How Do I Get A Refund?
If you need a refund for a product you purchased through ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM on your bank statement), follow these steps:
1. Go to Customer Service site.
2. Click Look Up Your Order.
3. Enter two identifiers for your order:
- Email Address – The email address you used when you bought the product. This field is required.
- Order Number – The order number. This is included in receipt and rebill emails.
- Last 4 of Payment Method – The last 4 digits of the payment method that you used for the order, such as your credit card.
- ZIP – Your zip code or postal code.
4. Complete the reCAPTCHA challenge.
5. Click Go. Your order information is displayed.
6. Find the order and click Order Details, Tech Support & Refunds. Details for that order are displayed.
7. Click Get Support.
8. In the type field, select Refund Request. NOTE – Most products have a refund period of sixty days. If the refund period has passed, the refund request option is not displayed. Contact the vendor for more information about the refund period.
9. Select a reason for the refund.
10. Click Send. Your refund request is sent. The refund is processed within one business day unless you change your request.