40 Effective Ways How To Remove Nail Fungus Fast At Home

Nail fungus is a fungal infection getting through cuticles. There are some fungi and yeasts which affect the nail bed and lead to discoloration of the affected nails. This condition is contagious and hereditary. It is very easy to get a fungal nail infection. This infection develops slowly. Toenails seem more frequently impacted than fingernails. The followings are some fundamental information about nail fungus you should know before acknowledging natural ways on how to remove nail fungus fast at home from TrueRemedies.com.

What Are Causes Of Nail Fungus?

The majority of cases of nail fungus happen as a consequence of the fungi causing athlete’s foot which infect the nails. Those fungi usually live harmlessly on the human skin; however, they could sometimes multiply and cause infections. Fungi prefer dark, warm, and moist environment like the feet.

You will be more likely to suffer from a nail fungus if you:

  • Wear shoes which cause the feet to get sweaty and hot
  • Don’t keep the feet clean and dry
  • Walk around on barefoot in the places where fungus could spread easily, like locked rooms, gyms, and communal showers
  • Have a weaken immunity
  • Have damaged nails before
  • Have some other health issues like psoriasis, diabetes, peripheral arterial disease

Remember that nail fungus could be spread to other individuals, so you had better take necessary steps to avoid transferring it to others.

What Are Symptoms Of Nail Fungus?

At first, nail fungus might not cause obvious symptoms. But, when it progresses, it could lead to:

  • Discoloration of the affected nails: the nails might turn white, yellow, black or green
  • Distortion and thickening of nails: it might have an unusual texture or shape and be hard to trim.
  • Discomfort or pain: especially if using or placing pressure on the infected finger or toe
  • Crumbly or brittle nails: pieces might break off and go away entirely.

It is estimated that sometimes the skin area nearby might also get infected and be cracked and itchy or swollen and red.

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What Are Risk Factors Of Nail Fungus?

The factors which could increase your risk of getting nail fungus include:

  • Getting older, owing to low blood flow, more time of fungi exposure, and slow growing toe or fingernails
  • Being male, particularly if your family has a history of nail fungal infections
  • Perspiring heavily
  • Working in a moist or humid environment or having a job in which your hands are usually wet, like housekeeping or bartending.
  • Wearing shoes or socks hindering ventilation and not absorb perspiration
  • Walking on barefoot in the damp communal places, like gyms, shower rooms and swimming pools
  • Living with nail fungus sufferers
  • Suffering athlete’s foot
  • Suffering from a nail injury or a minor skin or skin condition like psoriasis
  • Having circulation problems, diabetes, weakened immunity, or children with down syndrome

40 Useful Tips On How To Remove Nail Fungus At Home

1. Vinegar

If your nails are crumbling, thick and yellow, black or white in color, you might have nail fungus. In such case, you can consider using vinegar as one of homemade tips on how to remove nail fungus. Vinegar possesses antifungal properties and might destroy fungal infections. It is also effective in treating athlete’s foot, foot fungus, and fungus of the nails [1]. According to MayoClinic.com, vinegar might inhibit the bacteria growth on our feet. Soaking in vinegar is a home treatment that might not work for everybody, especially if your problem is severe. You can also use apple cider vinegar as a replacement for vinegar.

However, remember that being an acidic substance, vinegar might cause skin irritation, particularly if you use it to soak your feet in daily. What you need to do is:

Method 1:

  • Take 1 part of vinegar to mix with 3 parts of water
  • Soak your feet in the vinegar for about 20 minutes
  • After that, rinse it off with water and dry your nails completely

Note: because fungus grows in warm, wet environments, so you should keep your feet as dry as you could.

Method 2:

  • Mix 4 oz. of vinegar with 2 tablespoons of pau d’arco tincture, 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint oil, ¼ teaspoon of lavender oil
  • Soak a clean cloth in this mixture
  • Apply the cloth directly on your affected nails for 3 times per day to see good results


  • Sometimes, nail fungus might be so severe that the toenail removal is the single effective remedy. But, if being removed, there is a chance that the nail will not grow back.
  • If you suffer from diabetes or AIDS, or have had an organ transplant, you should consult your doctor instantly because nail fungus might spread more rapidly and become a serious ailment.

Method 3: How to remove nail fungus by consuming vinegar:

Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar will strengthen your immune system, helping fight off the infection from inside out.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar (or apple cider vinegar) with 16 oz. of water
  • Have this solution during the day
  • For those who cannot withstand the taste of vinegar, add 1 teaspoon of manuka honey for flavoring.

