To apply this method, please follow these steps below:
- Prepare a ripe avocado and 4 drops of olive oil
- Remove the shell and seed of avocado
- Crush these avocado slices
- Add 3-4 drops of olive oil to avocado, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply this mixture to the face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with water
Just apply this method 2-3 times a week, your dry skin condition will improve quickly.
Method 3: Avocado And Yogurt
To apply this method, please follow these steps below:
- Prepare 1-2 tablespoons yogurt without sugar and 1/4 ripe avocado
- Remove the shell and seeds of avocado to get the meat inside
- Use the meat of avocado to grind
- Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt without sugar to avocado, stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply the mixture on face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with water
You can implement this method 2-3 times per week to get your expected results.
Note that before applying the mixture of avocado and the yogurt on the face, applying it to your arm skin to see if you are allergic to this mixture.
Method 4: Home Remedies For Dry Face Using Avocado And Honey
To apply this remedy, please follow these steps below:
- Prepare half an ripe avocado with 1/4 cup of honey
- Peel the avocado and crush avocado in the mill
- Pour the honey into the crushed avocado, then stir well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply the mixture to the face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with lukewarm water
This mask will surprise you by the effect it brings to you if you persist in using it 2-3 times a week.
Method 5: Avocado And Papaya
To apply this method, please follow these steps below:
- Prepare 1/2 ripe avocado and 1 piece of ripe papaya
- Add the avocado and papaya to the grinder to grind carefully
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply the mixture on the face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with lukewarm water
You can apply this method 2-3 times per week to get the best results.
Method 6: Avocado And White Yolk
To apply this method, please follow these steps below:
- Prepare 1/4 ripe avocado and 1 white yolk
- Crushing avocado, then pour white yolk into crushed avocado and mix them well
- After cleansing your face with lukewarm water, apply the mixture on the face
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the your face with lukewarm water
Just apply this method 2-3 times a week, dry face will not be your obsession anymore.
Here's what you need to know to prepare for your dry face treatment. Read carefully this information and apply the suitable remedies for you according to the instructions above. The results of these remedies will not disappoint you. If you have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 21 natural home remedies for dry face in winter” introduced in Home Remedies Category, do not hesitate to drop your words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.