Top 14 Seasonal Allergies Do’s And Don’ts That You Should Know

Seasonal allergies are changes of the bodies at the time between seasons, and they often cause many unpleasant symptoms[1]. The disease affects your health, and if we don’t get proper treatment in a timely, they can lead to more serious diseases. Today, TrueRemedies will show you some seasonal allergies do's and don’ts that you should not miss.

Top 14 Seasonal Allergies Do's And Don'ts That You Should Know

I. The Do’s

1. Eating Chicken Soup

Chicken soup will not help you treat seasonal allergies thoroughly. However, it can help reduce its symptoms because chicken soup contains a lot of good nutrients for the body. It will help you recover energy faster and more efficiently.

2. Closing The Window

Every time you go out, you should close the window. Why? Because closing windows will help prevent seasonal allergens like pollen or mold. If possible, you should use an air conditioner to filter the air from pathogens.

3. Identifying The Cause Of The Disease

Each person may be allergic to different types of pollen or mold. So you have to determine what you are allergic to? This will help you take the best precautions.

4. Taking A Shower

After a long day of working or playing sports, you must take a shower/bath carefully with soap to remove all pathogens from your body. Besides, you must also keep your living space cool and clean. Clean body and environment will make allergens less active.

5. Staying In The House

If the weather forecast announces that it will be windy today, you should stay home. On windy days, pollen, dust, and mold will be able to function more vigorously.

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6. Seeing A Doctor

Doctors are always the best consultants for you when you have symptoms of any diseases. And if you find any sign of seasonal allergies or something unusual, see a doctor to get the best medicine and treatment.

II. The Don’ts

seasonal allergies do's and don'ts - the don’ts

1. Stopping Doing Exercising

Many people think that when they have seasonal allergies, they should not do exercise. This is not true. Although exercise does not help you treat the disease directly, it will certainly help you to relieve the disease. It is better to stay at home and do some light exercise.

2. Moving To Other Cities

Many people think that moving to a new place will help them avoid seasonal allergies. This conception has been proven to be wrong by scientists[2]. It does not help you to cure the disease and vice versa also causes some other problems.

3. Hanging Clothes Outside

This is one of the useful tips in the list of 14 seasonal allergies do’s and don’ts that you should know. Hanging clothes outdoors can make pollen or dust stick to clothes. Therefore, you should use a dryer to dry clothes indoors. That will help you prevent pathogens from entering your body.

4. Not Cleaning The House 

House cleaning is an important thing, even when you are not allergic. In case you have seasonal allergies, it's more important. If possible, you should use a vacuum cleaner to clean up the dust in your home and use an air conditioner to filter the air. All of these will help reduce the number of pathogens in your home.

5. Drinking Alcohol

Many people think that drinking alcohol will not affect patients with seasonal allergies. But this is not true at all, especially if you are using sedating antihistamines.  Antihistamine, combined with alcoholic drinks, will cause unforeseen side effects. Moreover, drinking alcohol will make you blush and make your disease worse[3] [4] [5].

6. Smoking

Smoking has been shown to have a lot of bad effects on the human body[6] [7] [8]. People with seasonal allergies should not smoke. According to scientists, smoke can destroy the nasal passages and your lower airways[9] [10] [11]. If you have a stuffy nose, smoking will make your allergy situation worse.

7. Using Medicine Without Doctors’ Instruction

If you have any allergies or suffer from any kind of illness, using drugs is a must. However, you must use drugs prescribed by doctors. The use of drugs without consulting a doctor does not help you treat the disease, and sometimes it also causes side effects that you do not know.

8. Turning Off The Fan

If you live in an airtight room, turn on the fan regularly. Turning on the fan regularly will help you prevent mold in the air.

III. How To Prevent Seasonal Allergies?

seasonal allergies do's and don'ts - how to prevent seasonal allergies

1. Drinking Plenty Of Water

Water can dilute and remove mucus from the body. Drinking water also reduces the risk of blood congestion and helps to treat seasonal allergies[12]. People who suffer from allergies need to drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses of water daily.

2. Resting And Sleeping Enough 8 Hours

You should not overwork and need to spend time resting and sleeping. Good sleep will help to balance the immune system of the body and avoid some allergies including seasonal allergies[13].

3. Pay Attention To Care Your Eyes

People with a history of eye conjunctivitis allergy must wear sunglasses to prevent pollen and viruses leading to allergies[14] [15].

4. Taking A Few Extra Vitamins 

Besides having three meals a day, you need to add 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C and 400 mg of vitamin E[16]. In the spring, the symptoms of inflammation in the body are more active. Vitamin C can reduce the symptoms by boosting the immune system[17] [18] and improving blood circulation while vitamin E may help vitamin C to maximize its effect.

5. Don’t Be Stressed In Any Situations

Reducing pressure and relaxing can also reduce the risk of allergies[19] [20]. In contrast, great pressure will also lead to the instability of the immune system, leading to allergic reactions.

IV. Common Mistakes 

1. Ignore Symptoms

You may become allergic to pollen or pets after years of free from allergies. If you need to take antibiotics for sinusitis during spring yearly, you may suffer from a pollen allergy. Repeating the use of antibiotics not only doesn’t help treat the pollen allergy but also may lead to drug allergy.

You can get allergic to pets and not know it, as symptoms are subtle and long-standing. If you have developed allergy symptoms that never disappear, check it out.

2. Careless With Clothing

If you have been spending time outdoors, especially if you have been in green spaces or nature with allergens, you should change your clothing when getting home. Your hair and clothing can take ahold of allergens and then bring them into the house and latch onto your furniture.

You should also wash your clothing if you have been putting on an outfit outside. If you put it in your closet with other clothes after wearing it, you will get allergens on everything

Seasonal allergies are common to many people. If you don’t take any steps to treat them, they can leave some serious consequences that you can’t expect.

3. Rely On The Over The Counter (OTC) Allergy Pills

Most people take an antihistamine or decongestant when they have allergy symptoms, but these products do not work well. Many products work by drying up the nasal passages, which may reduce your sniffles but let allergens bypass the natural filtering mechanisms of your nose, ultimately making the symptoms worse.

Instead of allergy pills, try a nasal rinse with saline. It helps remove allergens from your nose.

4. Wear Shoes Indoors

Besides changing your clothes, you should also take your shoes off when you come into your house. If you use rugs or carpeting, you should track pollen or allergens that are tough to remove, which could keep your symptoms relieved for weeks.

Also, you should wash your floors weekly and clean carpets once a month throughout allergy season if the allergy symptoms are severe.

5. Use Nasal Steroid Sprays Too Late

Most people only use nasal steroid sprays when they develop their symptoms. However, at that point, it is too late. Steroid sprays don't work immediately. You should use them daily at least 14 days before allergy season, which helps to stop inflammation and swelling before it starts.

Anyone can get seasonal allergies, which not only make patients uncomfortable but also affect their lives and cause dangerous complications. Therefore, when the symptoms become worse, go to reputable medical institutions to find the most appropriate and effective treatment immediately. If you know other seasonal allergies do's and don'ts, you may leave your comments at the comment box. We will reply as soon as possible. For other useful articles about health and beauty issues, go to our News & Facts page.

Read more: Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder With 20 Natural Tips At Home. This article was medically reviewed/fact checked by Dr. Robi Ludwig.

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