Method 4: Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Baking soda can inhibit the growth of fungi while apple cider vinegar can kill fungus.

  • Mix apple cider vinegar with water with the ratio of 1:1
  • Soak the affected nails in this solution for 15 minutes
  • Remove it and pat dry completely
  • Then, mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with enough water and soak the nails into
  • Wait for 15 minutes and rinse it off with thoroughly by using a paper towel
  • Repeat this twice per day

Method 5: Apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt

Epsom salt can exfoliate your skin gently which can help promote the healing properties of apple cider vinegar more.

  • Mix 1/3 cup each of Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of hot water
  • After stirring well, soak your nails in this solution for 30 minutes
  • Repeat this process once or twice per day

Note: If you soak for a longer period of time, it will be better.

Method 6: Apple cider vinegar and copper sulfate

Copper sulfate has antifungal and antiseptic properties which are helpful in fighting off nail fungus [2]. This is considered one of little known but effective homemade ways on how to remove nail fungus naturally.

  • Mix 40ml of apple cider vinegar with about 20gms of copper sulfate
  • Pour the mixture in a spray bottle of 1 liter and pour water into after that
  • Spray it on your affected nails
  • Wait till it dries entirely
  • Repeat this routine regularly
2. Listerine

Thanks to many types of alcohols included in Listerine, it has antiseptic properties, not to mention anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-steroidal properties. The thymol presenting in Listerine also acts as fungicide. Eucalyptol has about 90% of eucalyptus which can decrease the pain and swelling. Also, in Listerine, there is an organic acid which can remove dead skin cells and boost the production of new skin cells.

To use Listerine for nail fungus, you should follow these steps:

Method 1:

  • Fill up a proper basin with enough Listerine
  • Then soak your affected nails in this solution for 15 minutes
  • Repeat this routine twice per day for a few months till your nails heal completely

Method 2:

  • Mix Listerine and vinegar together with the ratio of 1:1
  • Soak your affected nails in this solution for 15 minutes
  • Remove them from the solution.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to scrub your nails gently to eliminate dead skin cells
  • Repeat this process twice per day
  • Do this regularly for a few months to heal your infection completely

For further benefits, you can apply vicks to your affected nails and wear gloves/socks. Wait till the next morning to rinse it off with water.


Oftentimes, Listerine does not cause internal adverse effects, but might lead to external ones. Your feet might turn green if the solution is used often and for a long time. However, it will disappear rapidly.

3. Tea Tree Oil

how to remove nail fungus

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of tea tree oil make it one of best home remedies for nail fungus.

All you need to do is:

Method 1:

  • Add several drops of tea tree oil to your chose carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil or lavender oil
  • Soak a cotton ball in that solution
  • Put the soaked cotton ball on your infected nail and press it gently against the nail so that liquids gets out
  • Take off the cotton ball and use a toothbrush to gently scrub your infected nail
  • Wait till it dries completely and repeat this routine twice per day

Method 2: How to remove nail fungus by using tea tree oil, grape seed oil and orange oil

Orange oil possesses fungicidal properties which are good for treating nail fungus. At the same time, grape seed oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties [3] [4]. Combining these ingredients will give you a good solution for nail fungus:

  • Mix tea tree oil, grape seed oil and orange oil with the ratio of 1:1/2:1/2
  • Then, put a cotton ball in the solution and leave it there for 3 minutes or so
  • After removing the cotton ball, allow it to dry naturally
  • Repeat this routine daily to get good results

You can replace grape seed oil with coconut oil to get similar results.

Method 3: Tea tree oil and olive oil

According to some studies, olive oil has hydroxytyrosol, which is an antioxidant capable of killing fungus, molds and yeasts associated with fingernail and toenail fungus [5]. Also, it can improve the healing process of the skin surrounding affected nails naturally.

  • Mix tea tree oil with olive oil as the ratio of 1:1
  • Use a cotton ball to apply it on your nails, let it dry
  • Rinse it off with water and pat it dry
  • Repeat this routine regularly to get noticeable results

Ozonated olive oil and olive leaf extract oil can be replaced with virgin olive oil.

Method 4: Tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, as mentioned earlier in this list of effective ways on how to remove nail fungus at home, can balance the pH levels which could create an inhospitable environment for the fungi and fungus to thrive in. the antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar also support in killing off the fungus whilst its acidic nature could prevent it from spreading.

  • Add warm water to a bowl and add a cup of apple cider vinegar into the bowl
  • Soak your affected nails in this solution for 40 minutes and pat dry
  • Use a clean cotton ball to apply diluted tea tree oil on the affected tooth and wait till it dry entirely
  • Repeat this routine twice per day

Method 5: How to remove nail fungus by using tea tree oil and Pau d’Arco

Pau d’Arco has many napthaquinones, xyloidone, lapachol as well as other compounds which are able to inhibit the growth of fungus by restricting its ability to replicate or reproduce [6].


  • 8 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of Pau d’Arco tincture
  • ¼ teaspoon of tea tree oil
  • 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of lavender oil


  • Mix all of these ingredients together
  • Soak a clean cotton ball in this mixture and apply it over your affected nails for 20 minutes
  • Remove it off and pat dry
  • Repeat thrice per day


In a few cases of severity, tea tree oil could result in skin irritation, redness, itchiness, and inflammation. Thus, it is recommended to patch test prior to using this treatment.

4. Vicks

In accordance to a study Phytotherapy Research published in 2003, vicks have ingredients such as camphor, eucalyptus, and menthol which are effective in taking control of nail fungus. For the question of how to remove nail fungus using vicks, take the steps here:

  • Take a teaspoon to scoop out vicks from its container. Do not use your fingers to scoop to prevent transferring fungi to the vicks
  • Apply it over your affected area by using a cotton swab or orange stick. Try to cover the whole nail, both under the nail and down the cuticle.
  • Cover your affected nails with socks/gloves or a bandage to avoid staining your furnishing or sheets
  • Repeat this process twice per day for about 5 months to see good results

Note: Keep your nails trimmed as short as possible. This will help the vicks to soak in your nails so that it can work faster.

5. Baking Soda

Being readily available in most kitchens, baking soda is one of good solutions for how to remove nail fungus. It also neutralizes the foot odor as well. Baking soda could be used in many ways to deal with nail fungus. Here are some methods to use this ingredient:

Method 1:

  • Mix ½ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide plus with ½ cup of Epsom salt
  • Put all of them to 4 cups of hot water and mix well
  • Soak your infected nails in this solution for 10 minutes or so
  • Then rinse it off with water and dry thoroughly
  • Repeat this process twice per day for a few weeks

Method 2: Baking soda and Borax Powder / boric acid

Boric acid / borax powder with its fungicidal properties can kill off nail fungus as well as athlete’s foot. But, in some countries, borax powder is banned. Thus, you had better check if this product is available for using in your place at first.

  • Mix borax powder, baking soda and water with the proper amount together to create a good paste
  • Apply the paste over your affected nails, scrub gently
  • Rinse it off after a few minutes and pat dry
  • Repeat this routine twice per day for faster results

Method 3: Baking soda and lemon juice

These ingredients can give you an alkaline environment which can prevent fungus from transferring.

  • Mix baking soda with a small amount of lemon juice to get a thick paste
  • Apply the paste over your affected nails
  • Wait for 20 minutes before washing it off with water, pat dry
  • Redo this method twice per day

Method 4: Drink baking soda

Drinking baking soda is another good way on how to remove nail fungus at home. It can improve your immunity, discouraging the growth of fungus.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of plain water
  • Have it twice per day
  • Add maple syrup for extra benefits and taste if you want
6.  Hydrogen Peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide used for treating nail fungus is the 3% type. Do not use stronger versions because they are not safe and can result in irritations. In order to take advantage of hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus removal, you should follow the instructions here:

Method 1:

  • Wash your affected nails with tepid water
  • Then add several drops of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad
  • Put a cotton pad on the infected nail
  • Wait for 5 minutes and dry your nails using thoroughly
  • Repeat this method 3-5 times per day

After the fungus has been improved, you maintain using this method once per week for about 2-3 months to prevent its recurrence.

Method 2:

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide with water as the ratio of 1:1
  • Soak your infected nails in this mixture for about 15 minutes
  • After removing it, allow it to dry out thoroughly
  • Repeat this routine every day prior to hitting the hay for about 6 weeks to get a significant improvement.

Method 3: How to remove nail fungus by using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar

This method goes through 3 days.

  • On the 1st day, you soak your affected nail in 5% vinegar for about 5 minutes
  • Press and release the nails for several times while soaking to make sure that the vinegar will get under your nails
  • Rinse it off with water, pat dry
  • On the 2nd day, you soak against your affected nail in 2% hydrogen peroxide for about 5 minutes. Do the next steps as the first day.
  • On the 3rd day, repeat the steps in the 1st The 4th day repeats what are done in the 2nd.
  • Do this method for 3 weeks to get noticeable results

Warning: Avoid combining both hydrogen peroxide and vinegar because it will form the peracetic acid with different properties.

7. Epsom Salt

how to remove nail fungus

When it comes to tips on how to remove nail fungus, Epsom salt is very effective thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Also, containing magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt could improve circulation naturally. Your feet and fingers will be better placed to battle infection. Besides, it alleviates swelling, which usually accompanies severe fungal infection. It can exfoliate your skin as well as nails gently, thereby boosting the healing process. However, remember that on its own, Epsom salt will not get rid of nail fungus. It had better be used as part of a natural foot soak. The salt will draw out the infection and soften your skin so that other ingredients could soak into the skin area under the nails rapidly, and begin to defeat the fungi.

Learn how to use Epsom salt for nail fungus here:

Method 1:

  • Soak your affected nails in warm water
  • Put some Epsom salt into the water and leave it there for 15 – 20 minutes
  • Rinse it off with water, pat dry thoroughly
  • Repeat this process thrice per day

Method 3: Epsom salt and tea tree oil

  • Mix a handful of Epsom salt with water in a basin
  • Let the salt dissolved
  • Add several drops of tea tree oil in, followed by lavender oil (or other essential oil for aroma therapy) (optional)
  • Soak your nails in this solution for 20 minutes
  • Dry it off and wear socks or shoes
  • Repeat this routine twice per day
8. Cornmeal

Cornmeal has been used as a method to banish the black-spot fungal disease from roses, so it has antifungal properties. That is why it is one of good solutions for those looking for how to remove nail fungus. All you have to do is:

  • Pour cornmeal in a shallow pan
  • Then, mix it with hot water (hot enough to dissolve it into a good paste)
  • Allow it to cool down and soak your feet in it for 1 hour
  • Do this once or twice per week
9. Garlic Oil

Garlic is famous for its antifungal properties that could kill off nail fungus. Just simply mix 1 tablespoon of garlic oil with the same amount of vinegar. Then, spread that mixture on your affected nail each nail before going to sleep. Wear socks or gloves to prevent it from staining your bedding. Rinse your feet the next day.

Also, eating garlic on a daily basis can help you a lot when it comes to removing nail fungus.

10. Lavender Oil

Due to some volatile compounds as well as antiseptic properties in lavender oil, it acts as an effective home remedy for nail fungus. It creates a protective layer to the nails, thereby protecting your nails from moisture. Using it externally will help you get rid of the symptoms of fungal infection and also make the skin around shiny and healthy.

Method 1:

  • Use a cotton ball to apply lavender oil over the top edge of your affected nails and nearby area
  • Then, wear thick woolen socks or gloves after applying it to make it work more efficiently

Method 2:

  • Mix a drop of lavender oil and tea tree oil together
  • Apply it over your affected nails, including the surrounding area
  • Wait till it dry completely
  • Repeat this routine twice per day

Alternatively, dip a cotton ball in the lavender oil, place it on your infected nails and use a band-aid to cover it. Wait for 4-5 hours before replacing it with a new one.

Method 3: How to remove nail fungus by applying lavender oil and apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar with its antifungal properties can prevent fungal infections while balance the pH level of your skin. To use lavender oil and apple cider vinegar as one of tips on how to remove nail fungus, you can take the steps below:

  • Mix 30 ml of pure rose water with 4 tablespoons of each of lavender oil and apple cider vinegar, followed by 6 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Put them in a dark bottle and close the lid, shake thoroughly
  • Apply this solution to your affected nails and wait till it dry
  • Repeat this routine thrice per day

Warning: Remember to shake it before using.

Method 4: Lavender oil and rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is helpful in treating nail fungus but also keeping the skin around your nails healthy.

  • Mix lavender oil and rosemary oil with the ratio of 1:1
  • Take a cotton ball to apply it over your affected nails
  • Wait till it dries and repeat this routine twice or thrice per day

Note: You should use 100% therapeutic and pure lavender oil to treat nail fungus. It means you should buy good quality lavender oil which has not been diluted yet. Do not use lavender fragranced oils because they come with no effects or fungal infections.

11. Borax

Borax, also known as sodium borate, has powerful fungicidal properties. If borax is combined with baking soda, it will make an efficient treatment for the nail fungus. Take the steps here:

  • Mix sodium borax, water and baking soda together with the ratio of 1:1:1 to have a good paste
  • Soak your nails in this solution and rub the mixture on your infected nails for several minutes
  • Wait for the next minutes and wash it off with water
  • Pat dry your nails
  • Repeat this routine twice per day for at least 2 weeks to get good results
12. Honey

With antifungal effects, honey is among the best remedies for how to remove nail fungus. It heals your nail fungus by drawing out the toxins out the nails. Also, it has hydrogen peroxide that can speed up the healing process of your skin.

  • Take a cotton ball to apply some pure organic honey on your infected nails
  • Use a gauze to wrap it up
  • After a few hours, remove and rinse your skin off with water
  • Pat dry and repeat this routine twice per day till you get good results

You can consume honey mixed with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily to get extra benefits for treating nail fungus. It is best to choose Manuka honey for the most effective results.

13. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is renowned for its antifungal properties (the most appreciated property in regard to treating nail fungus); thus, it is able to kill the fungus causing infections.

  • Mix several drops of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil
  • Apply it over your infected nails
  • Wait till it dries completely
  • Repeat this routine twice per day for about 3 weeks till your problems goes away
14. Lemon Juice

Not only is lemon juice familiar with us in the kitchen, but it also helps in treating nail fungus thanks to antifungal and antiseptic properties. In lemon juice, there is a citric acid which can stop the spreading of infections.

Method 1: Lemon juice only

  • Apply fresh lemon juice over your affected nails
  • Wait for about 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water

Method 2: Lemon juice and olive oil

This will help soften your skin while controlling fungal infections.

  • Mix the same amounts of olive oil and lemon juice together
  • Use this mixture to massage your affected nails and the surrounding skin
  • Wait for several hours and wash it off entirely
  • Repeat this routine a few times per day for 1-2 months
15. Orange Oil

how to remove nail fungus

Orange oil is very versatile in regard to uses. This aromatic essential oil could help in curing a lot of health conditions because of its strong anti-spasmodic, antifungal, antis-depressive and antiseptic properties. Especially, the antifungal property of this oil makes it one of the top options for treating orange oil effectively.

  • Take a clean eye dropper to extract about 2-3 drops of fresh orange oil
  • Tip 1-2 drops to your affected nails
  • Let the nails to absorb this oil for 10 minutes or so before washing it off with a mild soap and water
16. Olive Leaf Extract

This is a terrific choice for those who are looking for tips on how to remove nail fungus. It works from inside out. Take olive leaf extract as a supplement because it has anti-bacterial antifungal and antiviral compounds. It helps to kill fungus, and also prevent you from getting a flu or cold in winter.

Olive leaf is a great body detoxifier, so if you are not familiar with consuming it, you will feel a little bit discomfort for the first several days whilst your own body is getting accustomed to it and eliminates toxins. If you feel too uncomfortable, you should reduce the dosage for several days till you get better.

17. Zetaclear

Among ways on how to remove nail fungus, it is important to count for zetaclear. It refers to a natural 2- step system which was developed to deal with nail fungus infection. Zetaclear include some prominent ingredients like tea tree oil, almond oil. Lemongrass, jojoba oil, clove oil, supplement E oil, and undecylenic acid. These ingredients are powerful upon working individually. When combined together, they score very highly because zetaclear does not have color, so it cause any obvious smell, people will not know that you have applied it. If used in accordance with the directions of manufacturers, it will not only treat the active fungus but also prevent further infections. These directions include:

  • In extreme cases of nail fungus infection, you should cover your infected nail with a bandage after using this medication
  • In 4-6 weeks of application, the positive result could be seen

However, it is rather pricey, but it really works. Besides, it takes a long time to see the results and needs to be used constantly to get positive effects.

Note: Remember to scrape and clean your nails before applying this medication.

 18. Fungisil

This solution can fight with nail fungal infection and heal the affected area effectively. It includes some inactive ingredients such as menthol, camphor, vitamin E, essential oils of jasmine, lavender, sweet almond, tea tree and bearberry extract. All of 25 ingredients of fungisil are blended together in therapeutic dosages. It is a veritable homeopathic preference for those who are looking for tips on how to remove nail fungus.

19. Nail – RX

This is another herbal treatment working effective for battling bacterial and organisms which are responsible for nail infection.

20. Fung-B-Gone

Containing vinegar, Fung-B-Gone stops the development of fungus and eradicates it. Thus, it is one of the most effective ways on how to remove nail fungus you can apply at home.

To know how to remove nail fungus naturally and effectively at home, you should try out some of the mentioned- above tips which use simple-to-find ingredients. They are not for everyone but they definitely work at least at some levels. If you have any comment about this post of “40 Effective Ways How To Remove Nail Fungus Naturally At Home”, do not hesitate to drop your words in the comment box below. We will reply as soon as possible.

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